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TNPSC Important History Questions with Answers - 3

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1. The Indian National Congress was formed ______
a) 1885
b) 1886
c) 1888
d) 1897
Answer: a

2. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in  ______
a) 1868
b) 1878
c) 1888
d) 1898
Answer: b

3. The Vernacular Press Act was repealed by  ______
a) Lord William Bentic
b) Lord Lytton
c)  Lord Ripon
d) Gladstone
Answer: c

4. Who made remarkable contribution to the development of Local government?
a) Lord Ripon
b) Gladstone
c) W.W Hunter
d) Hastings
Answer: a

5. The land was owned by temples Known as  ______
a) Dewaswam
b) Brahmaswam
c) Cherikkal
d) Kanam
Answer: a

6. Tipu was defeated in the  ______ Anglo-Maratha war by the British.
a) First
b) Second
c) Tthird
d) Fourth
Answer: c

7. In  ______ a man named Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded an organization called 'Brahma Samaj'.
a) 1628
b) 1728
c) 1828
d) 1928
Answer: c

8. Who is regarded as as the 'father of modern India'.
a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
b) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
c) Sri Aurobindo
d) Bhagat Singh
Answer: a

9. Dadabhai Naoroji’s book ‘poverty and un British rule in India’ published in _______ analysed the nature of the British rule in India.
a) 1898
b) 1902
c) 1908
d) 1901
Answer: d

10. The violent Mappilas stormed the bunglow of the District Magistrate  ______ and murdered him
in 1855.
a) H.V. Connolly
b) William Logan
c) Lord Ripond
d) Gladstone
Answer: a

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