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TNPSC Important History Questions with Answers - 6

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1. When the East India Company came into existence, England was ruled by the  ______
a) Hanoverians
b) Stuarts
c) Normans
d) Tudors
Answer: b

2. The greatest contribution of the British rule to the growth of India nationalism was the  ______
a) introduction of western education in India
b) Racial arrogance of the British
c) Denial of Higher Jobs to deserving Indians
d) Queen's proclamation of 1858
Answer: a

3. In 1877 the entrance age to ICS was reduced from 21 to  ______
a) 17
b) 18
c) 19
d ) 20
Answer: c

4. The Permanent Settlement was enforced on  ______
a) 1693
d) 1933
Answer: b

5. Fakir-Sannyasi Resistance against the East India Company dominance in   ______
a) Gujarat
b) Kerala
c) Karnataka
d) Bengal
Answer: d

6.  ______a judge of the Supreme Court founded the Asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 A.D.
a) Sir William Jones
b) Warren Hastings
c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
d) Lord Macaulay
Answer: a

7. Charles Wood's Despatch  ______
a) 1554 A.D
b) 1684
c) 1784
d) 1854
Answer: d

8. The Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act  ______
a) 1856
b) 1858
c) 1865
d) 1946
Answer: a

9. The ‘Sepoy Mutiny’ was in the year  ______
a) 1657
b) 1757
c) 1765
d) 1857
Answer: d

10. Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by  ______
a) Lord Wellesley
b) Sir John Shore
c) Robert Clive
d) Lord Dalhousie
Answer: a

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