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{ Online Quiz } 10th Standard Social Science for TNPSC Exam

In this Quiz covered for important questions from 10th Standard Social Sciecne book. TNPSC aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. Which treaty was established in EURATOM  ?
    1.  Treaty of New York
    2.  Treaty of London
    3.  Treaty of Rome
    4.  None of these

  2. Euro zones monetary policy is governed by which bank?
    1.  Reserve Bank
    2.  State Bank
    3.  Monitary Bank
    4.  European Central Bank

  3. When was formed the Eurpean Steel and Coal Community?
    1.  1951
    2.  1952
    3.  1953
    4.  1991

  4. When was circulated European Currency Euro?
    1.  2001
    2.  2000
    3.  1999
    4.  2002

  5. When was passed in General Services Enlistmetn Act?
    1.  1865
    2.  1866
    3.  1875
    4.  1856

  6. Who was the Governor General of India in the period of the Great Revolt 1857?
    1.  Lord Ripom
    2.  Lord Canning
    3.  Robert Clive
    4.  None of these

  7. Which revolt was called in First war of Indian Independence?
    1.  The Great Revolt 1857
    2.  The Great Revolt 1806
    3.  Battle of Plassey 1757
    4.  Battle of Baksar 1764

  8. Who was the last Mughal Emperor?
    1.  Shah Jahan
    2.  Aurangajip
    3.  Jahangir
    4.  Bahadur Shah II

  9. Mangal Pandey belonged to which Regiment?
    1.  Sikh
    2.  Punjab
    3.  Bengal
    4.  Madras

  10. The General Services Enlistment Act was passed by whom?
    1.  Lord Bentict
    2.  Rober Clive
    3.  Lord Litton
    4.  Lord Canning

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