TNPSC (Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission) Conducting in many exam like Group IV, Group II Interview and Non Interview Post, Group VIII, Group I etc . Now TNPSC Announced for Assistant Jailor Post. In these exam will be conducted on 24.07.2016. Only short period are there to write the Exam. So Assistant Jailor Exam Aspirants eagerly awaiting for Exam. Before that i given Some Ideas how to Study and Prepare the Examination. Definitely you get Success if you follow this Ideas. All the Best.
Paper I Subject Covered (Questions based on Degree Standard) - 300 Marks
1. Constitution and Human Rights
2. Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu
3. Socio – Economic issues in India / Tamil Nadu
4. Current issues at National Level
5. Current issues at State Level
First we know the syllabus of these Exams:
Main Exam (Paper I and Paper II (Both are Objective Type) and Interview
1. Constitution and Human Rights
2. Administration of Union and States with special reference to Tamil Nadu
3. Socio – Economic issues in India / Tamil Nadu
4. Current issues at National Level
5. Current issues at State Level
Paper I Subject Covered (Questions based on Degree Standard) - 300 Marks
1. General Studies – 75 Questions
2. Aptitude and Mental Ability Test – 25 Questions
3. General Tamil / General English (Option for Candidates)– 100 Questions
Interview - 80 Marks
Target 1 : First you believe yourself full confidence i will get Assistant Jailor Post. Always your thinking and taught about only in Assistant Jailor Exams.
Target 2 : No Planning No Gaining . You must be Prepare perfect Time-Table as per your choice. My Suggestion is, during early morning you should study Science Subjects then Mathematics, next go to your interest area.
Target 3 : Physical Exercise is very useful for your mind refresh. Be free from stress. You should do 30 minutes Exercise. Pranayama is most powerful remedy for your stressed mind and to improve your memory power.
Target 4 : Paper First its very important for preparing exams. Its specially covered for related to Assistant Jailor Exams. So you should covered all areas of Constitution, Social Economic conditions of India and Tamilnadu, Administrations of State and Central specially for Tamil Nadu and Current affairs.
Target 2 : No Planning No Gaining . You must be Prepare perfect Time-Table as per your choice. My Suggestion is, during early morning you should study Science Subjects then Mathematics, next go to your interest area.
Target 3 : Physical Exercise is very useful for your mind refresh. Be free from stress. You should do 30 minutes Exercise. Pranayama is most powerful remedy for your stressed mind and to improve your memory power.
Target 4 : Paper First its very important for preparing exams. Its specially covered for related to Assistant Jailor Exams. So you should covered all areas of Constitution, Social Economic conditions of India and Tamilnadu, Administrations of State and Central specially for Tamil Nadu and Current affairs.
Target 5: Paper Second its covered all subjects like Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Botany, Zoology), History, Civics, Indian National Movement, Politics, Mathematics (Aptitude and Mental Ability) and Current Affairs + General Tamil or General English
Target 6: You should study Tamil Nadu School Text Books (From 6th Standard to 10th Standard (Science and Social Science, Tamil) and 11th & 12th Standard Science Text Books). This covers General Studies in well framework.
Target 6: You should study Tamil Nadu School Text Books (From 6th Standard to 10th Standard (Science and Social Science, Tamil) and 11th & 12th Standard Science Text Books). This covers General Studies in well framework.
Target 7: Next you should take self test. To test where you are lacking and how to rectify it. Then regularly you should study Daily Newspaper (Thinamani, The Hindu Tamil & English). Today's more than 10 to 15 question asked from Current Affairs. Regular Newspaper study will help to build your current affairs.
Online e-Paper Link:
- Dinamani (Free Access) - Click Here
- The Hindu (Only in Paid Access) - Click Here
- The New Indian Express (Free Access) - Click Here
- Times of India (Free Access) - Click Here
- Yojana e-Magazine - Click Here
- Dinamani TNPSC General Tamil / General Knowledge- Click Here
Target 8: Never buy many guide books at a time. Refer the one which is easy for you to understand the concept.
Step 9: You must discuss with your friends. You should share your knowledge and get more information with your friends and clarify your doubts.
Final Target: Then go through recent TNPSC Previous Question Papers. Its very helpful to get extra information that you need to crack the exams. Click Here Previous Years Question Papers