
UGC NET Original Questions Paper III in Indian Culture { 2012 December }

1. Which is the largest centre of Rock paintings in India?

(A) Ajanta

(B) Ellora

(C) Bhimbetaka

(D) Bagh

Answer: (C)

2. The Jatakas are the part of which Nikaya?

(A) Digha Nikaya

(B) Anguttara Nikaya

(C) Khuddaka Nikaya

(D) Sayutta Nikaya

Answer: (C)

3. Which Inscription from Madhya Pradesh refers to the personal name of Ashoka?

(A) Sanchi Inscription

(B) Gurjara Inscription

(C) Rupnath Inscription

(D) Bharhut Inscription

Answer: (B)

4. Who noticed the ruins of Harappa for the first time?

(A) M. Wheeler

(B) Sir. John Marshall

(C) Charles Mason

(D) Daya Ram Sahni

Answer: (C)

5. The most common disease from which the Harappans are stated to have suffered was:

(A) Arthritis

(B) Jaundice

(C) Malaria

(D) Diabetics

Answer: (A)

6. Consider the following about the Harappans:

(1) They worshipped the mother goddess.

(2) They did not worship the trees.

(3) They used the copper tools.

(4) They used the iron tools.

Of the above statements, which are correct?

(A) (1) and (3)

(B) (2) and (4)

(C) (3) and (4)

(D) (4) and (1)

Answer: (A)

7. Consider the following about untouchability:

(1) It was prevalent in the Harappan culture.

(2) It has no reference in the Rigveda.

(3) It was not used for many castes in the post-Gupta period.

(4) The Chinese pilgrims mention it.

Of the above statements, which are not correct?

(A) (1) & (3)

(B) (2) & (4)

(C) (3) & (4)

(D) (4) & (1)

Answer: (A)

8. Which Upanishad gives the description of the transmigration of soul for the first time?

(A) Isha Upanishad

(B) Chhandogya Upanishad

(C) Brihadaranayaka Upanishad

(D) Kathopanishad

Answer: (C)

9. Gita contains the philosophies of:

(A) Samkhya

(B) Yoga

(C) Karma

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

10. The Anekatmavada is associated with:

(A) Buddhism

(B) Jainism

(C) Ajivikism

(D) Brahmanism

Answer: (B)

11. What does not form a part of the Noble Eight-fold path of Buddhism?

(A) Right Livelihood

(B) Right Effort

(C) Right Speech

(D) Right Direction

Answer: (D)

12. In which Inscription the famine relief is mentioned?

(A) Kalsi Inscription

(B) Vidisha Inscription

(C) Sohgaura Inscription

(D) Hathigumpha Inscription

Answer: (C)

13. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Mauryan Art is a Court Art.

Reason (R): The art activities were sponsored by the state.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

14. The office of ‘Sthanika’ under the Mauryas was:

(A) A village officer

(B) An officer of a quarter of Janapada

(C) An officer incharge of 5 villages

(D) A revenue officer

Answer: (B)

15. Which of the following is not a part of the Saptanga Theory of State?

(A) Swamin

(B) Amatya

(C) Kosha

(D) Srenibala

Answer: (D)

16. Which Indo-Greek king is mentioned in the Besnagar Pillar Inscription?

(A) Menander

(B) Heliodorus

(C) Demetrius

(D) Antiyalkides

Answer: (D)

17. How many scripts are used in the Edicts of Ashoka?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Answer: (D)

18. Which of the following Rock Edict of Ashoka mentions the medical treatment for Animals?

(A) II

(B) V


(D) X

Answer: (A)

19. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Sunga Art negates the Mauryan concept of Court Art.

Reason (R): The art activities were supported by all sections of society.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but,(R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The Kushanas started the gold coins in large number.

Reason (R): They had great fascination for gold.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (C)

21. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Prabhavati Gupta was married to Rudrasena II, the Vakataka ruler.

Reason (R): The Guptas wanted to enhance their social status by forming matrimonial relations with a brahmana ruling dynasty.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (C)

22. Consider the following statements:

(1) There existed no independent Hindu temples before the Guptas.

(2) The Ellora caves are related to Hindu gods and goddesses only.

(3)Rajaraja Chola built the great siva temple at Tanjore.

Of the above statements, which are correct?

(A) (1) & (2)

(B) (1) & (3)

(C) (1), (2), (3)

(D) Only (3)

Answer: (B)

23. Arrange the following monuments in chronological order:

(1) The Sun temple, Konark

(2) The Pallava Rathas, Mamallapuram

(3) Lion capital, Sarnath

(4) Amaravatistupa

Select your answer from the code given below:

(A) (1), (2), (3), (4)

(B) (2), (3), (1), (4)

(C) (3), (4), (2), (1)

(D) (4), (1), (2), (3)

Answer: (C)

24. Arrange the following works in chronological order:

(1) Nagananda

(2) Arthashastra

(3) Dayabhaga

(4) Charak Samhita

Select your answer from the code given below:

(A) (1), (2), (3), (4)

(B) (2), (4), (1), (3)

(C) (3), (4), (2), (1)

(D) (4), (2), (1), (3)

Answer: (B)

25. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List – I                                                            List – II

(Monuments)                                       (King)

a. Mehrauli Iron Pillar Inscription       i. Ashoka

b. Eran stone Pillar Inscription            ii. Helodorus

c. Rampurva Bull Capital                    iii.Buddhagupta

d. Besnagar Pillar Inscription              iv. Chandragupta– II


      a b c d

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) ii iii iv i

(C) iii ii i iv

(D) iv iii i ii

Answer: (D)

26. Mention the name of a Gupta and Vakataka queen who made the land grant:

(A) Kumaradevi

(B) Kuberanaga

(C) Duttadevi

(D) Prabhavati Gupta

Answer: (D)

27. Which of the following Ajanta cave gives the scene of the ‘Dying Princess”?

(A) Cave No. 9

(B) Cave No. 10

(C) Cave No. 1

(D) Cave No. 16

Answer: (D)

28. In which temple Architecture, the Images of Ganga and Yamuna appear for the first time?

(A) Pallava

(B) Gupta

(C) Chandella

(D) Paramara

Answer: (B)

29. The chatushpadashiva image is found at

(A) Udaipur

(B) NachnaKuthara

(C) Ellora

(D) Khajuraho

Answer: (D)

30. What was ‘Kurram’ under the cholas?

(A) A district

(B) A group of few villages

(C) A province

(D) A town

Answer: (B)

31. The chola king who encouraged the Shailendra ruler of Sri Vijaya to build a Buddhist Vihara at Nagapattinam:

(A) Rajendra I

(B) Rajaraja I

(C) Rajendra II

(D) Rajadhiraja

Answer: (B)

32. Which place is associated with the Lakulisha incarnation of Shiva?

(A) Kaya-varohana

(B) Prayaga

(C) Ujjayini

(D) Somnath

Answer: (A)

33. The scene of the ‘Descent of the Ganges’ is depicted at:

(A) Kanchipuram

(B) Aihole

(C) Madurai

(D) Mamallapuram

Answer: (D)

34. Consider the following about the Kitab-ul-Hind of Al-beruni:

(1) It focuses mainly on the political history of India.

(2) It describes the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni.

(3) It sums up the essence of Indian culture.

(4) It gives Indian Social and Cultural history.

Of the above statements, which are correct?

(A) (1) & (2)

(B) (2) & (3)

(C) (3) & (4)

(D) (4) & (1)

Answer: (C)

35. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:

List – I (Image)                                                           List – II (Place)

a. Buddha Image in turning the wheel of law            i. Ellora

b. Sheshashai Vishnu                                                  ii. Sarnath

c. Ravana- Anugrahashiva Image                               iii.Gangaikonda- Cholapuram

d. Chandesha – anugraha image                                 iv. Deogarh


      a b c d

(A) i iii ii iv

(B) ii iv i iii

(C) iii ii iv i

(D) iv ii iii i

Answer: (B)

36. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List – I (Author)                     List – II (Work)

a. Krishnamishra                     i. Nitisara

b. Bhoja                                   ii. Geetagovinda

c. Kamandaka                         iii.Probodha Chandrodaya

d. Jayadeva                             iv. Samrangana Sutradhara


      a b c d

(A) i ii iv iii

(B) ii iii i iv

(C) iii iv i ii

(D) iv ii i iii

Answer: (C)

37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists:

List – I (Author)         List – II (Work)

a. Vrahamihira             i. Shishupala Vadha

b. Mitakshara              ii. Vijneshvara

c. Rajashekhara           iii. Brihat Samhita

d. Magha                     iv. Kavya Mimansa


      a b c d

(A) i ii iv iii

(B) ii iii i iv

(C) iii ii iv i

(D) iv iii i ii

Answer: (C)

38. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Al-beruni gives a detailed description of the Antyajas.

Reason (R): It was a homogeneous social group.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (C)

39. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): In early medieval India, most of historical literature was composed in the small kingdoms.

Reason (R): The rulers of these kingdoms encouraged the writers to establish their higher lineages.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

40. In which temple did Ramanuja teach?

(A) Madurai

(B) Srirangam

(C) Mamallapuram

(D) Somanathapura

Answer: (B)

41. Which sultan of Delhi brought the Ashokan pillar to Delhi?

(A) Qutubuddin Aibak

(B) Jalaluddin Khilji

(C) Firozshah Tughlaq

(D) Mohammad bin Tughlaq

Answer: (C)

42. The Portuguese governor in the east who laid the real foundation of Portuguese power in India was:

(A) Almedia

(B) Albuquerque

(C) Francis Drake

(D) Vasco de Gama

Answer: (B)

43. Khutba is:

(A) The right to coin money.

(B) The recital of sermon after the congregational Friday prayer.

(C) A role of honour

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

44. The decline in the position of women in Vijayanagar empire is attributed generally to:

(A) Purdah

(B) Sati

(C) Polygamy

(D) Both (B) and (C)

Answer: (D)

45. Sama shows the liberal outlook and it was mainly practiced by:

(A) Sufis of Suhrawardisilsilah

(B) Sufis of Chishtisilsilah

(C) Sufis of Naqshbandisilsilah

(D) Sufis of Firdausiasilsilah

Answer: (B)

46. Fawaid-ul Fuad Malfuz compiled by Mir Khurd is a record of ‘Doings and Sayings’ of:

(A) Khawaja Moiuddin Chishti

(B) Shaikh Farid Ganj Shakkar

(C) Shaikh Salim Chishti

(D) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya

Answer: (D)

47. Who among the following called the aim as (holders of charity lands) as the ‘army of prayers’?

(A) Babur

(B) Jahangir

(C) AbulFazl

(D) Aurangzeb

Answer: (B)

48. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below the lists:

List – I                        List – II

a. Timur                       i. Jainat Ashiyani

b. Babur                      ii. Arsh Ashiyani

c. Humayun                 iii. Sahib Qirani

d. Akbar                      iv. Firdus Makani


       a b c d

(A) iii iv i ii

(B) iv i iii ii

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) i ii iv iii

Answer: (A)

49. The book Dabistan-i-Mazahib written during Shah Jahan’s reign also deals with:

(A) Judaism

(B) Christianity

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

50. Dara Shukoh was called Mulhid by:

(A) Shah Shuja

(B) Murad

(C) Aurangzeb

(D) Muhammad Kazim

Answer: (C)

51. Indicate the name of the scholar who considered cultural failure, the main cause of the decline of the Mughal Empire and it was applicable to other empires like Uzbeg, Ottoman and Safavid also:

(A) M. Athar Ali

(B) Irfan Habib

(C) Satish Chandra

(D) A. Jan Qaisar

Answer: (A)

52. The birth of Urdu language in India is attributed to interaction among:

(A) Turkish and persian

(B) Persian and Arabic

(C) Arabic, Persian and the indigenous Indian languages

(D) Persian and medieval south Indian dialects

Answer: (C)

53. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Several important religious sects were founded in medieval India by married men.

Reason (R): The Sikh Gurus did not renounce their wives after becoming full-time religious leaders.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

54. Which one of the following statements is inapplicable to signify the commercial importance of Multan during the medieval period?

(A) Multan’s commercial significance was enhanced owing to the large establishment of suhrawardi silsilah.

(B) The great trade route between Delhi and Islamic world passed through Multan.

(C) Multan conducted a brisk export of slaves to the Islamic countries.

(D) The rise of Lahor in the second half of the 17th century contributed to Multan’s commercial importance.

Answer: (D)

Read the following passage carefully and on the basis of the text, answer your questions beginning from 55 to 58:

Culture is a word that has rather different meaning in philosophy, aesthetics, literary criticism, anthropology, sociology and elsewhere. Indeed, Raymond Williams considers it to be one of the most complicated words in the English language because of its diverse usages in distinct systems of thought (1983:87), to Kroeber and Kluckhohn, the culture of a people comprises their patterns of behaviour, and their particular achievements inclusive of their artefacts, their ideas, and their values;/to others the culture of a population is the peculiar or unique way of life of that population in terms of its mores, its customs, and its explicit and implied design for living (1963:181).

While the culture of some small-scale, tribal or isolated populations may be relatively homogenous, the culture (or rather cultures) of complex societies are never invariable, and they always change over time. Hence it is important to monitor the rates of diffusion, acculturation, evolution and development that are relatively transformative and enduring. Tourism managers/researchers working with a given population may recognise that what is significant (that is, viewable or protectable) about lands or heritage may change occasionally.

While preservation invokes the effort to save, restore and continue customs (particularly of built representations of culture), conservation is the effort which ensures the stability of present inheritances by maintaining them against interference of some kind in the future. Thus under conservation, unlike preservation, the inherited elements or the symbolic features of a given culture may be altered in use or sanction while they are marked, cared for and sustained for the generations to come. Where cultural conservation involves the identification/protection of a cultural area, it is important to identify associative and cultural landscapes, where the former have powerful religious, artistic or cultural associations with or without material cultural evidence. It is always critical to resolve what is being protected, for whom and for what purpose. Sometimes there may be nothing that is readily viewable by tourists; sometimes conservation purposes may clash with that site’s other use values; sometimes a local population may want the whole of an identified territory rendered ‘sacred’ (or ‘conserved’), not just a single site.

55. Among the following who said that the culture is the most complicated word to define?

(A) Kroeber

(B) Raymond Williams

(C) Kluckhohn

(D) K. Oberg

Answer: (B)

56. Culture means

(A) Study of anthropology

(B) Knowledge of sociology

(C) Study of philosophy

(D) Study of behaviour and achievements of people

Answer: (D)

57. Cultural ideas and values differ from one social group to other but it is homogenous for

(A) Some people of a community

(B) Isolated population or some tribal

(C) People of desert

(D) People of hill

Answer: (B)

58. Cultural conservation requires:

(A) Consciousness of the people

(B) Knowledge to conserve

(C) Identification and protection of cultural areas

(D) Power to conserve

Answer: (C)

59. Who was the founder of the first Hindu School for girls in Calcutta in the year 1849?

(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(B) Devendranath Tagore

(C) IshwarchandraVidyasagar

(D) Bankimchandra Chaterjee

Answer: (C)

60. In which year the Government passed the bill legalizing remarriage of Hindu Widows?

(A) 1829 A.D

(B) 1856 A.D

(C) 1872 A.D

(D) 1878 A.D

Answer: (B)

61. Which one of the following beliefs is not part of the Arya Samaj?

(A) There is one god only.

(B) God should be worshipped spiritually, not by images.

(C) The four Vedas are God’s knowledge.

(D) All religions are true and good.

Answer: (D)

62. “Jiva is Shiva” who popularized this principle?

(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

(B) Dayananda Saraswati

(C) Ramakrishna Paramahansa

(D) Sri. Narayan Guru

Answer: (C)

63. Who presided over the first session of the National Social Conference held in Madras in the year 1888 A.D?

(A) M.G. Ranade

(B) T. Madhav Rao

(C) Rai Bahadur Ragunath Rao

(D) K. Natarajan

Answer: (B)

64. Which one of the following samithis was not associated with the swadeshi movement in Bengal?

(A) Swadeshi Bandav

(B) Ghadar

(C) Brati

(D) Anushilan

Answer: (B)

65. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Mahatma Gandhi launched Non-cooperation Movement in India against British Government.

Reason (R): He believed firmly the policy of prohibition.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R)is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (B)

66. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List – I                                                List – II

a. Sevasadan                                       i. Gopala Krishna Gokhale

b. Gourakshini Sabha                          ii. Pandita Ramabai

c. Servents of Indian Society              iii. B. Malabari

d. Sarada Sadan                                  iv. Dayananda Saraswati


      a b c d

(A) ii i iii iv

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) iv i ii iii

(D) i iii iv ii

Answer: (B)

67. Congress accepted ‘separate electorates’ for the Muslims by:

(A) Poona Pact

(B) Simla Pact

(C) Lucknow Pact

(D) Lahore Pact

Answer: (C)

68. Which text was burnt by B.R. Ambedkar in public in the year 1927?

(A) Kamasutra

(B) Monusmrithi

(C) Arthasastra

(D) Bhagvatgeeta

Answer: (B)

69. In which special session of the Indian National Congress the Non-cooperation resolution was accepted?

(A) Amritsar

(B) Calcutta

(C) Haripura

(D) Allahabad

Answer: (B)

70. Who was the first president of All India Kissan Sabha in the year 1936?

(A) Ramchandra Baba

(B) Sahajananda Saraswati

(C) N.G. Ranga

(D) E.M.S. Nambudripad

Answer: (B)

71. Who was the chairman of Royal Commission on the public services in the year 1912?

(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(B) Valentine Chirol

(C) Sir Abdur Rahim

(D) Lord Islington

Answer: (D)

72. Under whose viceroyalty the ‘Ancient Monument Prevention Act’ was passed?

(A) Rippon

(B) Duffrin

(C) John Lawrance

(D) Curzon

Answer: (D)

73. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List – I                                                List – II

a. M.C. Rajah                                      i. Justice Party

b. E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker              ii. Adi Hindu Bhavan

c. Sri Narayan Guru                            iii. S.N.D.P. Yogam

d. Bagyareddy Verma                                    iv. Self-Respect Movement


       a b c d

(A) i iv iii ii

(B) ii iii i iv

(C) iv i ii iii

(D) iii ii iv i

Answer: (A)

74. Which year Lalit Kala Academy was setup?

(A) 1953

(B) 1954

(C) 1956

(D) 1959

Answer: (B)

75. Who was the chairman of ‘Education Commission’ in 1964?

(A) Acharya Narendra Dev

(B) M. Bhaktavatsalam

(C) D.S. Kothari

(D) Rajani Kothari

Answer: (C)

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General Knowledge 902 General Studies 719 Central Govt. Job 309 General Tamil 177 Mock Test 133 PAPER - I 120 Civics 101 Indian Constitutions 91 Library Science Quiz 80 Anna University Jobs 72 Library and Information Science Paper II 71 Librarian Jobs 70 Computer Science Quiz 64 History Quiz 59 General English 56 NEET 2017 Model Questions 53 Geography 45 Library and Information Science 35 Computer Science 34 Computer Science PAPER - III 32 History Paper II 32 6th Tamil 30 Computer Science PAPER - II 22 6th Standard Science 20 Library and Information Science Paper III 19 PAPER - II 18 10th Science 17 General Science Mock Test 17 Life Science Quiz 17 9th Science 14 Nobel Awards 14 CBSC NET 13 History Mock Test 13 PAPER - III 13 Medical Physicist 12 Economics Paper II 10 8th Science 9 7th Tamil 8 Commerce Paper-2 8 Economics Paper III 8 History Paper III 8 NCERT Text Book 8 General Tamil Quiz 7 Home Science Paper II 7 Labour Welfare Paper III 7 8th Tamil 6 Anthropology Paper II 6 Anthropology Paper III 6 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper II 6 Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper III 6 Archaeology Paper II 6 Archaeology Paper III 6 Comparative Literature Paper II 6 Comparative Literature Paper III 6 Comparative Study of Religions Paper II 6 Comparative Study of Religions Paper III 6 Criminology Paper II 6 Criminology Paper III 6 Education Paper - II 6 Education Paper - III 6 English Paper - II 6 English Paper - III 6 Environmental Sciences Paper - II 6 Environmental Sciences Paper - III 6 Forensic Science Paper II 6 Forensic Science Paper III 6 Geography Paper II 6 Geography Paper III 6 Home Science Paper III 6 Human Rights and Duties Paper II 6 Human Rights and Duties Paper III 6 Indian Culture Paper - II 6 Indian Culture Paper - III 6 International and Area Studies Paper II 6 International and Area Studies Paper III 6 Labour Welfare Paper II 6 Law Paper - II 6 Law Paper - III 6 Management Paper - II 6 Management Paper - III 6 Mass Communication Paper II 6 Mass Communication Paper III 6 Museology and Conservation Paper II 6 Museology and Conservation Paper III 6 Music Paper II 6 Music Paper III 6 Performing Arts Paper II 6 Performing Arts Paper III 6 Philosophy Paper II 6 Philosophy Paper III 6 Physical Education Paper - II 6 Physical Education Paper - III 6 10th Tamil 5 Commerce Paper-3 5 Folk Literature Paper II 5 Folk Literature Paper III 5 Geography Mock Test 5 Linguistics Paper II 5 Linguistics Paper III 5 7th Science 4 9th Tamil 4 Chemistry 4 Geography Quiz 4 11th Tamil 3 6th Standard History 3 7th Tamil Mock Test 3 9th standard Tamil Quiz 3 CSIR-NET - Chemistry 3 Computer Science Video 2 Mathematics Paper II 2 CSIR-NET - Physics 1 Civil Engineer Mock Test 1 Computer Science Paper II 1 General Knowledge Mock Test 1 Geology 1 Interview Questions 1 January Current Affairs - 2016 1 LIS Questions 1 Library Science Paper II 1 Life Science 1 Life Science Paper II 1 Mathematics Quiz 1
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