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Mathematics - Original Questions and Answer of all competitive Exam

1. The time duration of 1 hour 45 Minutes is what percentage of a day?
a. 7.218 %
b. 7.291 %
c. 8.3 %
d. 8.24 %

Answer: (b)

2. A man's wages were decreased by 50% and the reduced wages were increased by 50%. He has
a. no profit and no loss
b. a loss of 0.25 %
c. a loss of 2.5 %
d. a loss of 25 %

Answer: (d)

3. If numerator of a fraction is increased by 300% and  its denominator is increased by 150%, the resultant fraction is 3/5. What is the original fraction?
a. 3/4
b. 1/8
c. 3/7
d. 2/7

Answer: (b)

4. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 3:2.  If 20% of the boys and 30% of the girls are scholarship holders, then the percentage of students who do not get scholarship, is:
a. 50 %
b. 72 %
c. 75 %
d. 76 %

Answer: (d)

5. ?% of 400+60
a. 6
b. 12
c. 15
d. 20

Answer: (c)

6. How is 1/2 % expressed as percentage?
a. 0.75 %
b. 7.5 %
c. 60 %
d. 75 %

Answer: (d)

7. 170% of 1140+ ?
a. 1938
b. 1824
c. 1881
d. 1968

Answer: (a)

8. ?% of 225 + 22% of 555 = 203.1
a. 23
b. 44
c. 36
d. 58

Answer: (c)

9. 36% of 450-?% of 340=66.8
a. 38
b. 40
c. 42.5
d. 43

Answer: (a)

10. The different between 40% of a number and 28% of the same number is 198. What is 64% of that number?
a. 1122
b. 1065
c. 1056
d. 1023

Answer: (c)

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