1. Infrared signals can be used for short range communication in a closed area using which propagation?
- ground
- sky
- line of sight
- space
Answer: (3) line of sight
2. A bridge has access to which address in the same network?
- Physical
- Network
- Datalink
- Application
Answer:(1) Physical
3.COCOMO stands for?
- COmposite COst MOdel
- COnstructive COst MOdel
- COnstructive COmposite MOdel
- COmprehensive COnstruction MOdel
Answer:(2)COnstructive COst MOdel
4.Which of the following is not a DBMS?
- Hierarchical
- Network
- Rational
- Sequential
5. A Network Schema
- restrict to one to many relationship
- permits many to many relationship
- stores data in a Database
- stores data in a Relation
Answer:(2) permits many to many relationship
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