Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926
- Purpose: Regulates the formation and functioning of trade unions in India.
- Key Provisions:
- Provides legal recognition to trade unions.
- Grants certain immunities and privileges to registered trade unions.
- Establishes procedures for registration, dissolution, and amalgamation of trade unions.
- Defines rights and duties of trade unions and their members.
Children Act of Government of India 1960
- Purpose: Ensures the care, protection, welfare, and rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent children.
- Key Provisions:
- Establishes special courts for the trial of juvenile offenders.
- Provides for the establishment of juvenile justice boards.
- Outlines procedures for the care and protection of children in need of care and protection.
- Defines offenses against children and prescribes penalties.
Tamil Nadu old age pension scheme, 1962
- Purpose: Provides financial assistance to destitute elderly individuals.
- Eligibility Criteria:
- Age: 65 years or above
- No significant source of income
- Not a habitual beggar
- No major son or grandson above 18 years capable of support
- Incapable of earning a livelihood
- Minimal property ownership (usually a modest house or hut)