Panchanan Nagar, Vivekananda Street, Cooch Behar – 736101,
West Bengal, India
Advt. No. F106.V1/REG/REC/2050-22 Date: 23.12.2022
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Associate Professor (Library & Information Science) - 01 Post (SC)
Pay Level and Pay Range: Rs. 1, 31,400/- (Level – 13 A)
1. Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
i. Good academic record with a Ph.D. degree in the concerned/allied/relevant
ii. A Master’s degree with a least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point
scale wherever grading system is followed).
iii. A minimum of 8 (eight) years of experience of teaching and/ or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a
University, College or Accredited Research Institution/Industry with a
minimum of 7 (seven) publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC listed journals
and a total research score of 75 (seventy-five) as per criteria given in Appendix
II, Table 2.
How to Apply: The Hard Copy of duly filled-up form with all supporting documents and the Academic / Research
Score Sheet is to be submitted to “The Registrar, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University,
Panchanan Nagar, Vivekananda Street, Cooch Behar – 736101, West Bengal” by 22.01.2023
(through register/speed post only).
Official Website:
Notification PDF Link: Click Here
Last Date to Apply : 22.01.2023