Central University of Punjab
Recruitment Notice for Non-Teaching Posts
(Advt. No. CUPB/22-23/002 Dated 13.04.2022
Last Date to Apply: 29.05.2022
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post:
1. Librarian - Salary - 1-UR
2. Deputy Librarian - 1-UR
3. Assistant Librarian - 1-UR
Number of Vacancies: 03 Posts
Scale of Pay:
1. Librarian - Academic Pay Level-14 Rs. 1,44,200/- 1-UR
2. Deputy Librarian - Academic Pay Level-13A Rs. 1,31,400/- 1-UR
3. Assistant Librarian - Academic Pay Level-10 Rs. 57700/- 1-UR
Qualification: As per UGC Norms
How to Apply: Interested candidates should apply through ONLINE ONLY. (https://cuprec.samarth.edu.in/)
Notification PDF Link: