Sardar Patel Road
Chennai - 600 025
Chennai - 600 025
Tamil Nadu.
Last Date to Apply: 31.12.2021
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the temporary posts of skilled
manpower to be engaged in various projects under RUSA at Anna University.
Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Skilled
manpower- 21 Posts
- Skilled manpower with ME Qualification: Rs. 300/ hour
- Skilled manpower with BE Qualification: Rs. 250 /hour
- Skilled manpower with ITI or Diploma Qualification: Rs. 200/hour
(Maximum No. of hours is restricted to 50 hours per month per person)
Total Vacancies: 21 Posts
Educational Qualification: M.E / B.E. / ITI or
Mode of Recruitment: Temporary
How to Apply: Interested candidates possessing qualification & experience as mentioned in
Annexure-I may send their filled-in application form (as per Annexure - II) to Head of the
Department, EEE, Anna University, Chennai -25, Email : along
with self-attested photocopies of educational qualifications, date of birth certificate,
experience certificates, Mark sheets and evidence of any other academic credentials on or
before 31-12-2021. Kindly mention in the subject as “Application for the post of skilled
manpower- RUSA2.0 / AU” “Post code PO1/PO2/PO3/PO7”
General Instruction
1. Candidate will be considered for suitable post and salary will be fixed as per norms of
Anna University.
2. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
3. The position is purely temporary for 6 months and may be extended based on the performance.
4. Separate Application should be sent for each post if required to apply for more than one post.
5. Any claim with regard to qualification & experience should have necessary certificates.
For Download Notification and Application Form PDF Link: Click Here
University Official Website: