Tamil Nadu - 641046, INDIA
Applications are invited for the post (1 No.) of Project Fellow to work in the UGC-DAE CRS
project sanctioned to Dr. R. Kalai Selvan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore – 641 046.
Last Date: 21.8.2020.
Vacancy Details
Total No. of Vacancies: - 01 Post
Age limit: Maximum of 28 years (Upper age limit is relaxable up to five years for SC/ST/OBC/ Women and
Physically challenged candidates. )
Salary: Rs. 31,000 + HRA (as per DST norms) Per Month
Educational Qualification: Project Fellow (For Non NET and GATE candidates): M.Sc. in Physics with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. Project Fellow (For NET/ GATE qualified candidates): M.Sc. in Physics with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. NET-JRF/Lectureship (UGC-CSIR Joint test) or (JEST Qualified) or valid GATE
Mode of Selection: Candidates selection will be based on interview.
Mode of recruitment : Temporary
How to Apply: The interested candidates are requested to send their application with a brief biodata with a
recent photograph and contact details along with the attested copies of the relevant degree
certificates/ mark statements, experience certificate and research publications if any. The application
should reach to Dr. R.Kalai Selvan, Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator (UGC-DAE CRS
Project), Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046, Tamil Nadu, or by
email to on or before 21.08.2020.
For further details an eligible and interested applicants for the above said post may go through the following website link:
- Download Official Notification : Click Here