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Bharathiyar University Project Fellow Recruitment - 2020


Bharathiyar University
Tamil Nadu - 641046, INDIA
Applications are invited for the post (1 No.) of Project Fellow to work in the UGC-DAE CRS project sanctioned to Dr. R. Kalai Selvan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046.

Last Date:  21.8.2020.

Vacancy Details

Name of the Post: Project Fellow - 01 Post

Total No. of Vacancies:  - 01 Post

Age limit: Maximum of 28 years (Upper age limit is relaxable up to five years for SC/ST/OBC/ Women and Physically challenged candidates. )

Salary: Rs. 31,000 + HRA (as per DST norms) Per Month

Educational Qualification: Project Fellow (For Non NET and GATE candidates): M.Sc. in Physics with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. Project Fellow (For NET/ GATE qualified candidates): M.Sc. in Physics with 55% marks or equivalent CGPA. NET-JRF/Lectureship (UGC-CSIR Joint test) or (JEST Qualified) or valid GATE

Mode of Selection: Candidates selection will be based on interview.

Mode of recruitment : Temporary 

How to Apply: The interested candidates are requested to send their application with a brief biodata with a recent photograph and contact details along with the attested copies of the relevant degree certificates/ mark statements, experience certificate and research publications if any. The application should reach to Dr. R.Kalai Selvan, Assistant Professor, Principal Investigator (UGC-DAE CRS Project), Department of Physics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046, Tamil Nadu, or by email to selvankram@buc.edu.in on or before 21.08.2020.

For further details an eligible and interested applicants for the above said post may go through the following website link:
  1. Download Official Notification : Click Here

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