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TNPSC Exams: Important General Science Question and Answers-Part 15

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of TNPSC Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career.All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  _________ are the first successful group of land plants.
    1.  Pteridophytes
    2.  Bryophytes
    3.  Gymnosperms
    4.  Marselia

  2. ___________ is got from Laminaria.
    1.  Calcium
    2.  Iodine
    3.  Zinc
    4.  Cobalt

  3. __________ is called the black gold.
    1.  Coal
    2.  Charcoal
    3.  Petroleum
    4.  Coke

  4. The lower portion of a charged cloud generally carries __________.
    1.  air
    2.  negative charges
    3.  positive charges
    4. no charge

  5. The process of electroplating involves the principle of __________.
    1.  series circuit
    2.  indexed flux
    3.  closed circuit
    4.  chemical effect of current

  6. Carbohydrates, oil and proteins are examples of ___________.
    1.  inorganic compounds
    2.  Organic compounds
    3.  soluble
    4.  non soluble

  7. Caesium and gallium exist as _________ at 30 degree centigrade.
    1.  solids
    2.  liquids
    3.  gases
    4.  semi solids

  8.  Lack of __________ in diet causes Anemia.
    1.  Potassium
    2.  Phosphorus
    3.  Calcium
    4.  Iron

  9. ___________  provides good aeration to roots in order to breathe.
    1.  Ploughing
    2.  Mixing
    3.  Manuring
    4.  Levelling

  10. The gland which is both endocrine and exocrine is __________.
    1.  adrenal
    2.  pitutiary
    3.  thyroid
    4.  pancreas

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