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NTA NET Exam Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 1

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of NTA-UGC NET Library and Information Science Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  The author of the book ‘Coming of the Post-Industrial Society’ is.

    1.  Daniel Bell 

    2.  Peter Drucker

    3.  Alvin Toffle 

    4.  None of these

  2. The term Post-Industrial Society was first used in the year?

    1.  1915

    2.  1914

    3.  1916

    4.  1918

  3. The World Summit on Information Society 2014 was held in ________

    1.  London

    2.  Masco

    3.  Paris

    4.  Geneva

  4. The term Knowledge Society was coined by?

    1.  Rusell Ackoff

    2.  UNESCO

    3.  Peter Drucker

    4.  IFLA

  5. The abbreviation NPTEL (An Indian E-learning initiative) stands for?

    1.  National Programme on Teaching Enhanced Learning

    2.  National PowerPoint Techniques and Electronics Limited  

    3.  National Planning on Tourism Entertainment Lessons

    4.  National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning

  6. The author of the book ‘The Third Wave’ is.

    1.  Peter Drucker

    2.  Alvin Toffler

    3.  Daniel Bell

    4.  H.P.Luhn

  7. Information is _______

    1.  Data

    2.  Raw Data

    3.  Organized Data

    4.  Computer output

  8. The word data is derived from which language ?

    1.  Greek

    2.  French

    3.  Rusian

    4.  Latin

  9. Information may be categorized into _______, ________, ________

    1.  Logical, Analytical and Statistical

    2.  Statistical, Descriptive and Analytical

    3.  Analytical, Statistical and Systematic

    4.  Systematic, Analytical and Descriptive

  10. Which of the following is the correct logical sequence?.

    1.  Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom

    2.  Information, Knowledge, Data, Wisdom

    3.  Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Data

    4.  Wisdom, Information, Data, Knowledge

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