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NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 9

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam Library and Information Science to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

Mock Test for NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science.

  1. Which of the following is a term used for working assumption of a solution to a problem?

    1.  Research

    2.  Thesis

    3.  Hypothesis

    4.  Bibliography

  2. Delphi technique was first discussed by?

    1.  G.E. Goreman

    2.  T.S. Wilkinson

    3.  P.V.Young

    4.  O.Helmer

  3. What was the name given by Ranganathan to Bibliometrics?

    1.  Librametrics

    2.  Librachine

    3.  Scientometrics

    4.  Documentrics

  4. Citation analysis helps in ______

    1.  Descriptive Cataloguing

    2.  Selective Cataloguing

    3.  Subject Indexing

    4.  Identification of core documents

  5. IFLA "World Library and Information Congress" of 2019 will be held in _____?

    1.  New Delhi

    2.  Tokyo

    3.  New York

    4.  Athens

  6. TOXLINE is a/an?

    1.  Reference Database

    2.  Bibliographic Database

    3.  Reference Service

    4.  Bibliographic Service

  7. The book "Indian Library Manifesto" was published in 1990 by ____

    1.  ABC Publishing House

    2.  Facet Publication

    3.  Ess Ess Publications

    4.  Asia Publishing House

  8. According to Ranganathan "Latent Facet" is _________

    1.  Current of all Facets

    2.  Facet added at end

    3.  Important Facet

    4.  Hidden Facet

  9. First 'PLANNER' of INFLIBNET was organized in 2003 at ______

    1.  Gauwahati

    2.  Silchar

    3.  Shillong

    4.  Aizawal

  10. Who was the last Director of National Library of India?

    1.  K K Banerjee

    2.  M. D. Ramachandran

    3.  A K Chakravorty

    4.  Swapan Chakravorty

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