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NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 22

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam Library and Information Science to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

Mock Test for NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science.

  1. Planning, Programming Budgeting System (PPBS) was elaborated by ________.?

    1.  ALA (USA)

    2.  OCLC (USA)

    3.  Rand Corporation (USA)

    4.  Library of Congress(USA)

  2. 'Seven Pillars of Information Literacy' was introduced by__________

    1.  ACRL

    2.  Berkowitz

    3.  IFLA  

    4.  SCONUL

  3. which of the following is not a service/Product of NISCAIR??

    1.  Science Citation Index

    2.  The Wealth of India

    3.  National Science Library

    4.  Climate change Informatics

  4. Indian standard 'IS 15339:2003' is related with _________.

    1.  School Library : Guidelines

    2.  Special Library : Guidelines

    3.  Academic Library : Guidelines

    4.  Public Library : Guidelines

  5. Vidya - Mitra is an?

    1.  Expert database

    2.  A gateway to all post graduate courses

    3.  State of art integrated library management system

    4.  Online learning Portal for all the e-content projects developed under the NME - ICT

  6. When SOUL 2.0 was released?

    1.  January 2010

    2.  January 2009

    3.  October 2012

    4.  July 2011

  7. 'Conservative, moderate and liberal' theories of reference service are given by_______.

    1.  James I Wyer

    2.  Krishan Kumar

    3.  S.R.Ranganathan

    4.  Samuel Rothstein

  8. 'One Drive' is operated by?

    1.  Alphabet

    2.  Whatsapp

    3.  Google

    4.  Microsoft

  9. 'Linked In' is a _______.

    1.  Library Management service

    2.  Only Video hosting service

    3.  Social Network Service

    4.  Online Multiplayer gaming

  10. 'SKYPE' is a?

    1.  Operating system

    2.  Library automation software

    3.  Antivirus Software

    4.  Telecommunications application software

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