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NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 18

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam Library and Information Science to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

Mock Test for NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science.

  1. What is the frequency of INB?

    1.  Weekly

    2.  Annual

    3.  Monthly

    4.  Quarterly

  2. Who Propounded the term "Information Transfer" ?

    1.  S.R.Ranganathan

    2.  J.Martin

    3.  Calvin Moores

    4.  Beesman

  3. Who was the first editor of the journal "Library Herald"?

    1.  P.N.Kaula

    2.  M.A.Gopinath

    3.  B.S.Kesavan

    4.  S.Bashiruddin

  4. Who is the publisher of the journal "Philosophical Transactions"?

    1.  Oxford University Press

    2.  ProQuest

    3.  Elsevier

    4.  Royal Society of London

  5. The Journal "Library Science with a Slant to Documentation" is now known as _______

    1.  PEARL : A Journal of Library & Information Science

    2.  Journal of ILA

    3.  Library Herald

    4.  SRELS Journal of Information Management

  6. Bradford's "Law of Scattering" is further examined by _______?

    1.  D.J.Foskett

    2.  B.C.Vickery

    3.  Allen Kent

    4.  J.Mills

  7. For Fulfilling which Law of Library Science, we write class number on catalogue cards by pencil?

    1.  5th Law

    2.  4th Law

    3.  3rd Law

    4.  1st Law

  8. In 2005, Jorge E. Hirsch has suggested it as a tool for assessing relative quality?

    1.  Impact factor

    2.  R-Index

    3.  g-Index

    4.  h-Index

  9. Which one is not a Dublin Core metadata element?

    1.  Title

    2.  Format

    3.  Focus

    4.  Relation

  10. What is the full form of RDA?

    1.  Research and Documentation Activity

    2.  Resource Documentation and Access

    3.  Resource Delivery and Access

    4.  Resource Description and Access

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