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NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 17

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam Library and Information Science to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

Mock Test for NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science.

  1. Arrange following in Chronological order of their origin

    1. Bibliographic Classification

    2. Colon Classification

    3. Subject Classification

    4. Universal Decimal Classification

    1.  1,2,3,4

    2.  2,1,4,3

    3.  4,3,2,1

    4.  3,4,1,2

  2. The content of MARC record is divided in how many variable fields?

    1.  Four

    2.  Three

    3.  One

    4.  Two

  3. Who was the Chairman of National Policy on Library & Information System (NAPLIS)?

    1.  D.P.Chattopadhyaya

    2.  Krishna Shahi

    3.  P.V.Narsimha Rao

    4.  Y.S.Das

  4. A method used to establish a subject similarity between two documents is called?

    1.  Citation Analysis

    2.  Bibliographic Analysis

    3.  Bibliographic coupling

    4.  Co-citation coupling

  5. Arrange the following according to dictionary arrangement as "word by word" -

    1. Called

    2. Call

    3. Call Letter

    4. Calling

    1.  1,4,3,2

    2.  3,2,4,1

    3.  4,1,2,3

    4.  2,3,1,4

  6. 21st edition of "Sear's List of Subject Headings" was published by_______

    1.  Bloomsbury

    2.  H.W.Wilson

    3.  ProQuest

    4.  Dundurn Press

  7. ORCID is associated with?

    1.  Author metrics

    2.  Journal metrics

    3.  Article metrics

    4.  All metrics

  8. Informal Self education is possible in which kind of Library?

    1.  School Library

    2.  Special Library

    3.  College Library

    4.  Public Library

  9. The oldest library association in the world is ______

    1.  LA

    2.  China Library Association

    3.  American Library Association

    4.  IFLA

  10. Rules for Dictionary Catalogue' was devised by________

    1.  S.Lubetzky

    2.  C.C.Jewet

    3.  A.Pannizi

    4.  C.A.Cutter

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