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NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science Paper 2 Mock Test - 14

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam Library and Information Science to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

Mock Test for NTA NET Exam: Library and Information Science.

  1. In which year 'Indian Science Abstracts' started publishing?

    1.  1978

    2.  1964

    3.  1965

    4.  1956

  2. Who is the author of the book "Guide to Reference Material"

    1.  D.J.Foskett

    2.  E.J.Coates

    3.  A L.R.McColvin

    4.  A.J.Walford

  3. Which one is the Government of India's cloud?

    1.  Meghraj

    2.  Megha

    3.  Badal

    4.  Digital Ocean

  4. E-Granthalaya is developed by _______

    1.  NCERT

    2.  CSIR

    3.  DRDO

    4.  NIC

  5. Which one is not a plagiarism software?

    1.  ET Blast

    2.  Turnit In

    3.  Urkund

    4.  Plagiary

  6. Who has promoted the Helical model of Communication?

    1.  David Berlo

    2.  F.Dance

    3.  Shanon - Weaver

    4.  Aristotle

  7. Which one is not a Dublin Core metadata element?

    1.  Place

    2.  Identifier

    3.  Creator

    4.  Type

  8. Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA) was established by ICAR in _____

    1.  July, 2009

    2.  November, 2009

    3.  July, 2007

    4.  November, 2007

  9. Which character is used for "intra-array difference" phase relation in CC-6?

    1.  t

    2.  u

    3.  w

    4.  y

  10. In CC '-' (hyphen) is used to apply which device?

    1.  Subject device

    2.  Alphabetical device

    3.  Enumeration device

    4.  Super imposition device

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