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NTA NET Exam: Important History Questions And Answers-Paper-II-Set-10

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET /CSIR -NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  The Merger Treaty of European institution was signed in ____.

    1.  1962

    2.  1967

    3.  1957

    4.  1958

  2. The Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by ________.

    1.  Lord Canning

    2.  Lord Wellesley

    3.  Lord Petersberg

    4.  Lord Dalhousie

  3. Lucknow was captured by __________.

    1.  Colonel Neil

    2.  Wilson Neil

    3.  Colin Campbell

    4.  Lawrence

  4. The Brahmo Samaj believed in _________.

    1.  eastern religion

    2.  casteless society

    3.  universal religion

    4. western religion

  5. Open split in the Congress occurred in the session held at __________.

    1.  Madras

    2.  Surat

    3.  Tripura

    4.  Lahore

  6. Home Rule League in Bombay was formed by ________.

    1.  Rajaji

    2.  B G Tilak

    3.  Tirupur Kumaran

    4.  Lokamanya Tilak

  7. In the Khilafat movement Gandhiji saw an opportunity of _________.

    1.  Hindu Muslim unity

    2.  Self government

    3.  Racial discrimination

    4.  Unity in diversity

  8. Rabindranath Tagore renounced his knighthood in protest against ________.

    1.  Home Rule League

    2.  August declaration

    3.  Khilafat movement

    4.  Jallian Wala Bagh incident

  9. Bengal was partitioned by _________.

    1.  Lord Bentinck

    2.  Lord Hariot

    3.  Lord Morley

    4.  Lord Curzon

  10. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in the year ______.

    1.  1878

    2.  1888

    3.  1876

    4.  1886

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