Updated UGC NET Exam General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude (Paper -I)
I. UGC NET Teaching Aptitude:
- Teaching : Nature, Objectives, Characteristics and Basic Requirements.
- Learner’s Characteristics.
- Factors affecting Teaching.
- Methods of Teaching.
- Teaching aids.
- Evaluation Systems.
II. UGC NET Research Aptitude:
- Research : Meaning, Characteristics and Types;
- Steps of Research.
- Methods of Research.
- Research Ethics.
- Paper, Articles, Workshop, Seminar, Conference and Symposium.
- Thesis Writing : Its characteristics and format.
III. Reading Comprehension:
- A passage to be set with questions to be answered.
IV. UGC NET Communication:
- Communication : Nature, Characteristics, Types, Barriers and Effective Classroom Communication.
V. Reasoning ( including Mathematical ):
- Number Series; Letter Series; Codes.
- Relationships; Classification.
VI. Logical Reasoning:
- Understanding the Structure of Argument.
- Evaluating and distinguishing Deductive and Inductive Reasoning.
- Verbal Analogies; Word Analogy – Applied Analogy.
- Verbal Classification.
- Reasoning Logical Diagrams; Simple Diagrammatic Relationship, Muliti – Diagrammatic Relationship.
- Venn Diagram; Analytical Reasoning.
VII. Data Interpretation:
- Sources, Acquisition and Interpretation of Data.
- Quantitative and Qualitative Data.
- Graphical Representation and Mapping of Data.
VIII. Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ):
- ICT : Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages and Uses.
- General Abbreviation and Terminology.
- Basics of Internet and E – mailing.
IX. People and Environment:
- People and Environment Interaction.
- Sources of Pollution.
- Pollutants and their impact on Human Life, Exploitation of Natural and Energy Resources.
- Natural hazards and mitigation.
X. Higher Education System : Governance, Polity and Administration :
- Structure of the Institutions for Higher Learning and Research in India;
- Formal and Distance Education; Professional / Technical and General Education;
- Value Education; Governance, Polity and Administration; Concept,
- Institutions and their Interactions.