
Philosophy 2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

Philosophy 2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

1. Which one of the following upholds the view that, ‘ought’, ‘right’, ‘good’ and the like have meaning only when defined in term of pleasure?

(A) J.S. Mill

(B) C.S. Pierce

(C) Aristotle

(D) Bentham

Answer: (D)

2. According to early Wittgenstein:

(A) Language may be used to represent the world but cannot be used to represent how language represents.

(B) Language may be used to represent the world and may also be used to represent how language represents.

(C) Language cannot be used to represent the world but may be used to represent how language represents.

(D) Language can neither be used to represent the world nor can it be used to represent how language represents.

Answer: (A)

3. According to B.R. Ambedkar the ideal religion should:

i be consistent with science

ii rationalize rituals and superstitious

iii support liberty, equality and fraternity

iv not glorify poverty

v be based on Buddhist canons

vi have sacred morality as its core concept

Choose from the codes given below:

(A) i, ii and iii

(B) iii, iv and vi

(C) iii, iv and v

(D) i, iii and iv

Answer: (D)

4. In the context of logical positivism evaluate (A) and (R) and select correct answer from given options:

Assertion (A): ‘God exists’ is a true proposition.

Reason (R): ‘God exists’ is not verifiable.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide correct explanation of (A).

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (D)

5. According to which of the following ‘enumerability constitutes the true nature of things’?

(A) Parmenides

(B) Democritus

(C) Pythagoras

(D) Empedocles

Answer: (C)

6. According to Heraclitus

(A) Reality is ceaseless change and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.

(B) Reality is composed of uncreated atoms and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.

(C) Reality is unchanging and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.

(D) Reality is indivisible and the underlying substance of the universe is fire.

Answer: (A)

7. One of the permanent legacies of Platonism to Aristotle is

(A) The conviction that reality exists by itself.

(B) The conviction that reality is parasitic on God.

(C) The conviction that reality is a myth.

(D) Theconviction that reality lies in form.

Answer: (D)

8. Both Plato and Aristotle upheld that the true explanation of things is to be sought

(A) right in the beginning

(B) Not in the beginning but in the end

(C) Not in the end but in the beginning

(D) Neither in the beginning nor in the end

Answer: (B)

9. According to St. Thomas Aquinas the existence of God can be proved in

(A) Three ways

(B) Five ways

(C) Seven ways

(D) Nine ways

Answer: (Nil)

10. The chief concern of Aristotle is

(A) To proposed transcendental theories of knowledge.

(B) To prove the existence of God.

(C) To prove the reality of the external world.

(D) To protect the knowledge of the plural and multifarious world we live in.

Answer: (D)

11. Berkeley rejects Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities because:

(A) All qualities are subjective

(B) Only secondary qualities are subjective

(C) Qualities are created by God

(D) Qualities in here in substance

Answer: (A)

12. Hegel

(A) Rejected the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but accepted that all reality is the expression of thought.

(B) Accepted the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ but rejected that all reality is the expression of thought.

(C) Accepted both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the expression of thought.

(D) Rejected both the concept of ‘the thing-in-itself’ and that all reality is the experience of thought.

Answer: (A)

13. Locke’s realism is a

(A) Representative Realism

(B) Naïve-Realism

(C) Neo-Realism

(D) Pluralistic-Realism

Answer: (Nil)

14. Scepticism in Hume is:

(A) antecedent

(B) Style statement

(C) Consequent

(D) Postulate

Answer: (C)

15. Select the correct sequence

(A) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Bhuta

(B) Purusa, Prak ti, Ahamkara, Bhuta

(C) Prakrti, Mahat, Ahamkara, Tanmatra

(D) Prakrti, Ahamkara, Bhuta, Tanmatra

Answer: (C)

16. Consider the List I and List II and select the correct answer from the code.

List – I                                    List – II

1. Laungākshibhaskara            i. Bhāttakaustubha

2. Bhasarvajna                         ii. Arthasamgraha

3. Khandadeva                        iii. Nyāyasāra

4. Dharmarajadhwarendra      iv. Vedāntaparibhāsa


       1 2 3 4

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) ii iii i iv

(C) ii iii iv i

(D) iv ii i iii

Answer: (B)

17. The cause of the parimāna of a trasarenu is:

(A) Number of the paramānus

(B) Number of the dvayanukas

(C) Parimāna of the dvayanukas

(D) Parimāna of the Paramānus

Answer: (B)

18. Choose the correct sequence of the Pañcāvayavi-nyāya held by the Naiyāyikas.

(A) Pratijñā, hetu, upanaya, udāharana, nigamana

(B) Pratijñā, upanaya, hetu, udāharana, nigamana

(C) Pratijñā, hetu, udāharana, upanaya, nigamana

(D) Pratijñā, udaharana, hetu, upanaya, nigamana

Answer: (C)

19. The vedic notion of Rta is:

(A) A moral order only

(B) A cosmic order only

(C) A legal order only

(D) Both a moral and a cosmic order

Answer: (D)

20. The word syād in Jaina syadvāda implies:

(A) Doubtful

(B) Unconditional ‘yes’

(C) Conditional ‘yes’

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

21. Select correct pair:

(A) Samprajñāta, A-samprajñāta

(B) Yoga, Ishwarkrishna

(C) Ishwarkrishna, Samprajñāta

(D) Samprajñāta, Moksa

Answer: (A)

22. What position does the Nyāya system hold?

(A) Svatahprāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya

(B) Paratah prāmānya, Paratah aprāmānya

(C) Paratah prāmānya, Svatah aprāmānya

(D) Neither of the above

Answer: (B)

23. The relation between self and the body

(A) Samavāya

(B) Samyoga

(C) Svarūpa

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

24. Who holds the theory of Saptaprajñāvāda?

(A) Yoga Philosophy

(B) Vedānta Philosophy

(C) Sāmkhya Philosophy

(D) Vaiśesika Philosophy

Answer: (A)

25. Which one is the correct match? Answer by using the given code:

a. Praśastapāda            i. Tattvopaplabsimha

b. Nāgārjuna                ii. Nyāya Kusumāñjali

c. Vācaspati                 iii. Tattvakaumidi

d. Udayana                 iv. Padārthadharmasa graha


       a b c d

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) iv i iii ii

(C) ii i iii iv

(D) iii ii i iv

Answer: (B)

26. Which one of the following is a school of Purva-Mimāmsā?

(A) Murāri Miśhra School

(B) Nimbārka School

(C) Jayanta School

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)

27. Select the correct pair:

(A) Viśi tadvaita: Adhyāsa

(B) Sagu a Brahma: Ap thaksiddhi

(C) Dvaita: Gau apādācārya

(D) Three grades of satta: Refutation of Māyā

Answer: (B)

28. Select the correct option:

(A) Kamalsila is the predecessor of Dharmakirti and Jayanta Bhatta

(B) Ranga Ramanujaćārya is the contemporary of Gau apādāćārya and Madhvāćārya

(C) Samkarāćārya is the predecessor of Gau apādāćārya and Madhvāćārya

(D) Gau apadāćārya is the predecessor of Shamkarāćārya and Rāmānujāćārya

Answer: (D)

29. In the context of Samkhya Philosophy consider the following:

Assertion (A): Purasa is ultimate reality.

Reason (R): Purasa is the substratum of all the pleasures and pains.


(A) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).

(C) Both (A) and (R) are false and(R) provides correct explanation of (A).

(D) All the above mentioned options are incorrect.

Answer: (A)

30. Which one among the following is not a means of Śaktigraha?

(A) Āptavākya

(B) Vrddhavyavahāra

(C) Tarka

(D) Vyākarana

Answer: (C)

31. Followings are the three levels of Reality according to Advaita Vedanta:

(A) Pārmārthika, Prātibhāsika, Vyāvahārika

(B) Sāmv tika, Samvyāvaharika, Pārmārthika

(C) Pārmarthika, Samprātibhāsika, Samvyāvaharika

(D) Sāmvrtika, Loka-samvrtti, A-loka-samvrtti

Answer: (A)

32. Match correctly and answer with the help of the code given:

Idea                             Thinker

a. Shunyavāda             i. Maddhva

b. Advaitavāda           ii. Shankara

c. Ajativāda                 iii. Gaudapāda

d. Dvaitavāda                         iv. Nagarjunà


       i ii iii iv

(A) a c b d

(B) d b c a

(C) a b c d

(D) d c b a

Answer: (B)

33. The path of Rāja-yoga in modern period was propounded by

(A) Swami Ram Tīrth

(B) Mahātmā Gandhi

(C) S. Rādhākrishnan

(D) Swami Vivekānand

Answer: (D)

34. The book My Experiments with Truth is written by

(A) Jiddu Krishnamurty

(B) Swami Yoganand

(C) Shri Raman Maharshi

(D) Mahātmā Gandhi

Answer: (D)

35. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

(A) Dr. M. Iqbal – Integral Intuition

(B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar - Removal of Casteism

(C) Sri. K.C. Bhattacharya – The Subject as Freedom

(D) Sri. R. Tagore - Jivana- Devatā

Answer: (A)

36. According to Sri. Aurobindo, the ascent from mind to supermind takes place through the following order of steps:

(A) Illumined mind, over mind, Intuition

(B) Illumined mind, higher mind, Intuition, over mind

(C) Higher mind, Illumined mind, Intuition, over mind

(D) Intuition, over mind, Illumined mind

Answer: (C)

37. Sri. Rabindranath Tagore’s philosophy is integral to the ideas of:

(A) Nimbarka’s philosophy and Vaishnavism

(B) Madhva’s philosophy and Vaishnavism

(C) Ramanuja’s Vedantā and Vaishnavism

(D) Shankar’s advaitism and Vaishnavism

Answer: (Nil)

38. Who amongst the following thinkers gave prominent emphasis on the concept of ‘Intellect and Intuition’?

(A) Dr. K.C. Bhattacharya

(B) Dr. S. Rādhākrishnan

(C) Dr. M. Iqbal

(D) Dr. M.N. Roy

Answer: (B)

39. Which one of the following statements illustrates the theory of Akhyātivāda?

(A) Error emerges due to amalgamation of perception and memory.

(B) Error emerges due to incorrect perception.

(C) Error emerges due to misapprehension of the object.

(D) Error emerges due to a defect in sense-organ.

Answer: (A)

40. For Descartes, the idea of soul

(A) Is not related to reason

(B) is identical with reason

(C) Contradicts reason

(D) Does not contradict reason

Answer: (A)

41. ‘Okham’s razor’ is basically a method of:

(A) Deduction

(B) Explanation

(C) Elaboration

(D) Elimination

Answer: (D)

42. Who upholds that ‘beings’ are the objects of our common experience?

(A) Heidegger

(B) Frege

(C) Kant

(D) Husserl

Answer: (A)

43. Match the List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List – I                                                List – II

1. Clear and Distinct idea                   i. Leibnitz

2. Pre-established harmony                 ii. Kant

3. Solipsism                                         iii. Descartes

4. Phenomenon and noumenon           iv. Berkeley


       1 2 3 4

(A) iii ii i iv

(B) iii i iv ii

(C) i iii ii iv

(D) iv ii iii i

Answer: (B)

44. Husserl in his later works

(A) Abandoned naturalism in favour of transcendental idealism

(B) Abandoned transcendental idealism in favour of naturalism

(C) Continued to uphold both naturalism and transcendental idealism

(D) abandoned both naturalism and transcendental idealism

Answer: (A)

45. Who has advocated the idea of ‘Pañchabheda’ in Indian thought?

(A) Madhavacharya

(B) Ramanujacharya

(C) Shankaracharya

(D) Nimbarkacharya

Answer: (A)

46. According to Plato the business of philosophy is to fit the soul

(A) To stay permanently in the material world

(B) To return to the limitations of the mortal frame

(C) To stay permanently with God

(D) To stay permanently in the world of ideas

Answer: (D)

47. According to Spinoza

(A) Substance is always the subject

(B) Substance exists in itself and concerned by itself

(C) Substance is material

(D) Substance is the unknown foundation of qualities

Answer: (Nil)

48. According to Leibnitz, city of God is

(A) Non-existent

(B) A moral world distinct from natural world

(C) A moral world in the natural world

(D) A natural world

Answer: (C)

49. According to Kant belief in God is:

(A) Accidental to ethics

(B) Totally irrelevant to ethics

(C) Contingent to ethics

(D) A presupposition of ethics

Answer: (D)

50. Russel’s theory of definite description is important because it helps us in understanding proportions involving the use of

(A) Empty terms

(B) Denotative terms

(C) Connotative terms

(D) Infinite terms

Answer: (Nil)

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