
Philosophy 2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

Philosophy 2013 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

1. The enjoyment of fruits of the Karma that not yet has been started is called

(A) Sa~nćitā Karma

(B) Sa~nc–iyamāna Karma

(C) Prārabdha Karma

(D) Anārabdha Karma

Answer: (A)

2. Deva a can be repaid by

(A) Performing yaj~na

(B) Giving birth to a son

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

Answer: (A)

3. Which one is the correct sequence?

(A) Jāgrat, Susupti, Svapna

(B) Jāgrat, Svapna, Susupti

(C) Svapna, Susupti, Jāgrat

(D) Susupti, Jāgrat, Svapna,

Answer: (B)

4. Prābhākara and Bhātta differ on followings:

(A) Pramān. a, Prameya, Dharma

(B) Pramān. a, Prameya, Khyāti

(C) Premeya, Khyāti, Dharma

(D) Pramān. a, Dharma, Khyāti

Answer: (B)

5. Match List – I & List – II and select the correct code:

List – I                                    List – II

a. Apohavāda                          i. Baudha

b. Anvitāvidhanavāda             ii. Nyāya

c. Abhihitānvayavāda                         iii. Prābhākara

d. Anyathākhyātivāda            iv. Bhātta


        a b c d

(A) i iii iv ii

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) iv ii iii i

(D) ii iv iii ii

Answer: (A)

6. Immortality of the soul is derived by

(A) Pythagoras

(B) Democritas

(C) St. Augustine

(D) St. Anselm

Answer: (Wrong question)

7. Philosophy according to Plato is a preparation for

(A) Life

(B) Good life

(C) Death

(D) Peaceful death

Answer: (C)

8. Which one of the following is a form of Satkāryavāda?

(A) Parin. āmavāda

(B) Syādvāda

(C) Anekāntavāda

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)

9. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer from the code:

List – I                        List – II

a. Nyāya                      i. Sixteen Padartha

b. Vaiśes.ika                ii. Seven Padartha

c. Prābhākara               iii. Eight Padartha

d. Bhātta                     iv. Six Padartha


       a b c d

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) i iii iv ii

(C) iii iv ii i

(D) iv iii ii i

Answer: (A)

10. Which one is a group of Atheist Philosophers?

(A) Buddhist, Jaina, Nyāya

(B) Buddhist, Mahayāna, Nyāya

(C) Purva-Mimamsa, Jaina, Sarvāstivāda

(D) Sarvāstivāda, Mahayāna, Advaita Vedanta

Answer: (C)

11. The correct sequence of the doctrines is

(A) Shūnyavāda, Ajātivāda, Advaitavāda, Dvaitavāda

(B) Ajātivāda, Shūnyavāda, Dvaitavāda, Advaitavāda

(C) Shūnyavāda, Advaitavāda, Dvaitavāda, Ajativāda

(D) Advaitavāda, Ajātivāda, Dvaitavāda, Shūnyavāda

Answer: (Wrong question)

12. Which alternative can be held by the Cārvākas?

(A) Ks.iti , apa, teja, ākāsá

(B) Sukhavāda, Pratyaks. apramān. avāda, teja, ātmā

(C) Sukhavāda, dehātmavāda, apa, teja

(D) Apa, teja, maruta, vyoma

Answer: (C)

13. Which one according to the Jainas is not astikāya dravya?

(A) J–iva

(B) Ākāsa

(C) Kāla

(D) Dharma

Answer: (C)

14. What is the asamavāyikāra a of dvya uka?

(A) Paraman. us

(B) Parama usa yoga

(C) Dvya ukas

(D) Dvya uka-Sam. Yoga

Answer: (B)

15. Consider the ‘Assertion’ and ‘Reason’ and evaluate the options in the light of Madhva Philosophy:

Assertion (A): Prakr. ti, Jĩva and Ishwara are independent from each other.

Reason (R): These are mundane.

(A) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) and (R) both are false and (R) provides correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false and (R) does not provide a correct explanation of (A).

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true and (R) provides a correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (C)

16. The kinds of conjectures used by Descartes to doubt every proposition that he possibly could are:

(A) Dream conjecture and God

(B) Evil demon conjecture and Holy Ghost

(C) Dream conjecture and evil demon conjecture

(D) God and Holy Ghost conjecture

Answer: (C)

17. Following is the correct sequence of As.tāngika Yoga

(A) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma, Pratyāhāra, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi

(B) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prā āyāma,Pratyāhāra, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi

(C) Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhyāna, Dhārn. a, Samādhi

(D) Niyama, Yama, Āsana, Pratyāhāra, Prā āyāma, Dhārn. a, Dhyāna, Samādhi

Answer: (B)

18. Which scriptural book discusses the ideas of karma, akarma and vikarma?

(A) Manusm. riti

(B) Srimad Vishn. upurān. a

(C) Bhagawadgita

(D) Śri Nāradpurān. a

Answer: (C)

19. According to Spinoza, God is

(A) Only transcendent

(B) Only immanent

(C) Both immanent and transcendent

(D) Non existent

Answer: (C)

20. Select the correct pair:

(A) Adhyāsa and Adhyavasāya

(B) Avidya and Parāvidya

(C) Mūlāvidyā and Tūlāvidyā

(D) Māya and Sa skāra

Answer: (C)

21. According to pragmatists like C.S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey, truth is

(A) ever-changing; it is relative to a time and place and purpose.

(B) Fixed and is relative to a time and place and purpose.

(C) ever-changing but is not relative to a time and place and purpose.

(D) Sometimes changing and sometimes fixed.

Answer: (A)

22. Which one of the following is not a part of Gun. āś aka?

(A) Aiśwarya

(B) Teja

(C) Abhihita Sa kalpatva

(D) V rya

Answer: (C)

23. Who among the following propounded the concept of subject as freedom?

(A) K.C. Bhattacharya

(B) M.N. Roy

(C) A.K. Coomarswami

(D) S. Radhakrishnan

Answer: (A)

24. For Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Intellectual Knowledge is realised by

(A) Imagination and Sensation

(B) Analysis and Synthesis

(C) Synthesis and Abstraction

(D) Imagination and Abstraction

Answer: (B)

25. The idea of ‘super mind’ is connected with the philosophy of

(A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

(B) Dr. T.M.P. Mahadevan

(C) Śri Aurobindo

(D) Dr. K.C. Bhattacharya

Answer: (C)

26. Who is the author of the book ‘Commentaries on Living’?

(A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

(B) Śri J. Krishnamurti

(C) M. N. Roy

(D) Śri K.C. Bhattāchārya

Answer: (B)

27. Who amongst the following is considered as pioneering in establishing the Ramkrishnan Math & Mission?

(A) Śri Ramkrishna Paramhamsa

(B) Śri Ramana Maharshi

(C) Swami Vivekanand

(D) Śri Ranganāthānand Maharāj

Answer: (C)

28. The term ‘Philosophy’ means

(A) Love for God

(B) Love for Human being

(C) Love of Life

(D) Love for Knowledge

Answer: (D)

29. Both Plato and Aristotle believed that knowledge must be

(A) Of matter and not form

(B) Both of matter and form

(C) Neither of matter nor of form

(D) Of form and not matter

Answer: (D)

30. Is it possible for two monads to have all qualities in common?

(A) Yes

(B) Probably

(C) In some exceptional cases

(D) No

Answer: (D)

31. One of the permanent legacies of Platonism to Aristotle is

(A) Cosmological point of view

(B) Teleological point of view

(C) Heuristic point of view

(D) Informal point of view

Answer: (B)

32. According to Aristotle, God is

(A) Unmoved, eternal, perfect, incorporeal and pure actuality

(B) Unmoved, eternal, perfect, incorporeal and pure potentiality

(C) Unmoved, eternal, perfect, corporeal and pure potentiality

(D) Unmoved, eternal, perfect, corporeal and pure actuality

Answer: (A)

33. The ontological proof for the existence of God is propounded by

(A) St. Anslem and Ramanuja

(B) St. Thomas Aquinas and Madhva

(C) St. Thomas Aquinas and Patanjali

(D) St. Anslem and Patanjali

Answer: (D)

34. According to Berkeley

(A) Ideas but not the minds exist

(B) Minds but not the ideas exist

(C) Both ideas and the minds exist

(D) Neither ideas nor the minds exist

Answer: (C)

35. Rational basis of induction was challenged by

(A) Descartes

(B) Plato

(C) Kant

(D) Hume

Answer: (D)

36. According to Leibnitz, there are

(A) Four kinds of modes

(B) Three kinds of modes

(C) Two kinds of modes

(D) Five kinds of modes

Answer: (Wrong question)

37. According to Hegel, reason is

(A) The substance of the universe but not its infinite energy

(B) The infinite energy of the universe but not its substance

(C) The infinite energy of the universe alone

(D) The substance and infinite energy of the universe

Answer: (D)

38. Locke suggests that the idea of substance is

(A) Simple idea

(B) Complex idea

(C) Particular idea

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

39. According to Kant, moral duty is

(A) The command of God

(B) Imperative of pure reason

(C) Determined by majority

(D) Given by one’s intuition

Answer: (B)

40. Which one of the following upholds that, “society must not exist for society’s sake” but for “a type of being who is able to raise himself to its higher task and to a higher state of being”?

(A) Hegel

(B) Nietzsche

(C) Sri Aurobindo

(D) Marx

Answer: (B)

41. Russell’s atomic facts are

(A) Facts of atomic physics

(B) sense-data

(C) Facts of logical space

(D) Elements of atomic proposition

Answer: (B)

42. Husserl supports

(A) Absolute idealism

(B) Absolute empiricism

(C) Transcendental idealism

(D) Transcendental rationalism

Answer: (C)

43. Heidegger characterises Dasein in terms of

(A) Affective isolation of being

(B) Being-in-itself

(C) Affective relationship with surrounding people and objects

(D) being-for-itself

Answer: (C)

44. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer from given code:

List – I                                                List – II

a. Ghost in the Machine                      i. G.E. Moore

b. Elimination of Metaphysics            ii. Austin

c. Defence of common sense              iii. A.J. Ayer

d. Speech act                                       iv. Gilbert Ryle


        a b c d

(A) iv iii ii i

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) ii iii i iv

(D) iv iii i ii

Answer: (D)

45. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from given code:

List – I                        List – II

a. Plato                        i. Critique of Pure Reason

b. Kant                        ii. Foundation of Empirical Knowledge

c. Wittgenstein            iii. Republic

d. Ayer                        iv. Philosophical Investigation


        a b c d

(A) iii ii i iv

(B) iii i iv ii

(C) iv ii i iii

(D) iv iii ii i

Answer: (B)

46. Match List – I with List – II and select correct answer by using the given code:

List – I                                                            List – II

(Books)                                                           (Authors)

a. Religion of Man                                          i. Śri Aurobindo

b. Freedom from the Known                          ii. Śri R. Tagore

c. Eastern Religion and Western Thought      iii. Śri J. Krishnamurti

d. The Life Divine                                          iv. S. Radhakrishnan


       a b c d

(A) i iii ii iv

(B) ii i iv iii

(C) iii iv i ii

(D) ii iii iv i

Answer: (D)

47. Leibnitz defines monads as

(A) Physical object

(B) Mental object

(C) Centres of force or energy

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

48. Which pair correctly matches in following the cause of Neo-Buddhist thought in India in contemporary times?

(A) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

(B) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Lokmanya Tilak, Śri M.G. Ranade

(C) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Śri D.D. Kosambi, Dr. Rahul Sa krityāyana

(D) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Śri J. Krishnamurti, Sri Dalai Lama

Answer: (C)

49. According to G. E. Moore whenever there is a conflict between a philosophical doctrine and common sense, it was more likely that

(A) Common sense has gone astray than that philosophical doctrine had done so.

(B) The argument has gone astray than that the common sense had done so.

(C) Bothargument and common sense have gone astray.

(D) Neither the argument nor common sense had gone stray.

Answer: (B)

50. Match Set – I and Set – II and select the correct answer from the code:

List – I                                    List – II

(Thinkers)                                (Doctrines/Sayings)

a. Śri Aurobindo                     i. Biological & spiritual aspects of man

b. R.N. Tagore                        ii. Self-evident elaboration of the self-evident

c. K.C. Bhattacharya              iii. Universal Religion

d. Vivekananda                       iv. Psychic transformation


       a b c d

(A) i ii iii iv

(B) iv i ii iii

(C) iv ii i iii

(D) ii i iii iv

Answer: (B)

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