
Philosophy 2012 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper III

Philosophy 2012 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper III

1. Vyavaharika Satta refutes

(A) Pāramārthika Sattā

(B) Pratibhāsika Sattā

(C) Both Pāramarthika and Pratibhāsika Sattā

(D) Neither Pāramarthika nor Pratibhāsika Sattā

Answer: (B)

2. The relation between the body and the self is

(A) Sanyoga

(B) Samavāya

(C) Svarūpa

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

3. The asamavāyi karana of the colour of a piece of cloth is

(A) The threads

(B) The colour of the threads

(C) The conjunction of the threads

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

4. Dravyatva according to the vaiśesikasis an instance of

(A) Kevala Sāmānya

(B) Kevala Visesa

(C) Sāmānya – Viśe.sa

(D) Jatibodhaka

Answer: (C)

5. Nimitta Kārana of the conjunction of two atoms is

(A) God

(B) Will of God

(C) Nature of the atoms

(D) Creation of dyads

Answer: (B)

6. The theory that effect is contained in the cause prior to its production is known as

(A) Satkāryavāda

(B) Asatkāryavāda

(C) Parināmavāda

(D) Pratityasamutpādavāda

Answer: (A)

7. The appearance of something in something other than itself according to Samkara means

(A) Avydyā

(B) Adhyāsa

(C) Māyā

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

8. Buddha’s attitude toward the Vedic notion on of self is that it is

(A) Dogmatic

(B) Sceptic

(C) Indifferent

(D) Agnostic

Answer: (A)

9. Who is the author of the book ‘Appearance and Reality’?

(A) Bradley

(B) Hegel

(C) Descartes

(D) Hume

Answer: (A)

10. According to the Naiyayikas we perceive ‘cowness’ by

(A) Inference

(B) Comparison

(C) Sense perception

(D) Sāmānyalakshna pratyaksha

Answer: (C)

11. The schools which admit two pramanas are:

(A) Cārvak and Bauddha

(B) Bauddha and Vaiśesika

(C) Sāmkhya and Vaiśesika

(D) Jaina and Yoga

Answer: (B)

12. Who holds that all j~nāna is pramā?

(A) Kumārila

(B) Vasubandhu

(C) Kanāda

(D) Prabhākara

Answer: (D)

13. Which one of the following is not a means of Sábdagraha?

(A) Aptavākya

(B) Tarka

(C) Vrddha-Vyavahāra

(D) Vyākarana

Answer: (B)

14. Anyathakhyātivāda is upheld by

(A) Sām. khya and Yoga

(B) Mīmāmsā and Bauddha

(C) Nyāya and Vaiśe.sika

(D) Rāmānuja and Kumārīla

Answer: (C)

15. Select the set correctly matched in order of the denial of Sabdapramā. na:

(A) Cārvāka, Bauddha, Vaiśe.sika

(B) Bauddha, Vaiśe.sika, Samkhya

(C) Nyāya, Vaisesika, AdvaitaVedānta

(D) Bauddha, Nyāya, Vaiśe.sika

Answer: (A)

16. The theory of error known as Akhyativada in Indian Philosophy is presented by

(A) Advait Vedānta

(B) Mīmāmsā

(C) Sām. khya

(D) Nyāya

Answer: (B)

17. The identity of the subject and object consciousness adopting the form of external object is known as

(A) Perception

(B) Inference

(C) Scriptural Testimony

(D) Analogy

Answer: (A)

18. The Trend in Contemporary Philosophical Method is

(A) Analytical

(B) Sceptical

(C) Synthetic

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

19. The most important element in the Jaina Theory of Pramanas is

(A) Perception

(B) Naya

(C) Scriptures

(D) Inference

Answer: (B)

20. The fundamental aim of Patanjali Yoga is

(A) Union with God

(B) Union with self

(C) Cessation of modification of mind

(D) Achieving excellences

Answer: (C)

21. Pūrvavata and sé.savat are two types of anumāna according to Gautama. What will be a third one?

(A) Anvayi

(B) Vyatireki

(C) Sāmānyatodr.s.tā

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

22. The knowledge of Vyāpti can be attained by

(A) Tarka

(B) Bhūyodarśana

(C) Sāmānyalak.sa. napratyak.sa

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

23. If we define pratyaksa as j~nāna what type of fallacy would be committed?

(A) Viruddha

(B) Sā.mkarya

(C) Ativyāpti

(D) Avyāpti

Answer: (C)

24. ‘Kalpanā’ in Buddhist epistemology means

(A) Real construction

(B) Imaginary construction

(C) Both Real and Imaginary Construction

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

25. Knowledge arising out of the sense object contact is known as

(A) Experience

(B) Inference

(C) Perception

(D) Testimony

Answer: (C)

26. The cultivation of land by a cultivator is a an example of

(A) Niskāma Karma

(B) Svadharma

(C) Sādhāranadharma

(D) Brahmavihāra

Answer: (B)

27. How can Deva. r. na be compensated?

(A) Brahmac’arya

(B) Giving birth to children

(C) Performing Yaj~na

(D) Iśvarapra. nidhāna

Answer: (C)

28. Among the following which one is not R. ta?

(A) Satya

(B) An.rta

(C) Dharma

(D) Yaj~na

Answer: (D)

29. Which one is not purusārtha?

(A) Artha

(B) Iśvara

(C) Kāma

(D) Dharma

Answer: (B)

30. Consider List I and List II and select the code correctly matched:

List – I                        List – II

(1) Veda                      (i) Rta

(2) Gīta                        (ii) Lokasa.mgraha

(3) Jainism                   (iii) Triratna

(4) Buddhism              (iv) Pa~nc’asīla


       1    2     3    4

(A) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(B) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

(C) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

(D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

Answer: (A)

31. Human Rights are required in a society where following disparities are existent

(A) Caste

(B) Creed

(C) Culture

(D) All the three

Answer: (D)

32. Religious and Social Philosophy has been dealt by Kant in

(A) Critiques of judgement

(B) Critique of pure reason

(C) Religion within the limits of reason

(D) Critique of practical reason

Answer: (C)

33. Which theory covers the interest of maximum number of people in the society?

(A) Perfectionism

(B) Utilitarianism

(C) Rationalism

(D) Intuitionism

Answer: (B)

34. Duty for the sake of duty is included in

(A) Categorical Dialectic

(B) Categorical Imperative

(C) Categorical Logic

(D) Categorical Discourse

Answer: (B)

35. As per whose ethics Rational law is the Universal Law that holds for all and acceptable to all?

(A) Mill

(B) Sidgewick

(C) Kant

(D) Bentham

Answer: (C)

36. ‘Morality is led beyond itself into a higher form of goodness, it ends in what we may call religion’ is stated by

(A) Mctaggard

(B) Schleinmacher

(C) Mathew Arnold

(D) F.H. Bradley

Answer: (D)

37. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Similar moral principles do not exist in all societies: Cultural Absolutism

(B) There is an extreme variation in customs, taboos and so on from culture to culture: Cultural relativism

(C) Freedom is compatible with determinism: Hard determinism

(D) There is no causality at all: Soft determinism

Answer: (B)

38. Honesty is not a good policy does not logically imply which one of the following?

(A) Either honesty is not a good policy or dishonest persons will be punished.

(B) It is false that honesty is a good policy but dishonest persons are not punished.

(C) If honesty is a good policy then dishonest persons will be punished.

(D) Honesty is a good policy if and only if dishonest persons are punished.

Answer: (B)

39. Which one among the following is a postulate of morality?

(A) God

(B) Society

(C) Good conduct

(D) Harmony

Answer: (A)

40. Which theory of punishment approves capital punishment?

(A) Reformative

(B) Retributive

(C) Both Reformative and Retributive

(D) Preventive

Answer: (B)

41. If A proposition is true, E, I and O propositions are

(A) False, true & false

(B) False, false & false

(C) True, false & false

(D) True, true & false

Answer: (A)

42. The mood of a syllogism depends on

(A) Quality of premises

(B) Quantity of premises

(C) Both quality and quantity of premises

(D) Quality and quantity of premises and the conclusion

Answer: (D)

43. The scheme of the FIRST figure of the syllogism is

(A) P – M

       S – M


       S – P


(B) M – P

      S – M


      S – P


(C) P – M

      M – S


      S – P


(D) M – P

      M – S


      S – P


Answer: (B)

44. Determining the validity or invalidity of arguments is the special province of

(A) Inductive Logic

(B) Deductive Logic

(C) Symbol Logic

(D) Traditional Logic

Answer: (B)

45. Read the following syllogism and point out the fallacy in it: “ All graduates are voters John is not a graduate John is not a voter.”

(A) The fallacy of Four Terms.

(B) The fallacy of undistributed middle.

(C) Illicit Major

(D) Illicit Minor

Answer: (C)

46. In categorical syllogism, the middle term is the term that occurs in

(A) Major premise only

(B) Minor premise only

(C) Both major and minor premises

(D) Conclusion only

Answer: (C)

Answer: (B)

48. A statement form that has only FALSE substitution instances is called

(A) Tautology

(B) Contradiction

(C) Contingent

(D) Implication

Answer: (B)

Answer: (C)

Answer: (C)

51. Consider the List – I and List – II and select the correct code given below:

List – I                        List – II

a. Jainism                     1. Gaya

b. Buddhism               2. Anandpur Sahib

c. Sikhism                    3. Ajmer

d. Islam                       4. Vaishali


       a b c d

(A) 4 1 2 3

(B) 4 2 3 1

(C) 3 2 1 4

(D) 3 4 1 2

Answer: (A)

52. Which of the following religion emphasizes on the concept of ‘Sadhu’ on its ideal?

(A) Christianity

(B) Sikhism

(C) Jainism

(D) Hinduism

Answer: (C)

53. Which of the following is the correct pair of prophetic religion?

(A) Jainism and Buddhism

(B) Christianity and Islam

(C) Sikhism and Islam

(D) Hinduism and Zoroastrianism

Answer: (B)

54. Which of the following paths was advocated by Lord Buddha?

(A) Shreyas

(B) Madhyampratipada

(C) Preyas

(D) Kaivalya

Answer: (B)

55. Consider the List – I and List – II and select the code correctly matched:

List – I                                    List – II

a. Thiruvalluvar                       1. Ten Commandments

b. Lord Swaminarayan            2. Kural

c. Moses                                  3. Nitishatak

d. Bhartruhari                          4. Sikshapatri


       a b c d

(A) 3 4 1 2

(B) 4 2 1 3

(C) 2 4 1 3

(D) 3 1 2 4

Answer: (C)

56. Who is the author of famous anthology Linguistic Turn?

(A) G.E. Moore

(B) Bertrand Russell

(C) Wittgenstein

(D) Richard Rorty

Answer: (D)

57. Russell’s Theory of Descriptions was challenged by

(A) A.J. Ayer

(B) P.F. Strawson

(C) J.L. Austin

(D) D. Davidson

Answer: (B)

58. Who made the distinction between sense and reference?

(A) Frege

(B) Wittgenstein

(C) Quine

(D) Dummett

Answer: (A)

59. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by using the code given below:

List – I                                    List – II

(Philosopher)               (Doctrine)

a. J.L. Austin               i. Language Games

b. L. Wittgenstein       ii. Speech Acts

c. W.V. Quine             iii. Theory of Intentionality

d. John Searle              iv. Two dogmas of Empiricism


       a b c d

(A) iv iii ii i

(B) iii iv i ii

(C) ii i iv iii

(D) iii iv ii i

Answer: (C)

60. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by using the code given below:

List – I                                                                                    List – II

(Book)                                                                         (Author)

a. Foundations of Arithmetic                                      i. Davidson

b. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy              ii. Quine

c. From a Logical Point of View                                iii. Russell

d. Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation                   iv. Frege


       a b c d

(A) ii i iv iii

(B) iv iii ii i

(C) iv i ii iii

(D) iii iv i ii

Answer: (B)

61. The method of phenomenological inquiry is

(A) Dialectical

(B) Intuitive

(C) Transcendental

(D) Technique of Bracketing

Answer: (D)

62. Phenomenology is

(A) A descriptive analysis of subjective phenomena

(B) A linguistic study of phenomena

(C) A realistic study of the world

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

63. The founder of Modern Phenomenology was

(A) Brentano

(B) Meinong

(C) Husserl

(D) Peirce

Answer: (C)

64. According to whom Hermeneutics is Ontology?

(A) Heidegger

(B) Schleiermacher

(C) Ranke

(D) Dilthey

Answer: (A)

65. Which one of the following contributes to critical hermeneutics?

(A) Heidegger

(B) Habbermas

(C) Richard Rorty

(D) Gadamer

Answer: (B)

66. Which one of the following does not come under the category of Vaishnavism?

(A) Ramanuja

(B) Samkara

(C) Madhva

(D) Vallabha

Answer: (B)

67. Who, among the following, advocates Pushti?

(A) Ramanuja

(B) Madhva

(C) Vallabha

(D) Samkara

Answer: (C)

68. Which one of the following makes provision for eternal hell?

(A) Samkara

(B) Madhva

(C) Nimbarka

(D) Vallabha

Answer: (B)

69. Which one of the following is the advocate of five differences (Panchabheda)?

(A) Samkara

(B) Ramanuja

(C) Madhva

(D) Vallabha

Answer: (C)

70. According to ‘Samkara ‘Tatvamasi’ means

(A) Identity between world and God

(B) Identity between knower and known

(C) Identity between individual soul and Brahman

(D) Identity between world and self

Answer: (C)

71. According to Gandhi the highest ideal of Truth is to be followed in

(A) Thought

(B) Speech

(C) Action

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

72. When anyone objected to non-violence as the creed of the coward, Gandhi

(A) Reproached the person

(B) Simply did not react

(C) remained mute

(D) Just brushed out the person

Answer: (A)

73. The spirit of Gandhian concept of ‘Svadeshi’ implies

(A) Only using that which is produced by oneself

(B) Absolutely denying foreign goods

(C) Restricting to use services of immediate surroundings

(D) Not going beyond native production

Answer: (C)

74. The principle of bread labour for Gandhi essentially consist on

(A) Mental work

(B) Physical work

(C) Social work

(D) All the above

Answer: (B)

75. The Gandhian economic programmes were based on

(A) Theoretical principles of economic grasping

(B) By producing all wants of the people

(C) The ideal of self-sufficiency

(D) Sharing all economic productions

Answer: (C)

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