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Music 2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

Music 2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

Hindustani / Karnatak / Rabindra Sangeet (Vocal, Instrumental & Musicology and Percussion Instrument)

Special Instructions: Candidates are required to answer all the 25 questions in Part – I, which are compulsory. They should select any one of the groups from Part – II, Part – III, Part – IV and Part – V and answer all the 25 questions, in that part. Each question carries two (2) marks.

Part – I: Common to Hindustani / Karnatak / Rabindra Sangeet / Percussion Instrument.

1. How many Gram Ragas have been described in Nardiya Shiksha?

(A) 5

(B) 10

(C) 7

(D) 6

Answer: (C)

2. Which is the main component of Research Methodology?

(A) Magazines – Journals

(B) Memoirs

(C) Selection of Topic

(D) Disc-Tape

Answer: (C)

3. These are associated with the Keertans of Haveli Sangeet (Pusthi Marg).

(A) Jati Gayan

(B) Asthapadis

(C) Prabandha Gayan

(D) Dhruva Gayan

Answer: (B)

4. Sign of Sam in Bhatkhande notation system

(A) +

(B) O

(C) ×

(D) S

Answer: (A)

5. Total matras of Brahma taal is

(A) 20

(B) 24

(C) 26

(D) 28

Answer: (D)

6. Ustad Zakir Hussain is associated with

(A) Delhi gharana

(B) Punjab gharana

(C) Ajarada gharana

(D) Lucknow gharana

Answer: (B)

7. Which of the following belongs to Geeti Natya of Rabindranath Tagore?

(A) Chitrangada

(B) Chandalika

(C) Balmiki Pratibha

(D) Shyama

Answer: (C)

8. Jana Gana Mana was composed as in which type of Rabindra Sangeet?

(A) Brahma Sangeet

(B) Patriotic Song

(C) Devotional Song

(D) Love Song

Answer: (B)

9. Who was the recipient of Sangeet Natak Academy Award (Central) in 2011?

(A) Pt. Channulal Mishra

(B) Rajan Sajan Mishra

(C) Prof. Shruti Sadolikar Katkar

(D) Pt. Jasras

Answer: (C)

10. A Swar lower by one semitone in staff Notation is called

(A) Sharp

(B) Natural

(C) Flat

(D) Double Flat

Answer: (C)

11. Which instrument is not used mostly in Rabindra Sangeet?

(A) Esraj

(B) Khol

(C) Violin

(D) Dholak

Answer: (D)

12. Which song is composed as janmotsav Anusthanicgeet by Rabindranath Tagore?

(A) Hey Nutan, Dekhadicar-bar Janmer Pratham Subhkhan

(B) Sabare Kori Aahoban

(C) Aaj Basantojagrotodware

(D) Somukhe Shanti Parabar

Answer: (A)

13. Sangita Makaranda is written by

(A) Saranga Deva

(B) Matanga

(C) Narada

(D) Parsvadeva

Answer: (C)

14. A decorative anga which comprises both Sangita and Sahitya

(A) Jati

(B) Yati

(C) Sangati

(D) SolkettuSvara

Answer: (B)

15. Ustad Abdul Baheed Khan was associated with which Gharana?

(A) Agra Gharana

(B) Patiyala Gharana

(C) Gwalior Gharana

(D) Kirana Gharana

Answer: (D)

16. Which Karnatak Mela is similar to Hindustani Raga Bhairav?

(A) Gamanpriya

(B) Kharharpriya

(C) Shubha Pantuvarali

(D) Maya Malav Gaud

Answer: (D)

17. Pakhawaj player popularly known as Swami Pagal Das

(A) Ramkrishna Das

(B) Shivshankar Das

(C) Ramshankar Das

(D) None of these

Answer: (C)

18. Value of Plut

(A) 1 matra

(B) 3 matra

(C) 5 matra

(D) 7 matra

Answer: (B)

19. Which is the vocal range of women?

(A) Alto

(B) Bass

(C) Tenor

(D) Baritone

Answer: (A)

20. This is the subjective art.

(A) Music

(B) Poetry

(C) Architecture

(D) Literature

Answer: (C)

21. Which is the chief component of formulating a methodology of music teaching?

(A) Preparation of Question paper

(B) Evaluation

(C) Formulation of syllabus

(D) Applied theory

Answer: (C)

22. The first stage in the development of musical scale is known as

(A) Gathik period

(B) Saminogayanam

(C) Ekasvaragayanam

(D) Aranyaka period

Answer: (C)

23. The existence of 22 srutis of the present day classical music was first devised by

(A) Dattilla

(B) Somnath

(C) Bharata

(D) Ramamatya

Answer: (C)

24. Select the correct pair from the following:

(A) Rabindranath’s Uncle Prince Dwarkanath Tagore

(B) Rabindranath’s Brother Satyendranath Tagore

(C) Rabindranath’s Cousin Rathindranath Tagore

(D) Rabindranath’s Son Maharshi Devendranath Tagore

Answer: (B)

25. Which taal is usually played in Tappa Gayaki?

(A) Deepchandi

(B) Trital

(C) Punjabi

(D) Dhamar

Answer: (C)

Part – II: Hindustani Music (Vocal / Instrumental)

26. Which one of the (that-raga) pair is not correct?

(A) Raga Puriya – Thata Marva

(B) Raga Puriya Kalyan – Thata Marva

(C) Raga Puriya Dhanshree – Thata Marva

(D) Rag Sohini – Thata Marva

Answer: (C)

27. Identify the correct group which depicts the ‘dhatu’ of ‘prabandha’.

(A) Arohi, Avrohi, Abhog, Sanchari

(B) Oudgrah, Melapak, Dhruv, Abhog

(C) Sthai, Antra, Kadamb, Roopak

(D) Tala, Chhanda, Bhavini, Sanchari

Answer: (B)

28. Which one of the following ragas is the ‘Ashraya-raga’ of ‘Bhairavthata’?

(A) Ahir Bhairav

(B) Bairagi Bhairav

(C) Nat Bhairav

(D) Bhairav

Answer: (D)

29. Which of the following factors contribute to shape a raga?

(i) Alpatva – Bahutva

(ii) Vadi – Samvadi

(iii) Bhatyali – Chatka

Select the correct answer using the codes below:


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) (i) and (iii)

(D) (i) and (ii)

Answer: (D)

30. Raga ‘Vilaskhanitodi’ comes under which ‘thata’?

(A) Todi

(B) Asawari

(C) Kafi

(D) Bhairavi

Answer: (D)

31. Concept of ‘Rag-ragini’ classification according to ‘Hanumat Mat’ is

(A) 6 Ragas – 36 Raginies

(B) 6 Ragas – 25 Raginies

(C) 6 Ragas – 30 Raginies

(D) 5 Ragas – 36 Raginies

Answer: (C)

32. How many ‘thats’ are given for ‘Rag-vargikaran’, according to Pt. Vyankatmakhi?

(A) 105

(B) 72

(C) 32

(D) 12

Answer: (B)

33. ‘Adhvadarshakswara’ ‘madhyam’ is important because it indicates

(A) ‘Rasabhav of Raga’

(B) ‘Swar-Samvad of Raga’

(C) ‘Samay Vibhajan of Raga’

(D) Classification of Raga

Answer: (C)

34. Which of the Karnatak music composers are known as Trinity?

(A) Vyankatmakhi, Lochan, Shriniwas

(B) Tyagraja, MuttuswamiDikshitar, Shyamashastri

(C) Tyagraja, Shyamashastri, Vyankatmakhi

(D) Shriniwas, Tyagraj, Ramamatya

Answer: (B)

35. ‘Udgata’ is the main singer of which of the following musical form?

(A) Sadra

(B) Salagsuda

(C) Samveda

(D) Seena-ba-seena

Answer: (C)

36. What is the meaning of Tenak in “Prabandha”?

(A) Mangal Dhwani

(B) Garud Dhwani

(C) Hansa Dhwani

(D) Nirmal Dhwani

Answer: (A)

37. Where is the birthplace of Amir Khushro?

(A) Delhi

(B) Lucknow

(C) Patiala

(D) Lahore

Answer: (C)

38. Name the artist who plays North Indian &South Indian music with the same ease.

(A) Pt. Gajananrao Joshi

(B) Puttur Devdas Joshi

(C) T.N. Krishnan

(D) M.S. Gopalkrishnan

Answer: (D)

39. Raga sung in the evening time is

(A) Ahir Bhairav

(B) Marubihag

(C) Shudda Sarang

(D) None of these

Answer: (D)

40. Sitar string of ‘Chikari’ is tuned in which note?

(A) Tar Sa

(B) Madhya Sa

(C) Mandra Sa

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)

41. Number of frets in the sitar of Mushtaque Ali Khan.

(A) 24

(B) 23

(C) 17

(D) 21

Answer: (C)

42. Which does not belong to Maihar Gharana?

(A) Ustad Sujat Khan

(B) Ustad Aliakbar Khan

(C) Pt. Ravi Sankar

(D) Pt. Nikhil Bannerjee

Answer: (A)

43. ‘Sangeet Darpan’ book is written in which year?

(A) 1625

(B) 1626

(C) 1627

(D) 1628

Answer: (A)

44. Author of ‘Sangeet-Raga Kalpdrum’ is

(A) Mohammad Raja

(B) Savai Pratapsingh

(C) Krishnan and Vyas

(D) None of these

Answer: (C)

45. Who created Raga Parmeshwari?

(A) Pt. Ravishankar

(B) Pt. Nikhil Bannerjee

(C) Pt. Balram Pathak

(D) Vidushi Sharan Rani Mathur

Answer: (A)

46. In which year Central Sangeet Natak Academy was established?

(A) 1950

(B) 1952

(C) 1948

(D) 1954

Answer: (B)

47. Who made Bharat Natyam famous?

(A) Rukminidevi Arundel

(B) Yamini Krishnamurthi

(C) Bal Saraswati

(D) Dr. Padma Subramanyam

Answer: (A)

48. Which artist was honoured with “Aftabe Mussiki” by the King of Baroda Maharaja?

(A) Ustad Abdul Karim Khan

(B) Ustad Fayyaj Khan

(C) Ustad Ameer Khan

(D) Ustad Bade Gulam Ali Khan

Answer: (B)

49. The principal centre of teaching education in Buddha Period was

(A) Varanasi

(B) Takshshila

(C) Rajgruh

(D) Avadh

Answer: (B)

50. What is the name of Meend in Western Staff Notation?

(A) Pause

(B) Uppermordent

(C) Slur

(D) Crescendo

Answer: (C)

Part – III: Karnatak Music (Vocal, Instrumental, Percussion)

26. The author of Sangita Samayasara

(A) Bharata

(B) Parsvadeva

(C) Matanga

(D) Venkatmakhi

Answer: (B)

27. The divisions of the rhetorical beauty yamaka are.

(A) Sudha and Bhinna

(B) Ahata and Anahata

(C) Sudha and Vikrita

(D) Bhinna and Vikrita

Answer: (A)

28. The common name that comes in the Sangita Ratnakara and Sangita Makaranda

(A) Rohini

(B) Hladi

(C) Ugra

(D) Kshobhini

Answer: (C)

29. The instrument _______ is used as the rhythmic accompaniment for the folk form lavanies.

(A) Ektara

(B) Dilruba

(C) Tuntina

(D) Dep

Answer: (D)

30. Hasya rasa is expressed by the raga

(A) Mayamalavagoula

(B) Sriraga

(C) Vasanta

(D) Kedaragoula

Answer: (C)

31. Sutragitas are

(A) Lakshana Gita

(B) Lakshya Gita

(C) Mnemonical Gita

(D) Sutrakanta

Answer: (C)

32. Earlier name for Raga Mohana was

(A) Bhoop

(B) Regupti

(C) Revagupti

(D) Sadari

Answer: (B)

33. The Deekshitar Kriti ‘Nannubrovarada’ in Sama raga comes in the group of

(A) Sivanavavaranam

(B) Abhyambanavavaranam

(C) Panchalingastalakrities

(D) Kalahastisa Pancharetnam

Answer: (D)

34. Udgraha corresponds to the present day

(A) Pallavi

(B) Chittasvara

(C) Charana

(D) Anupallavi

Answer: (A)

35. Nirveda is the stayibhava for

(A) Karuna rasa

(B) Vatsalya rasa

(C) Atbhuta rasa

(D) Santa rasa

Answer: (D)

36. DarbariKanada raga is a

(A) Audavasampoorna raga

(B) Arohanavakrashadava raga

(C) Ubhayavakrasampoorna raga

(D) Shadavaaudava raga

Answer: (C)

37. The sixth chapter of Natya Sastra is titled as

(A) Bharavyanjaka

(B) Rasavikalpa

(C) Dasarupaka

(D) Purvavidhana

Answer: (B)

38. Senchurutti raga of Karnatak music corresponds to

(A) Jhinjotti

(B) Jhog

(C) Julavali

(D) Jhonpuri

Answer: (A)

39. The application of one of the following set of Panchadasagamaka is more or less the same:

(A) Tiripa, Sphurita, Humpita

(B) Lina, Andolita, Kurula

(C) Jaru, Tribhinna, Kampita

(D) Mudrita, Namita, Ullasita

Answer: (B)

40. The Thyagarajakriti which brought a person back from death to life.

(A) Mokshamugalata

(B) Najivadhara

(C) Nidhichala Sukhama

(D) Entaro Mahanubhavulu

Answer: (B)

41. The earlier name of the raga Pantuvarali

(A) Kamavardhini

(B) Ramakri

(C) Sadari

(D) Thakkesi

Answer: (B)

42. Assertion (A): Music is one of the lamps of human culture that has continued to burn with undiminished lusture all through the ages. It is a rich heritage that has come to us from the past.

Reasoning (R): Music can promote world solidarity. Music is a language of friendship and reconciliation.

(A) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(B) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(C) (A) and (R) are false.

(D) (A) and (R) are true.

Answer: (D)

43. ________ is known as Rasa raja.

(A) Hasya

(B) Sringara

(C) Vatsalya

(D) Bhibatsa

Answer: (B)

44. The frequency of Begada Ma is

(A) 4/3

(B) 27/20

(C) 45/32

(D) 5/4

Answer: (B)

45. Rishabha of Kharaharapriya taken as Shadja and the self-same notes are sung or played the resultant scale is

(A) Thodi

(B) Kalyani

(C) Natabhairavi

(D) Sankarabharana

Answer: (A)

46. Chitraveena had

(A) 7 strings

(B) 9 strings

(C) 4 strings

(D) 5 strings

Answer: (A)

47. Sabdapallavi is a musical form of

(A) Svaras in Pallavi and Anupallavi

(B)Jatis in Pallavi and Jatis and Svaras in Charana

(C) Jatis and Svaras in Anupallavi

(D) Jatis, Sahitya and Svaras in Pallavi

Answer: (B)

48. In ancient Tamil Music the Suddhamela was the Madhyama Murchana of

(A) Gandharagrama

(B) Madhyamagrama

(C) Shadjagrama

(D) Panchamagrama

Answer: (C)

49. Sindhubhairavi is the janya raga of

(A) Hanumatodi

(B) Kharaharapriya

(C) Natakapriya

(D) Natabhairavi

Answer: (C)

50. A compound wind instrument:

(A) Kombu

(B) Flute

(C) Nagasvaram

(D) Magudi

Answer: (D)

Part – IV: Rabindra Sangeet

26. Which of the following songs is based on ‘Baul’?

(A) Aabareshechheashadh

(B) Keno jamininajetejagalena

(C) Aamarhiarmajhelukiechhile

(D) Anandalokemangalaloke

Answer: (C)

27. Select the correct pair from the following:

(A) Kadambari Devi Debendranath’s mother

(B) Gyanadanandini Devi Dwarkanath’s wife

(C) Sarada Devi Rabindranath’s mother

(D) Sarala Devi Satyendranath’s wife

Answer: (C)

28. Select the correct pair from the following:

(A) Aamaretumiasheshkorecho– Prem

(B) Tumikemonkoregaankoroheygooni– Pujo

(C) Aamarjeevan-patrauchhalya – Bichitra

(D) Dinguli more shonarkhanchay– Prem

Answer: (B)

29. The song ‘gram chhadaoirangamateer path’ belongs to the thematic category called

(A) Pujo

(B) Vichitra

(C) Prem

(D) Swadesh

Answer: (B)

30. In which language were the lyrics of ‘Bhanusingher Padavali’ written?

(A) Hindi

(B) Bangla

(C) Nepali

(D) Maithili

Answer: (D)

31. Which country has declared the composition of Tagore as the National Anthem?

(A) Sri Lanka

(B) Bangladesh

(C) Bhutan

(D) Nepal

Answer: (B)

32. During which time/hour of the day is raag ‘Sohini’ sung?

(A) At dawn

(B) After 1.30 pm

(C) In the forenoon

(D) At midnight

Answer: (B)

33. The song ‘Shangangaganeyghorghanaghata’ is from

(A) Bhanusingher Padavali

(B) Mayar Khela

(C) Valmiki Pratibha

(D) Chandalika

Answer: (A)

34. The song ‘Lajja ! Chhi Chhi Lajja’ is from

(A) Mayar Khela

(B) Chitrangada

(C) Chandalika

(D) Bhanusingher Padavali

Answer: (C)

35. When was Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize?

(A) 1901

(B) 1915

(C) 1913

(D) 1941

Answer: (C)

36. When was the reading of Tagore’s lecture ‘Crisis in Civilization’ carried out?

(A) 1940

(B) 1918

(C) 1923

(D) 1941

Answer: (D)

37. Who was responsible for introducing ‘Tappa’ to Bengali music?

(A) Madhusudan Kinnar

(B) Abanindranath Tagore

(C) Ramnidhi Gupta

(D) Surendranath Tagore

Answer: (C)

38. Select the correct pair from the following:

(A) Andhajanedehoaalo, mritajane – Brahma sangeet

(B) Aamaderjatraholoshuru– Prem

(C) Path diyekejaigocholey– Vichitra

(D) Ogonadi, aponbegepagal-para– Puja

Answer: (A)

39. In which year was Rabindranath Tagore knighted?

(A) 1901

(B) 1919

(C) 1913

(D) 1915

Answer: (D)

40. In which year was Doctorate degree conferred on Tagore by Oxford University?

(A) 1938

(B) 1940

(C) 1941

(D) 1930

Answer: (B)

41. Which of the following is a Rabindra Baul Song?

(A) Alokkusumnadiyo

(B) Amaderjatraholoshuru

(C) Ami tareikhoonjebedai

(D) Aajibijongharenishitrate

Answer: (C)

42. To which thematic category does the song ‘Aajibasantajagratadware’ belong?

(A) Bichitra

(B) Puja

(C) Swadesh

(D) Prakriti

Answer: (D)

43. The song ‘Shubha Karmapathedharonirbhayagaan’ is based on

(A) Thumri Tal

(B) Beh, Choutal

(C) Kirtan

(D) Desh, Ektala

Answer: (A)

44. In which year was the formal foundation of Viswa Bharati laid?

(A) 1930

(B) 1919

(C) 1918

(D) 1913

Answer: (C)

45. What was the main objective of establishing ‘Viswa Bharati’?

(A) Study of Science and Technology

(B) Study of Commerce

(C) Study of Indian Music &Painting

(D) Study of Humanities

Answer: (C)

46. The song ‘Puranoshei diner Katha’ was influenced by

(A) Carnatic music

(B) Western music

(C) Bengalee music

(D) Chinese music

Answer: (B)

47. The song ‘aamarsakalrosherdhara’ belongs to the category

(A) Prakriti

(B) Bichitra

(C) Swadesh

(D) Puja

Answer: (D)

48. Select the correct pair from the following:

(A) Pranchaychokhhunachay– Prakriti

(B) Prangane more shirishshakhay– Bichitra

(C) Meghbolechhejabojabo– Swadesh

(D) Ami bhoykorbona – Puja

Answer: (B)

49. In which year was the school started in Santiniketan?

(A) 1895

(B) 1901

(C) 1930

(D) 1940

Answer: (B)

50. In which year was Tagore’s drama ‘Tapati’ first staged?

(A) 1913

(B) 1919

(C) 1930

(D) 1929

Answer: (D)

Part – V: Percussion Instruments

26. Name of God related to Taal- Prakaran.

(A) Brahma

(B) Vishnu

(C) Shiv

(D) Ganesh

Answer: (C)

27. Avanaddha Vadya which came into existence for the first time.

(A) Patah

(B) Alingya

(C) Durdur

(D) Bhoodundubhi

Answer: (D)

28. Mridang is related to

(A) Earth (Mud)

(B) Wood

(C) Metal

(D) None of these

Answer: (A)

29. ‘Dha Kit Takit Taka’ belongs to

(A) Pakhawaj

(B) Tabla

(C) Mridangam

(D) Ghatam

Answer: (A)

30. Quaida composition belongs to

(A) Tabla

(B) Pakhawaj

(C) Dholak

(D) Nakkara

Answer: (A)

31. ‘Paran’ belongs to

(A) Tabla

(B) Pakhawaj

(C) Dholak

(D) Nakkara

Answer: (B)

32. ‘Dedh Gun’ is depicted by

(A) 3/2

(B) 2/3

(C) 3/4

(D) 4/3

Answer: (A)

33. Fraction depicting ‘Sawa Gun’

(A) 4/5

(B) 5/4

(C) 5/3

(D) 3/5

Answer: (B)

34. Which material is used in putting ‘Syahi’ on tabla?

(A) Wood powder

(B) Iron powder

(C) Stone powder

(D) None of these

Answer: (B)

35.Taal which is mostly used with Khayal style of singing?

(A) Khemta

(B) Dhumali

(C) EkTaal

(D) Punjabi

Answer: (C)

36. TheTaal usually used with Thumari style of singing.

(A) Teen Taal

(B) Jhap Taal

(C) Addha Titala

(D) Deep Chandi

Answer: (D)

37. ‘Laggi’ is used in

(A) Khayal

(B) Tappa

(C) Thumari

(D) Sadara

Answer: (C)

38. Tabla Player awarded Sangat-Samrat.

(A) Ahamad Jaan Thirakua

(B) Alla Rakha

(C) Habibuddin

(D) Munne Khan

Answer: (C)

39. Tabla Player well versed in all the main four styles.

(A) Ahmed Jaan Thirakua

(B) Alla Rakha

(C) Habibuddin

(D) Munne Khan

Answer: (A)

40. Eminent player well versed in both Tabla & Pakhawaj

(A) Ayodhya Prasad

(B) Pagal Das

(C) Prem Vallabh

(D) Pran Vallabh

Answer: (C)

41. Bola of which ‘Prastaar’ is not possible.

(A) Quada

(B) Peshkara

(C) Gat

(D) Laggi

Answer: (C)

42. Gharana of Tabla which is directly related with Pakhawaj.

(A) Delhi Gharana

(B) Punjab Gharana

(C) Ajarada Gharana

(D) Farukhabad Gharana

Answer: (B)

43. Tabla-Baaj in which ‘AAD’ is prominently used.

(A) Delhi Baaj

(B) Poorab Baaj

(C) Ajarada Baaj

(D) None of these

Answer: (C)

44. Gharana of Ustad Quader Baksha

(A) Delhi

(B) Punjab

(C) Lucknow

(D) Banaras

Answer: (B)

45. 9/4 depicts the Layakari of

(A) Aad

(B) Quad

(C) Biyad

(D) None of these

Answer: (B)

46. Who was very much famous for ‘NA DHIN DHIN NA’?

(A) Kanthe Maharaj

(B) Kishan Maharaj

(C) Gudai Maharaj

(D) Anaukhe  Lal

Answer: (D)

47. The place where even today ‘AATA’ is applied to Baya Tabla in the name of Tradition

(A) Delhi

(B) Punjab

(C) Lucknow

(D) Banaras

Answer: (B)

48. Theka in which Bola of 1st & 8thMatra prolongs upto 1 1/2 matra

(A) Deepchandi

(B) Jat Taal

(C) Addha Titaala

(D) Jhumara

Answer: (D)

49. Which treatise of Music is called ‘Saptadhyayee’ also?

(A) Natya Shashtra of Bharat

(B) Sangeet Ratnakar of Sharanga Deo

(C) Dattilam

(D) Brihaddeshi

Answer: (B)

50. How many Taalas are mentioned in Sangeet Ratnakar of Sharangadeo?

(A) 110

(B) 120

(C) 130

(D) 140

Answer: (B)

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