
Geography 2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

1. The premise that present-day processes have been operating throughout geological time is the principle of

(A) Continental drift

(B) Uniformitarianism

(C) Earth Systems

(D) Plate Tectonics

Answer: (B)

2. The concept of Panplain is associated with

(A) W.M. Davis

(B) W. Penk

(C) A. Strahler

(D) E. Huntington

Answer: (-)

3. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using codes given below:

List – I                                    List - II

(a) River                                  (i) Dolines

(b) Glacier                               (ii) Inselburg

(c) Wind                                  (iii) Moraines

(d) Underground water           (iv) Leaves


(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

(A)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)

(B)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)       (iii)

(C)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)         (iv)

(D)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)

Answer: (A)

4. Identify the order of the stream at the section marked ‘X’

(A) 2 

(B) 3

(C) 4 

(D) 5 

Answer: (C)

5. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given:

List – I                        List - II

(Land form)                (Agenta of Denudation)

(a) Monadnocks          1. Wind

(b) Blind valley           2. Glacier

(c) Drumlin                  3. River

(d) Dreikanter                         4. Ground Water


            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

(A)       2          4          1          3

(B)       4          1          2          3

(C)       1          3          2          4

(D)       3          4          2          1

Answer: (D)

6. Which of the following pairs of countries receive maximum insolation?

(A) Indonesia and Sri Lanka

(B) Indonesia and Libya

(C) Yemen and Somalia

(D) Canada and Australia

Answer: (C)

7. Solid material passes directly into vapour state by means of

(A) Condensation

(B) Sublimation

(C) Volatalization

(D) Convection

Answer: (B)

8. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

1. Cwa and hot summers, dry winters.

2. Cwb and hot dry summers.

3. Csb and warm dry summers.

4. Cfb and warm summers

Select the correct answer.

(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(B) 1, 3 and 4

(C) 1 and 4

(D) 1 and 2

Answer: (B)

9. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using codes given below:

List – I                                    List - II

(Local Winds)                         (Countries)

(1) Loo                                    (i) West Africa

(2) Samun                                (ii) Former Yugoslavia

(3) Harmattan                          (iii) Pakistan

(4) Bora                                   (iv) Iran


            (1)        (2)        (3)        (4)

(A)       (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)

(B)       (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)

(C)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)

(D)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

Answer: (B)

10. Radiolarian Ooze is

(A) Terrigenous Deposits

(B) Neritic Deposits

(C) Pelagic Deposits

(D) Littoral Deposits

Answer: (C)

11. Certain substances are classified as water pollutants, others as air pollutants and still others as land pollutants. Which one of the following pollutes are three parts of our environment?

(A) Flourocarbons

(B) Smog

(C) Acid rain

(D) Ozone

Answer: (C)

12. Ria is an example of

(A) Emerged upland shore

(B) Submerged upland shore

(C) Neutral shore

(D) Compound shore

Answer: (B)

13. Flat-topped sub-marine mountains are called

(A) Sea mounts

(B) Abyssal mounts

(C) Guyots

(D) Sea Volcanoes

Answer: (C)

14. Anacondas are largely found in

(A) Irrawady Basin

(B) Congo Basin

(C) Orinoco Basin

(D) Amazon Basin

Answer: (D)

15. Match the List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

List – I                                    List - II

(Natural Vegetation)               (Indian States/UTs)

1. Conifers                              i. Jharkhand

2. Evergreen                            ii. Rajasthan

3. Xerophytes                          iii. Andaman &Nicobar

4. Deciduous                           iv. Jammu &Kashmir


1          2          3          4

(A)       iii         iv         i           ii

(B)       iv         iii         ii          i

(C)       ii          i           iii         iv

(D)       i           ii          iv         iii

Answer: (B)

16. Who among the following did not support the concept of environmental determinism?

(A) Ratzel

(B) Davis

(C) Huntington

(D) None of these

Answer: (D)

17. Match the following and find the correct answer from the code:

List – I                                                            List - II

(a) Probabilism                                    (i) Von Humboldt

(b) Stop-and-go determinism              (ii) Carl Ritter

(c) Systematic Geography                   (iii) Griffith Taylor

(d) Regional Geography                     (iv) O.H.K Spate


(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

(A)       (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)

(B)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(C)       (iii)       (ii)        (iv)       (i)

(D)       (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)

Answer: (A)

18. Who wrote the book Airs Water and Places?

(A) Anaximander

(B) Hippocrates

(C) Eratosthones

(D) Hecateus

Answer: (B)

19. The Humanistic Geography aims at ‘Verstehn’, that is

(A) Life style of man.

(B) Inter personal relations of men.

(C) Understanding of man in his environment.

(D) Objective experiences of man.

Answer: (A)

20. Geographia in 17 volumes was written by

(A) Ptolemy

(B) Miletus

(C) Strabo

(D) Ritter

Answer: (C)

21. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below:

Assertion (A): The newly emerged industrial cities in India are numerically dominated by both male and female adult population.

Reason (R): Human migration is age and sex selective.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (C)

22. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Exurbanisation – Commuter belt grows at the expense of core.

(B) Counterurbanisation – Population loss of ring is more than the urban core.

(C) Reurbanisation – Core starts regaining population.

(D) Exourbanisation – Labour intensive and export oriented industrialization is the base.

Answer: (B)

23. International migration is no longer a factor in population distribution mainly because

(A) People do not wish to migrate.

(B) People are afraid of racial prejudices.

(C) Nations have placed restrictions on migration.

(D) Employment opportunities are not bright.

Answer: (C)

24. Match the following:

List – I                                    List - II

(Name of Scholar)                   (Idea/Concept)

a. Charles Darwin                   I. Migration laws

b. Wilbur Zelinsky                  II. Population and resources

c. Thomas Malthus                  III. Theory of evolution

d. George Ravenstein             IV. Hypothesis of the mobility


a          b          c          d

(A)       I           II         III        IV

(B)       II         III        IV        I

(C)       III        IV        II         I

(D)       IV        III        II         I

Answer: (C)

25. Who among the following used the term Ecumenopolis to describe a projected urbanised world or universal city by the end of the twenty first century?

(A) Geddes

(B) Gottmann

(C) Doxiades

(D) Dickinson

Answer: (C)

26. Match the items in the List-I with that in List-II. The items in the two lists relate to sector theory proposed by Hoyt.

List – I                        List - II

(Sector Number)         (Urban Land use Pattern)

a. 1                              I. Wholesale & Light Manufacturing

b. 2                              II. CBD

c. 3                              III. Medium-class Residential

d. 4                              IV. Low-class Residential


a.1       b.2       c.3       d.4

(A)       I           II         III        IV

(B)       II         III        IV        I

(C)       II         I           IV        III

(D)       IV        III        II         I

Answer: (C)

27. What is generally not true of shifting cultivation?

(A) Rotation of field.

(B) Absence of draught animals.

(C) More often than not the homestead is not shifted.

(D) It is a great catalytic force for community life.

Answer: (C)

28. Which one of the following States is the largest producer of Tin?

(A) Rajasthan

(B) Odisha

(C) Jharkhand

(D) Chhatisgarh

Answer: (D)

29. The classical model of Industrial location theory in which least cost approach is of primary consideration is recognised as the industrial location theory of

(A) Weber

(B) Smith

(C) Isard

(D) Hoover

Answer: (A)

30. Kiel Canal connects

(A) Berring Sea and the Pacific Ocean

(B) Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

(C) Baltic Sea and North Sea

(D) Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean

Answer: (C)

31. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Policy of India was introduced in

(A) 1999

(B) 2000

(C) 2001

(D) 2002

Answer: (B)

32. In the contemporary context, which one of the following countries is most significant from geo-strategic view point?

(A) Maldives

(B) Sri Lanka

(C) Afghanistan

(D) Bangladesh

Answer: (C)

33. ‘Carrot and stick’ technique is used as a regional development policy in

(A) Sweden

(B) Netherlands

(C) Germany

(D) Great Britain

Answer: (D)

34. The core of the Great Himalayan is made up of

(A) Dharwar Rocks

(B) Archaean Rocks

(C) Quaternary Rocks

(D) Gondwana Rocks

Answer: (B)

35. Which one of the following rock systems is the main source of coal in India?

(A) Gondawana

(B) Cuddappa

(C) Vindhyan

(D) Dharwar

Answer: (A)

36. Which one of the following sets of commodities is imported by India from South West Asian Countries?

(A) Raw Wool and Carpets

(B) Dates and Olives

(C) Precious Stones and Pearls

(D) Perfumes and Coffee

Answer: (C)

37. Which of the following States in India has the largest number of sugar mills?

(A) Gujarat

(B) Maharashtra

(C) Bihar

(D) Uttar Pradesh

Answer: (D)

38. Match the following:

List – I            List - II

(Dialect)          (State)

a. Awadhi       I. Haryana

b. Bundeli       II. Bihar

c. Maithili        III. Madhya Pradesh

d. Bagri           IV. Uttar Pradesh


a          b          c          d

(A)       I           II         III        IV

(B)       II         III        IV        I

(C)       III        IV        I           II

(D)       IV        III        II         I

Answer: (D)

39. The concept of Lebensraum became popular in the discipline of political geography after the publication of

(A) Politische geographic

(B) Geographical pivot of history

(C) Political geography: world economy, nation-state and locality.

(D) Making political geography.

Answer: (A)

40. Pred criticized location theory on following grounds:

(A) Logical inconsistency, motives and capacity.

(B) Motives and capacity.

(C) Logical inconsistency and capacity.

(D) Logical inconsistency and motives.

Answer: (A)

41. Match the following lists:

List – I                                                            List - II

(a) Cumulative Causation Model                    1. Rostow

(b) Spatial Diffusion                                       2. Myrdal

(c) Behavioural Matrix                                    3. Hagerstrand

(d) Stages of Economic growth                      4. Pred


(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

(A)       2          3          4          1

(B)       1          2          4          3

(C)       1          2          4          4

(D)       4          3          2          1

Answer: (A)

42. Who coined the term Geopolitics?

(A) Kjellen

(B) Haushoffer

(C) Ratzel

(D) Hess

Answer: (A)

43. Who among the following is credited with incorporation of concept of geographical space in the Growth Pole Theory?

(A) Bouldville

(B) Friedmann

(C) Myrdal

(D) Haggerstand

Answer: (A)

44. Arrange the following maps in decreasing order of scale:

(i) Atlas map

(ii) Wall map

(iii) Cadastral map

(iv) Topographical map

Select the answer from codes:

(A) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(B) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(C) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

(D) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

Answer: (D)

45. Area of a drainage basin on a map with R.F. 1: 50,000 are measured as 200 sq. cm. What will be the basin area of map when it is reduced at the R.F. 1: 100, 000?

(A) 1000 sq. cm.

(B) 100 sq. cm.

(C) 50 sq. cm.

(D) 500 sq. cm.

Answer: (C)

46. On a topographic map, lines that indicate water-depth are termed as

(A) Isogonic line

(B) Isobath

(C) Isopachs

(D) Isoneph

Answer: (B)

47. In order to identify Qutab Minar on an Arial photograph, which of the following elements of image interpretation would be more expressive?

(A) Shape

(B) Shadow

(C) Tone

(D) Texture

Answer: (B)

48. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes the given below:

List – I                        List - II

(Standard Colour)       (Landuse feature)

i. Red                          (a) Cultivated area

ii. Dark Green             (b) Built-up land

iii. Brown                    (c) Forest area

iv. Yellow                   (d) Uncultivable land


(a)        (b)        (c)        (d)

(A)       ii          i           iv         iii

(B)       iv         iii         ii          i

(C)       ii          i           iii         iv

(D)       iv         i           ii          iii

Answer: (D)

49. Whose portrayals epitomized the relationship of political geography to foreign policy?

(A) Isaiah Bowman

(B) Friedrich Ratzel

(C) Karl Haushofer

(D) Adolf Hitler

Answer: (C)

50. Who for the first time emphasized the importance of mental map of environment in decision-making process?

(A) Woolridge

(B) Downs

(C) Gould

(D) Lynch

Answer: (C)

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