
Criminology 2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper III - Download

Criminology 2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper III -  Download 

1. Pre-sentence report is required to release an offender on

(A) Parole

(B) Premature release

(C) Probation

(D) Bail

Answer: (C)

2. How many High Courts are there in India?

(A) 10 to 15

(B) 15 to 20

(C) 20 to 25

(D) 25 to 30

Answer: (C)

3. Which treatise is Kautilya credited to have authored?

(A) Dharmashashtra

(B) Manusmriti

(C) Arthshashtra

(D) Ayurvigyan

Answer: (C)

4. Which among the following is an economic offence?

(A) Auto theft

(B) Robbery

(C) Embezzlement

(D) Money laundering

Answer: (D)

5. Who has postulated the concept of ‘Born Criminal’?

(A) Godard

(B) Lombroso

(C) Garofalo

(D) Darwin

Answer: (B)

6. Who has linked levels of intelligence with juvenile delinquency?

(A) Cattell

(B) Allport

(C) Binet

(D) Eysenck

Answer: (B)

7. Which theory has been propounded by Robert Merton?

(A) Class conflict

(B) Anomie theory

(C) Culture conflict

(D) Differential opportunity theory

Answer: (B)

8. What does the term Kleptomania mean?

(A) Urge to hurt others

(B) Urge for criminal conspiracy

(C) Urge for sexual gratification

(D) Urge of commit theft

Answer: (D)

9. The term ‘Zero Tolerance’ is related to

(A) Policing

(B) Treatment of Drug addicts

(C) Corruption

(D) Night Patrolling

Answer: (A)

10. What is a Hypothesis?

(A) Proposition

(B) Presumption

(C) Postulate

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

11. Which software among the following is good for research - data analysis?

(A) MS PowerPoint

(B) Adobe Reader

(C) Tally

(D) MS Excel

Answer: (D)

12. Which statistical measure brings out the dispersion of a variable in a statistical series?

(A) Rank Correlation

(B) Standard Deviation

(C) Arithmetic Mean

(D) Chi-square

Answer: (B)

13. Which country is known for the production of Cocaine?

(A) Algeria

(B) Colombia

(C) Iran

(D) Vietnam

Answer: (B)

14. Among the following which psychotropic substance is an opium derivative?

(A) Ganja

(B) Brandy

(C) Heroin

(D) Cocain

Answer: (C)

15. According to official figures, which state in India has the lowest rate of crime against Schedule Castes?

(A) Arunachal Pradesh

(B) Bihar

(C) Chhattisgarh

(D) Gujarat

Answer: (A)

16. How many members does a Child Welfare Committee under the J.J. Act have?

(A) Three members

(B) Four members

(C) Five members

(D) Six members

Answer: (C)

17. After enquiry, Juvenile Justice Board can pass orders regarding the juvenile for

(A) Admonition

(B) Probation

(C) Term in Special Home

(D) Any of the above

Answer: (D)

18. For dealing with children, what police organisation is specified under the J.J. Act?

(A) Juvenile Aid Police Unit

(B) Juvenile Activity Club

(C) Special Juvenile Police Unit

(D) Juvenile Aid Bureau

Answer: (C)

19. In India, what punishment can be awarded to those below eighteen years of age and found guilty of homicide?

(A) Detention for three years

(B) Imprisonment of ten years

(C) Life imprisonment

(D) Death penalty

Answer: (A)

20. In the 19th century, which country used to burn to death those suspected to practice witchcraft?

(A) Brazil

(B) South Africa

(C) France

(D) Great Britain

Answer: (D)

21. In which state was first open-air camp or jail set up in India?

(A) Assam

(B) Gujarat

(C) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Uttar Pradesh

Answer: (D)

22. Which country first started probation to offenders?

(A) Great Britain

(B) France

(C) Australia

(D) United States of America

Answer: (D)

23. Who is competent to commute death penalty to life imprisonment?

(A) Director General of Prisoners

(B) Chief Minister

(C) Prime Minister

(D) President of India

Answer: (D)

24. Borstal School is meant for

(A) Delinquents below 10 years

(B) Adolescent offenders

(C) Female offenders

(D) Adult offenders

Answer: (B)

25. Which officer has to record a confession of a person if it is to be of evidentiary value?

(A) Investigating Officer

(B) Gazetted Officer

(C) Magistrate

(D) Deputy Commissioner

Answer: (C)

26. Who has authored the book, ‘The Criminal and his Victim’?

(A) Enrico Ferri

(B) Charles Goring

(C) Glueck

(D) Von Hentig

Answer: (D)

27. The term primary deviance is used in the

(A) Labelling Theory

(B) Social Learning Theory

(C) Containment Theory

(D) Anomie Theory

Answer: (A)

28. Under which law are crime victims belonging to Scheduled Castes and Tribes provided compensation by government?

(A) Indian Penal Code

(B) Protection of Civil Rights Act

(C) SC/ST (Prevention of the Atrocities) Act

(D) Evidence Act

Answer: (C)

29. Broadly speaking, criminology, as a science deals with

(A) The study of crime

(B) The study of those who commit crime

(C) The study of penal systems

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

30. Assertion (A): There is no international consensus as to what constitution ‘crime’, in the International arena.

Reason (R): Security international co-operation against particular states is often very difficult to achieve. Nations such as India, China among others are not even signatories to the International Criminal Court.


(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (B)

31. Which of the following is a form of Cyber Crime?

(A) Software

(B) Hacking

(C) Hardware

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)

32. Which of the following is not a counter-terrorism policy?

(A) Increase physical security

(B) To encourage terrorism

(C) To increase powers of security forces

(D) To increase procedural security

Answer: (B)

33. Which of the following is not an original crime?

(A) Child Trafficking

(B) Smuggling of Narcotic Drugs

(C) Organ Trafficking

(D) Riot

Answer: (D)

34. Production, distribution and role of illicit drugs is called

(A) Drug trafficking

(B) Drug dependence

(C) Alcohol use

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

35. Which among the following is not a technique of neutralization?

(A) Denial of responsibility

(B) Denial of injury

(C) Denial of the victim

(D) Denial of involvement

Answer: (D)

36. Who is the author of the book ‘The Culture of Control’?

(A) David Garland

(B) Carls Smart

(C) John Braithwaite

(D) Grabosky

Answer: (B)

37. Which of the following is/are experienced by victims of crime?

(A) Physical loss

(B) Psychological impact

(C) Financial Impact

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

38. Which among the following is related to laws on obscenity and indecency?

(A) Phising

(B) Cyber-pornography

(C) Nigerian scams

(D) Stalking

Answer: (B)

39. Criminologists refer to “hidden crimes” as

(A) Crimes in jungles

(B) Crimes in slums

(C) Unreported crimes

(D) Female infanticide

Answer: (C)

40. Which of the following does the definition of crime include?

(A) Act of Commission

(B) Criminal Intention

(C) Act of Omission

(D) All of the above

Answer: (D)

41. Who among the following is related to situational crime prevention?

(A) Donald Clerk

(B) Ronald Clark

(C) John Cohen

(D) Albert Cohen

Answer: (B)

42. Kobe police system is operational in which country

(A) Korea

(B) China

(C) Japan

(D) Philippines

Answer: (C)

43. Who among the following is not a Radical Criminologist?

(A) Richard Quinney

(B) William Chambliss

(C) Taylor

(D) Sellin

Answer: (D)

44. The Philosophy of Utilitarianism is concerned with

(A) Positive school of criminology

(B) Radical school of criminology

(C) Chicago school of criminology

(D) Classical school of criminology

Answer: (D)

45. Who are the protagonists of ‘Techniques of neutralisation’ in criminology?

(A) Alison and Canter

(B) Sykes and Matza

(C) Sutherland and Cressey

(D) Aldee and Worrall

Answer: (B)

46. Failure to achieve goals through institutionalized means is the focus of which sociological theory?

(A) Social control theory

(B) Strain theory

(C) Subcultural theory

(D) Routine activities theory

Answer: (B)

47. Who authored the book “Physique and Delinquency”?

(A) Bandura and Bandura

(B) Glueck and Glueck

(C) Gatrell and Hadden

(D) Cloward and Ohlin

Answer: (B)

48. Who is the author of the book “Crime and Everyday Life”?

(A) Ferguson

(B) Fattah

(C) Felson

(D) Ferraro

Answer: (C)

49. Probation is

(A) Determinate sentencing

(B) Indeterminate sentencing

(C) Suspended sentencing

(D) Custodial sentencing

Answer: (C)

50. How many types of subcultures have been identified by Cloward and Ohlin to explain delinquent gangs?

(A) Two

(B) Three

(C) Four

(D) Five

Answer: (B)

51. Who among the following explained causes for crime from Marxist Orientation?

(A) Larry Brown

(B) John Brathwaire

(C) Larry Sherman

(D) William Chambliss

Answer: (D)

52. Who argued that when conflict emerges criminalization is the inevitable consequence?

(A) Austin Turk

(B) James Wilson

(C) John Mckay

(D) Charles Murray

Answer: (A)

53. Which among the following theories is related to Crime Prevention?

(A) Differential Association Theory

(B) Culture Conflict Theory

(C) Rational Choice Theory

(D) Differential Reinforcement Theory

Answer: (C)

54. Withdrawal symptom is related to

(A) Maturing out of crime

(B) Drug dependence

(C) Discharge from prison

(D) Release on ticket of leave

Answer: (B)

55. Among the following schools of thoughts in criminology, which assumes that criminals are rational actors?

(A) Radical School of Criminology

(B) Positive School of Criminology

(C) Classical School of Criminology

(D) Chicago School of Criminology

Answer: (C)

56. An approach to punishment which stresses the importance of crime prevention through incarceration/imprisonment is known as

(A) Incapacitation

(B) Retribution

(C) Desistance

(D) Redemption

Answer: (A)

57. Who among the following is a radical criminogist?

(A) David Levi

(B) John Cohen

(C) Jock Young

(D) John Mckay

Answer: (C)

58. What does Green Criminology deal with?

(A) Crimes against children

(B) Crimes against elders

(C) Environmental crimes

(D) Crimes against the disabled

Answer: (C)

59. Which among the following is not related to hate crime?

(A) Ethnic violence

(B) Communal violence

(C) Caste conflict

(D) Crime by the unemployed

Answer: (D)

60. “Penal populism” is the term refers to

(A) Increasing involvement of NGOs in prison programmes

(B) Growing politicisation of crime control

(C) Dealing with increasing prison population

(D) Making punishment more popular

Answer: (B)

61. If someone begins to employ their deviant identify as the basis for their action, it is known as

(A) Moral Panic

(B) Secondary Deviance

(C) Primary Deviance

(D) Impact Deviance

Answer: (B)

62. The process whereby the parties in a particular offence come together to resolve collectively is known as

(A) ‘Just Desert’

(B) Community Justice

(C) Retributive Justice

(D) Restorative Justice

Answer: (D)

63. With what approach is Otto Pollak identified with?

(A) Radical Criminology

(B) Feminist Criminology

(C) Conflict Criminology

(D) Positive Criminology

Answer: (B)

64. Which among the following is an odd penal approach?

(A) Reformation

(B) Rehabilitation

(C) Reintegration

(D) Retribution

Answer: (D)

65. Criminal behaviour had been explained from the perspective of Psychoanalysis by

(A) Jung

(B) Young

(C) Franklin

(D) Felson

Answer: (A)

66. Which committee examined the after care programmes in prison?

(A) Krishna Iyer Committee

(B) Gore Committee

(C) Verma Committee

(D) Saxena Committee

Answer: (B)

67. Victimization survey had its origins in

(A) Canada

(B) Australia

(C) America

(D) India

Answer: (C)

68. Assertion (A): The essence of the victimization survey is the standard sample survey.

Reason (R): The objective of a victimization survey, is generally to seek to interview a representative sample of a particular population to ask them a series of questions about their experience of victimization.


(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (B)

69. The branch of law that defines crimes and their punishment is known as

(A) Substantive Law

(B) Procedural Law

(C) Civil Law

(D) Administrative Law

Answer: (A)

70. Studying the link between different crimes and criminals is known as

(A) Criminalistics

(B) Crime typology

(C) Crime mapping

(D) Cartography

Answer: (B)

71. Which among the following is not a property offence?

(A) Theft

(B) Embezzlement

(C) Arson

(D) Robbery

Answer: (C)

72. Which among the following is an economic offence?

(A) Cattle theft

(B) Riot

(C) Rape

(D) Drug adulteration

Answer: (D)

73. Which proclivity among the following is linked with crimes of violence?

(A) Rationalisation

(B) Aggression

(C) Projection

(D) Sublimation

Answer: (B)

74. The snow-ball technique is used in which research procedure?

(A) Sampling

(B) Data collection

(C) Data analysis

(D) Interpretation and Report

Answer: (A)

75. In the Vishakha case, the Supreme Court has laid down the guidelines related to

(A) Crimes against minorities

(B) Crimes against children

(C) Sexual harassment of women

(D) Crimes against communities

Answer: (C)

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