Comparative Study of Religions 2012 June UGC NET Solved Question Paper II
1. Identify the incorrect statement.
(A) ‘Prophet’ means ‘the messenger’.
(B) ‘Messiah’ means ‘the anointed one’
(C) ‘Avtar’ means ‘the fighter’
(D) ‘Guru’ means ‘the teacher’
Answer: (C)
2. ‘Agnosticism’ is
(A) Approval of God
(B) Disapproval of God
(C) Disapproval of Gods
(D) None of the above
Answer: (D)
3. ‘Avesta’ is the scripture of which religion ?
(A) Bahaism
(B) Ahamadiyas
(C) Zoroastrianism
(D) Taoism
Answer: (C)
4. Match the following Item – I and Item – II and identify the correct combination:
List – I List – II
(1) Max Weber (a) The elementary forms of religious life
(2) Max Mullar (b) The Protestant ethics and spirit of Capitalism
(3) Emile Durkheim (c) The Golden Bough
(4) James Frazer (d) The Sacred Books of the East Identify the correct combination :
Codes :
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) (c) (a) (d) (b)
(B) (d) (b) (c) (a)
(C) (a) (c) (d) (b)
(D) (b) (d) (a) (c)
Answer: (D)
5. Which one of the following is not correct combination ?
(A) Hinduism – Transmigration of Soul
(B) Sikhism – Guru Granth Sahib
(C) Buddhism – God
(D) Christianity – Trinity
Answer: (C)
6. Read the following :
List – I List – II
(1) Amritsar (a) Takhat Hazur Sahib
(2) Mecca (b) Alexandria
(3) Bathlahem (c) Ka’ba
(4) Varanasi (d) Jagannath Temple Identify the correct combination.
(A) 1 – (d)
(B) 2 – (c)
(C) 3 – (a)
(D) 4 – (b)
Answer: (B)
7. Vedic hymns were revealed in the hearts of
(A) R. is
(B) Munis
(C) Saints
(D) Acaryas
Answer: (A)
8. Satpath Brahman is the main source scripture of
(A) Mathematics
(B) Sociology
(C) Ethics
(D) Rituals
Answer: (D)
9. The author of Yoga-Sutra is
(A) Patanjali
(B) Pa ini
(C) Vyas
(D) Kapil
Answer: (A)
10. Vedokhilo Dharmamoolam is mentioned in
(A) Manu Smr. ti
(B) Mahabharata
(C) Ramaya a
(D) R. igveda
Answer: (A)
11. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is the declaration of
(A) Bahahi culture
(B) Boudh culture
(C) Communism culture
(D) Vedic culture
Answer: (D)
12. The ‘ADI KAVI’ of Sanskrit literature is recognised as
(A) Valmiki
(B) Dandi
(C) Magha
(D) Kalidas
Answer: (A)
13. Read the following lists :
List – I List – II
(a) Sursagar (i) Tulasidas
(b) Ramcaritmanas (ii) Swami Dayanand
(c) Satyarth Prakas (iii) Mah i Kapil
(d) Sankhya- Darsan (iv) Surdas Identify the correct combination :
(A) (a) and (ii)
(B) (b) and (iv)
(C) (c) and (i)
(D) (d) and (iii)
Answer: (D)
14. The name of twenty third Tirtha kar is
(A) R. abhadev
(B) Mahavir
(C) Neminath
(D) Parsvanath
Answer: (D)
15. The text Praman. amima~ nsa is written by
(A) Hem Chandra
(B) Malli e a
(C) Haribhadra
(D) Kundakunda
Answer: (A)
16. The language of Tattvarthasutra is
(A) Prakrit
(B) Sanskrit
(C) Punjabi
(D) Bengali
Answer: (B)
17. Lord Mahavir died at
(A) Kailash
(B) Champapuri
(C) Girnar
(D) Pavapuri
Answer: (D)
18. The chief Teaching of Lord Mahavir is
(A) Pratitya-Samutpada
(B) Satkaryavada
(C) Aparigrahvada
(D) Sunyavada
Answer: (C)
19. Saptabha gavada is the Doctrine of
(A) Buddhism
(B) Brahma ism
(C) Jainism
(D) Ajivakism
Answer: (C)
20. The Kha dagiri-Udayagiri Jain caves are situated in the State of
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Orissa
(C) Uttar Pradesh
(D) Karnataka
Answer: (B)
21. The birth place of Lord Buddha is
(A) Kashi
(B) Kapilvastu
(C) Gaya
(D) Shravasti
Answer: (B)
22. The Lavikavatarasutra is related to the religious tradition of
(A) Jainism
(B) Hinduism
(C) Sikhism
(D) Buddhism
Answer: (D)
23. The Mahayanasutras are written in
(A) Pali
(B) Prakrit
(C) Sanskrit
(D) Tamil
Answer: (C)
24. Vij~nanavada Doctrine was propagated by
(A) Asa ga
(B) Nagasena
(C) Nagarjuna
(D) Buddhaghosa
Answer: (A)
25. Sanchi Baudha-Stupa is situated in the State of
(A) Bihar
(B) Karnataka
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Madhya Pradesh
Answer: (D)
26. Buddhism in Thailand is known as
(A) Mahayana
(B) Theravada
(C) Mahasa ghika
(D) Sarvastivada
Answer: (B)
27. The number of texts in the Abhidhammapitaka is
(A) 7 (seven)
(B) 9 (nine)
(C) 15 (fifteen)
(D) 5 (five)
Answer: (A)
28. Old Testament of the Bible was written in
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) Hebrew
(D) Syriac
Answer: (C)
29. New Testament contains the books of
(A) Gospels
(B) Prophets
(C) Genesis
(D) Psalms
Answer: (A)
30. Twelve Apostles of Christ were from amongst
(A) Romans
(B) Egyptians
(C) Jewish people
(D) Greeks
Answer: (C)
31. Abraham of Old Testament is a father of
(A) Egyptians
(B) Romans
(C) Persians
(D) Jews, Christians and Muslims
Answer: (D)
32. Scriptures of Christians are collectively known as
(A) Gospels
(B) Prophets
(C) Bible
(D) New Testament
Answer: (C)
33. Identify the correct chronological order.
I. Arrival of Vasco da Gama in India
II. Arrival of St. Thomas in India
III. Arrival of Thomas of Cama in India
IV. Anglican Missionaries in India
Select the correct code :
(A) III, II, I, IV
(B) II, I, III, IV
(C) II, III, I, IV
(D) I, II, IV,
Answer: (C)
34. Match the following and identify the correct choice:
(a) Baptism (i) Golgotha
(b) Crucifixion of Christ (ii) Sacrament of Initiation
(c) Christmas (iii) Birth of Christianity
(d) Day of Pentecost (iv) Birth of Christ Identify the correct choice.
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(B) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
(C) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(D) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)
Answer: (D)
35. Yathrib was the old name of
(A) Mecca
(B) Madina
(C) Taif
(D) Cairo
Answer: (B)
36. The first wife of the Prophet Muhammad was
(A) Hafra
(B) Aisha
(C) Khadija
(D) Maimuna
Answer: (C)
37. The pact of Hudaybiah was exacted by the Prophet Muhammad with
(A) Ansar
(B) Quraish
(C) Jews
(D) Christians
Answer: (B)
38. Arrange the following juristic schools in order in which they appeared. Use the code given below:
I. The Maliki School
II. The Shafi’i School
III. The Hanafi School
IV. The Hanbali School
Codes :
(A) III, I, II, IV
(B) I, II, III, IV
(C) II, III, IV, I
(D) IV, III, I, II
Answer: (A)
39. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?
(A) Caliph Abu Bakr – 630-635
(B) Caliph ‘Umar – 637-644
(C) Caliph Uthman – 644-656
(D) Caliph Ali – 656-666
Answer: (C)
40. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?
(A) Al-Ghazali – Ihya Ulum al- Din
(B) Shah Wali- Allah – Hujjatullah al-Balighah
(C) Maulana Maududi – Fathul Bayan
(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad – Tarjumanul Quran
Answer: (C)
41. Author of the book Al-Muwatta was
(A) Malik bin Anas
(B) Ibn Arabi
(C) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(D) Abdul Qadir Jilani
Answer: (A)
42. With whom Rai Bullar was associated
(A) Bhai Nand Lal
(B) Bhai Gurdas
(C) Guru Nanak Dev
(D) Guru Arjan DevIII
Answer: (C)
43. Name the place where Guru Nanak- Dev received first revelation ?
(A) Talwandi
(B) Kartarpur
(C) Nanakana Sahib
(D) Sultanpur
Answer: (D)
44. Match the following List – I and List – II and identify the correct combination :
List – I List – II
(a) Udasi (i) Pandit Tara Singh Narotam
(b) Nirmala (ii) Baba Jagtaji
(c) Sewa Panthi (iii) Baba Gurditaji
(d) Nirankari (iv) Baba Dayalji Identify the correct choice
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(B) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
Answer: (C)
45. Match the following List – I and List – II and identify the correct combination :
List – I List – II
(a) Baba Ram Rai (i) Kartarpur
(b) Baba Atal (ii) Dehradun
(c) Baba Dhirmal (iii) Bhaini
(d) Baba Ram Singh (iv) Guru Hargobind Identify the correct choice
Codes :
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(C) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)
Answer: (A)
46. Who was the first president of Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee ?
(A) Master Tara Singh
(B) Baba Kharak Singh
(C) Prof. Gurmukh Singh
(D) S. Sunder Singh Majithia
Answer: (D)
47. Identify the correct chronological order of the following :
(A) Talwandi, Anandpur, Khadoor, Kartarpur
(B) Rai Bular, Guru Amardas, Bhai Lehna, Bhai Bidhi Chand
(C) Gurbani, Janamsakhi, Dasam Granth, Gur-pratap Suraj
(D) Sukhmani, Asa di Var, Jaap Sahib, Anand Sahib
Answer: (C)
48. Sikhism does not believe in
(A) God
(B) Caste system
(C) Law of Karma
(D) Transmigration of Soul
Answer: (B)
49. ‘Shaman’ is a person who is supposed to
(A) Control the supernatural powers
(B) Heal the diseases
(C) (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
Answer: (C)
50. ‘Arunta’ is a
(A) Tribe of Australia
(B) Name of God in Africa
(C) Roman Goddess
(D) None of the above
Answer: (A)