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Arab Culture and Islamic Studies 2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

Arab Culture and Islamic Studies 2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper II

1. “Be loyal to thy tribe.” The slogan represented

(A) Asabiyah

(B) Adabiyah

(C) Asliyah

(D) Hubb al-Qabilah

Answer: (A)

2. The Arabicized Arabs were called

(A) Āribah

(B) Ma‘ribah

(C) Ajānib

(D) Musta‘ribah

Answer: (D)

3. The Ottoman ruler who captured Egypt was

(A) Sulaiman the magnificent

(B) Salim-I

(C) Murad-I

(D) Bayazid-I

Answer: (B)

4. The Ottoman rule was established in the year

(A) 1279

(B) 1289

(C) 1299

(D) 1309

Answer: (C)

5. The Moon-God of the pre-Islamic Arabs was

(A) Laat

(B) Wadd

(C) Uzza

(D) Hubal

Answer: (B)

6. Al-Hijāz means

(A) The barrier

(B) The rocky tract

(C) The pilgrimage centre

(D) The great desert

Answer: (A)

7. The Holy Prophet was brought up by Halimah who belonged to

(A) Banu Sa‘eed

(B) Banu As‘ad

(C) Banu Su‘ād

(D) Banu Sa‘d

Answer: (D)

8. The first war in which the Holy Prophet participated before prophethood was

(A) Fijar

(B) Dahis

(C) Basus

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

9. The first wife of the Holy Prophet after the death of Hazrat Khadijah was Hazrat

(A) Hafsah

(B) Aishah

(C) Saudah

(D) Zainab

Answer: (C)

10. Observing fasts of Ramadhan was made obligatory in the year

(A) 1 A.H.

(B) 2 A.H.

(C) 4 A.H.

(D) 5 A.H.

Answer: (B)

11. Kitab al-Maghazi is written by

(A) Al-Zamakhshari

(B) Al-Mas‘udi

(C) Al-Jahiz

(D) Al-Waqidi

Answer: (D)

12. Laylat al-Qadr means night of

(A) Power

(B) Bounty

(C) Destiny

(D) Mercy

Answer: (A)

13. The expedition of Tabuk was against the

(A) Bedouins and Christians

(B) Bedouins and Jews

(C) Christians and Jews

(D) Bedouins and Abyssinian mercenaries

Answer: (C)

14. Riddah war was fought against

(A) Christians

(B) Apostates

(C) Quraish

(D) Jews

Answer: (B)

15. The battle of al-Qadisiyah took place during the caliphate of Hazrat

(A) Mu ‘awiyah

(B) Uthman

(C) Ali

(D) Umar

 Answer: (D)

16. Abdullah ibn Wahb al-Rāsibi was the leader of the

(A) Ash‘arites

(B) Mu‘tazilites

(C) Kharijites

(D) Rasibites

Answer: (C)

17. Yazid sent a force against the people of Madinah under the leadership of

(A) Al-Hajjaj

(B) Amr bin al-Ās

(C) Abul Ās

(D) Omar ibn Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqās

Answer: (A)

18. Arrange the construction of the following mosques chronologically.

 Use the code given below:

i. Mosque of the Prophet

ii. Damascus Mosque

iii. Samarrah Mosque

iv. Azhar Mosque


(A) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

(B) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(C) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

(D) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

Answer: (B)

19. Mu‘awiyah-II was Yazid’s

(A) Uncle

(B) Cousin

(C) Step-brother

(D) Son

Answer: (D)

20. Postal service was developed under

(A) Mu‘awiyah

(B) Umar bin Abdul Aziz

(C) Abdul Malik

(D) Hishām

Answer: (C)

21. Abul Abbas al-Saffah was nominated as the first Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty by his brother.

(A) Ibrahim

(B) Ismail

(C) Ishaq

(D) Yaqub

Answer: (A)

22. The author of ‘al-Hawi’ was

(A) Ibn Sina

(B) Ibn Hazm

(C) Ibn Khaldun

(D) Al-Razi

Answer: (D)

23. The first Islamic coins were struck at Damuscus by

(A) Yazid

(B) Abdul Malik

(C) Marwan

(D) Al-Walid

Answer: (B)

24. Arrange the following Caliphs in chronological order using the code given below:

(i) Umar bin Abdul Aziz

(ii) Hisham

(iii) Al-Walid

(iv) Marwan-I


(A) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

(B) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

(C) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Answer: (C)

25. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Kitab al-Manazir – Ibn Arabi

(B) Kitab al-Hind – Al-Mas‘udi

(C) Kitab al-Āin – Al-Jahiz

(D) Kitab al-Aghani – Abul Faraj Isfahani

Answer: (D)

26. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) Fusus al-Hikam – Ibn Taymiyah

(B) Kitab al-Shifa – Ibn Sina

(C) Kitab al-Hayawan – Al-Jahiz

(D) Al-Manar – Rashid Ridha

Answer: (A)

27. ‘Yaqut al-Hamavi’ was a

(A) Poet

(B) Historian

(C) Traditionist (Muhaddis)

(D) Qur‘anic exegesist

Answer: (B)

28. ‘Al-Baladhuri’ is the author of

(A) Mu‘jim al-Buldan

(B) Qamus al-Buldan

(C) Al-Milal wa Al-Nehal

(D) Futuh al-Buldan

Answer: (D)

29. The Hadith narrated by a liar is called

(A) Maqlub

(B) Mastur

(C) Matr–uk

(D) Mudraj

Answer: (C)

30. Who among the following is known for emphasizing ‘Nazm-e-Qur’an?

(A) Mufti Mohammad Shafi

(B) Hamid-ud-Din Farahi

(C) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(D) Abul A’la Maududi

Answer: (B)

31. Who is the author of al-Akhbar al- Tiwāl?

(A) Abu Hanifah al-Dinawari

(B) Al-Kindi

(C) Al-Ghazzali

(D) Al-Mas‘udi

Answer: (A)

32. The Saljuqs were

(A) Arabs

(B) Abyssinians

(C) Turks

(D) Iranians

Answer: (C)

33. Saifud Daula was

(A) Aghlabi

(B) Fatimi

(C) Ayyubi

(D) Hamdani

Answer: (D)

34. Imam Malik was

(A) Mufassir

(B) Muhaddith

(C) Mutakallim

(D) Mu‘arrikh

Answer: (B)

35. Al-Zahra Palace was built by

(A) Abdul Rahman-II

(B) Abdul Rahman al-Dakhil

(C) Abdul Rahman al-Kawakibi

(D) Abdul Rahman al-Nasir

Answer: (D)

36. Shahnamah was written by

(A) Firdausi Tusi

(B) Nizam al-Mulk Tusi

(C) Asadi Tusi

(D) Nasir al-Din Tusi

Answer: (A)

37. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Fi Zilal al-Qur’an                                      –                      Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(B) Tafheem al-Qur’an                                    –                      Maulana Maududi

(C) Jami‘ al-Bayan Fi Tafsir al-Qur’an           –                      Abul Kalam Azad

(D) Tarjumanal-Qur'an                                    –                      Mohammad Ibn Jarir al-Tabari

Answer: (B)

38. Ibn al-Baytār was bron in

(A) Egypt

(B) Syria

(C) Spain

(D) Iraq

Answer: (C)

39. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Ithna ‘Ashari                                –                                  Imamat

(B) Al-Qanun                                     –                                  Ibn Sina

(C) Sayyed Qutub Shaheed                –                                  Egypt

(D) Kitab al-Hayawan                                    –                                  Ibn Khaldun

Answer: (D)

40. Dar ul-Hikmah was established in

(A) Egypt

(B) Iraq

(C) Syria

(D) Yemen

Answer: (A)

41. The Crusaders captured Jerusalem in

(A) 1072

(B) 1085

(C) 1089

(D) 1099

Answer: (D)

42. Arrange the following personalities in chronological order according to their birth, using the code given below:

(i) Abul Faraj Isfahani

(ii) Ibn Rushd

(iii) Ibn Hazm

(iv) Imam Bukhari


(A) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(B) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)

(C) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

(D) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Answer: (B)

43. The founder of the Fatimid dynasty was

(A) Al-Mansur

(B) Ulugh Beg

(C) Ubaidullah

(D) Al-Mu’izz

Answer: (C)

44. Rukn al-Din Baybars belonged to

(A) Bahri Mamluks

(B) Burji Mamluks

(C) Fatimids

(D) Ayyubites

Answer: (A)

45. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Al-Qa’im                          –                                  Saljuq

(B) Shajarat al-Durr                –                                  Fatimid

(C) Nur al-Din Zangi              –                                   Crusade

(D) Qalawun                           –                                  Ayyubid

Answer: (C)

46. The great age of translation was during

(A) Umayyad period

(B) Fatimids

(C) Buwayhids

(D) Early Abbasid period

Answer: (D)

47. Jabir ibn Hayyan was a renowned

(A) Astrologer

(B) Chemist

(C) Geographer

(D) Historian

Answer: (B)

48. The issue of Khalq-e-Qur’an emerged during the rule of the

(A) Orthodox Caliphate

(B) Umayyads

(C) Abbasids

(D) Ottomans

Answer: (C)

49. Armugham-e-Hijaz is the work of

(A) Iqbal

(B) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

(C) Shah Waliullah

(D) Ashraf Ali Thanvi

Answer: (A)

50. Al-Fawz al-Kabir was written by

(A) Hasan al-Bannā

(B) Muhammad Abduh

(C) Jamal al-Din Afghani

(D) Shah Waliullah

Answer: (D)

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