
Library and Information Science MCQ

Indian national Bibliographical first appeared in

(A) 1947

(B) 1957

(C) 1967

(D) 1937

Answer: (B)

Who is the author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”

(A) S. Halkett & J. Laing

(B) Robert Proctor

(C) Ralph De sols

(D) Hanuman Sastri

Answer: (A)

Compton year book contains

(A) Political events

(B) Cultural events

(C) Outstanding events

(D) Economic events

Answer: (C)

Online Europa year book has a coverage since

(A) 1965

(B) 1975

(C) 1984

(D) 1985

Answer: (D)

Which of the following is a multi-subject gateway?

(A) Renardus

(B) Humbul

(C) Sapling

(D) EdWEb

Answer: (A)

Which of the following is a specialized information organization online tool?

(A) Mamma

(B) Dogpile

(C) Vivisimo

(D) Entireweb

Answer: (C)

Research periodicals are which category of sources?

(A) Primary

(B) Secondary

(C) Tertiary

(D) Non documentary.

Answer: (A)

Reference sources are those

(A) Which are large in size?

(B) Which are read at home easily?

(C) Which used to obtain particular information?

(D) Which are costly?

Answer: (C)

Who is the publisher of Encyclopedia of Library and information science?

(A) Boweker

(B) H.W.Wilson company

(C) M.Dekker

(D) H.W.Wilson

Answer: (C)

Retrospective search service is a type of

(A) Referral service

(B) Responsive service

(C ) CAS


Answer: (B)

Which part of new encyclopedia Britannica is useful for ready references?

(A) Macropaedia

(B) Propaedia

(C ) Micropaedia

(D) Premedia

Answer: (B)

Year book are also known as

(A) Hand book

(B) annual

(C ) Directory

(D) Dictionary

Answer: (B)

What is India: A reference annual?

(A) Year Book

(B) Almonac

(C ) Gide book

(D) Hand book

Answer: (A)

What is Trade bibliography?

(A) List of Author Bibliography

(B) List of Special Bibliography

(C ) List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher

(D) List of books of trade Library

Answer: (C)

Who publishes INIS Atom Index?

(A) INIS (Viena)

(B) LC



Answer: (A)

What is the meaning of E-Documents?

(A) All Documents other than printed

(B) Non-Paper documents

(C ) In electronic form such as Cassettes, CD- ROMs, etc.

(D) Audio visual tools

Answer (C)

Which of the following is not the documents?

(A) Manuscript

(B) Book

(C) Inscription

(D) Periodical

Answer: (C)

Generally the information sources are divided mainly in to following categories?

(A) Primary and secondary.

(B) Reference and information sources.

(C) Documentary and non-documentary

(D) Books and periodicals

Answer: (C )

What are non- documentary sources?

(A) Which are in printed form.

(B) Which are in not printed form

(C) Which are nor documents

(D) None of these

Answer: (B)

Today which type of information sources is most useful?

(A) Reference sources

(B) Documentary source

(C) Non- Documentary source

(D) Both the Documentary and Non- Documentary sources

Answer: (C)

Cover to cover translation is treated as

(A) Selective dissemination service

(B) Current awareness services

(C) On demand services

(D) Anticipatory services

Answer: (B)

What is the suitable reference sources to know about the information of a particular place?

(A) Directory

(B) Gazetteer

(C) Encyclopedia

(D) Year book

Answer: (B)

What is the suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi?

(A) Atlas

(B) Gazetteer

(C) Guide book

(D) Globe

Answer: (C)

What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.?

(A) Globe

(B) Gazetteer

(C) Atlas

(D) Map

Answer: (C)

How many volumes Micropaedia of new Encyclopedia Britannica is published?

(A) 2

(B) 10

(C) 19

(D) 12

Answer: (B)

Encyclopedia Americana consists of

(A) 20 Volumes

(B) 25 Volumes

(C) 28 Volumes

(D) 30 Volumes

Answer: (D)

Which of the following are not the secondary sources?

(A) Encyclopedia

(B) Digest

(C) Thesis

(D) Text book

Answer: (C)

What is the publication frequency of books in print?

(A) Monthly

(B) Weekly

(C) Annually

(D) Quarterly

Answer: (C)

What is National bibliography?

(A) List of books of National Library

(B) List of books published in a particular Nation

(C) List of books written by National government

(D) List of books on a nation

Answer: (B)

What is world of learning?

(A) Directory

(B) Encyclopedia

(C) Dictionary

(D) Year book

Answer: (A)

What is the frequency of I.N.B.?

(A) Quarterly

(B) Monthly

(C) Weekly

(D) Annual

Answer: (B)

‘ Facts on File’ is a

(A) Weekly list

(B) Fortnightly

(C) Monthly

(D) Quarterly

Answer: (A)

The term “Information Service” is an improvised name …

(A) Administration

(B) Documentation

(C) Bibliography

(D) Reference service

Answer: (D)

Which terms was coined by S.R. Ranganathan for mobile libraries

(A) Moving library

(B) Library on wheels

(C) Library machine

(D) All of the above

Answer: (B)

Abstracting service provides…

(A) Abstract of articles

(B) Whole bibliographic description of articles

(C) Whole bibliographic description along

with abstracts of article

(D) Whole bibliographic sources

Answer: (C)

Which service demands the creation of a

‘user’ profile?


(B) Information retrieval


(D) Reference service

Answer: (C)

“Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in the right personal way” was stated by…

(A) D J Fockett

(B) S R Ranganathan

(C) James I Wyer

(D) A.L.A Glossary of library terms

Answer: (B)

CAS is defined as

(A) A process of dissemination of information

(B) A process of information

(C) A process of dissemination of current information

(D) A simple information service

Answer: (C)

Feedback mechanism is a part of which service?

(A) Reprography service


(C) Translation service


Answer: (D)

Mobile library is a kind of which service?

(A) Reference service

(B) Extension service

(C) Ready reference service

(D) Long range reference service

Answer: (B)

The person who provides reference service is called

(A) Chief librarian

(B) Grade One Librarian

(C) Deputy Librarian

(D) Reference Librarian

Answer: (D)

Reading centre, story hours, exhibition and reading to literature are form of

(A) Extension service

(B) Service of Public library

(C) Both

(D) None

Answer: (A)

Who Invented the Dictionary Catalogue?

(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(B) C. A. Cutter

(C) D. B. Krishna Rao

(D) K. N. Raj

Answer: (B)

What is the another name of Added entries?

(A) Main entry

(B) Cross reference entry

(C) Secondary entries

(D) Subject entry

Answer: (C)

When was SLSH published?

(A) 1903

(B) 1897

(C) 1923

(D) 1933

Answer: (C)

When was MARC project completed?

(A) 1987

(B) 1967

(C) 1947

(D) 1968

Answer: (B)

Who defined notation as shorthand sign

(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(B) Benjamin A. Custer

(C) Immanuel Kant

(D) E. C. Richardson

Answer : (D)

Who enunciated the five fundamental categories

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) Paul Otlet

(C) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(D) W. C. Sayers

Answer: (C)

Who enunciated the subject Classification

(A) J. D. Brown

(B) W. C. Sayers

(C) Benjamin A.Custer

(D) Frist Donker Duyvis

Answer: (A)

How many Auxiliary tables are there in DDC 23rd Edition

(A) 16

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8

Answer: (B)

Colon classification was first published in

(A) 1905

(B) 1931

(C) 1933

(D) 1944

Answer: (C)

Phoenix schedules are part of which classification

(A) CC




Answer: (B)

Sear’s List of Subject Headings (SLSH) is mainly useful for

(A) Small and medium libraries

(B) Special libraries

(C) Academic libraries

(D) College libraries

Answer: (A)

In which year DDC 23rd edition was published

(A) 2000

(B) 2011

(C) 2003

(D) 2010

Answer: (B)

The word classification comes from the Latin word

(A) Classis

(B) Classes

(C) Clauses

(D) Fiction

Answer: (A)

The first edition of DDC published in

(A) 1875

(B) 1876

(C) 1874

(D) 1896

Answer: (B)

The first edition of UDC published in

(A) 1904

(B) 1901

(C) 1905

(D) 1894

Answer: (C)

Who is the publishers of Sear’s list of subject headings

(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(B) Brown

(C) H. W. Wilson

(D) C. A. Cutter

Answer: (C)

MESH is a

(A) Thesaurus

(B) Dictionary

(C) Journal

(D) Library

Answer: (A)

The First edition of DDC Consisted of

(A) 144 pages

(B) Four volume

(C) 44 pages

(D) 124 pages

Answer: (C) (1876)

What are the four entity of FRBR model?

(A) Personality, Matter, Energy, Space

(B) Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item

(C) Book, Form, Availability, Type

(D) Discipline, Entity, Action, Personality

Answer: (B)

Who is the Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) John P. Comaromi

(C) Winton E. Matthews

(D) John S. Mitchell

Answer: (D)

When was the different typological study towards mode of formation of subjects done?

(A) 1950

(B) 1960

(C) 1970

(D) 1975

Answer: (A)

In which edition “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced?

(A) DDC 14

(B) DDC 15

(C) DDC 16

(D) DDC 17

Answer: (D)

What does LED stands for in CC?

(A) Latest Energy Developments

(B) Latest Effective Decade

(C) Large Energy Distribution

(D) Lowest Effective Decade

Answer: (B)

The term prenatal cataloguing first used by

(A) Michael Gorman

(B) Dr. S.R.Ranganathan

(C) E.B.Ross

(D) Melvin Dewey

Answer :(B)

The Dewey Decimal Classification divides human knowledge into

(A) 10 basic categories.

(B) 100 basic categories.

(C) 1000 basic categories.

(D) 10000 basic categories.

Answer: (A)

Who devised Dewey Decimal Classification(DDC) System?

(A) Melville Dewey

(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(C) Tim Berners-Lee

(D) Vint Cerf

Answer: (A)

Call Number of a Book Means

(A) Book Number

(B) Class Number

(C) Both (A) and (B) are true

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

Accession Number means

(A) Call Number of a book

(B) Unique Number for a book inside a particular library.

(C) Book Number

(D) Class number Answer: (B)

Who is the Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) John P. Comaromi

(C) Winton E. Matthews

(D) John S. Mitchell

Answer: (A)

Who is the Editor in Chief of 20th Edition of DDC

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) John P. Comaromi

(C) Winton E. Matthews

(D) John S. Mitchell

Answer: (B)

Who is the Editor in Chief of 21st Edition of DDC

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) John P. Comaromi

(C) Winton E. Matthews

(D) John S. Mitchell

Answer: (C)

Who is the Editor in Chief of 22nd Edition of DDC

(A) Benjamin A. Custer

(B) John P. Comaromi

(C) Winton E. Matthews

(D) John S. Mitchell

Answer: (D)

“POSDCORB” coined by

(A) Peter F. Drucker

(B) Harold Koontz

(C) F.W. Taylor

(D) Luther Gulick

Answer: (D)

When Peter F.Drucker defined M.B.O.(Management by Objectives)?

(A) 1950

(B) 1960


(D) 1964

Answer: (C)

Who said the demand and supply theory of books?

(A) Melvil Dewey

(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(C) Mc Colvin

(D) Sayers Answer: (C)

"To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost" said by

(A) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(B) P. N. Kaula

(C) E.Mayo

(D) Melvil Dewey

Answer: (D)

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