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UGC NET Solved Paper - I Teaching Aptitude & Research Methodology (Part-15)

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET /CSIR -NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  Which of the following belongs to a projected aid?

    1.  Diorama

    2.  Blackboard

    3.  Epidiascope

    4.  Globe

  2. Workshops are meant for

    1.  giving lectures

    2.  multiple target groups

    3.  showcase new theories

    4.  hands on training/experience

  3. The research that aims at immediate application is

    1.  Action Research

    2.  Conceptual Research

    3.  Empirical Research

    4.  Fundamental Research

  4. Conferences are meant for ______

    1.  Multiple target groups

    2.  Group discussions

    3.  Show-casing new Research

    4.  All the above

  5. Interaction inside the classroom should generate ______

    1.  Argument

    2.  Controversy

    3.  Information

    4.  Ideas

  6. Arrange the following steps of research in correct sequence :

    1. Identification of research problem

    2. Listing of research objectives

    3. Collection of data

    4. Methodology

    5. Data analysis

    6. Results and discussion

    1.  2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

    2.  1 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 6

    3.  1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

    4.  2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 6

  7. Nowadays the most effective mode of learning is ______

    1.  e-learning

    2.  Self study

    3.  Face-to-face learning

    4.  Blended learning

  8. Successful Communication in classroom teaching is ______

    1.  Circular

    2.  Influential

    3.  Directional

    4.  Reciprocal

  9. CLASS stands for ______

    1.  Complete Literacy and Studies in Schools

    2.  Computer Literates and Students in Schools

    3.  Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

    4.  Centre for Literacy and Studies in Schools

  10. Deconstruction is a popular method of research in

    1.  Applied Science

    2.  Basic Science

    3.  Social Science

    4.  Literature

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