
UGC NET Paper III in English { 2013 December - Previous Questions}

1. In which of the following novels Harikatha is strategically used as a medium of ‘consciousness raising’?

(A) Waiting for the Mahatma

(B) The Serpent and the Rope

(C) A Bend in the Ganges

(D) Kanthapura

Answer: (D)

2. Identify the text in the following list which offers a fictionalized survey of English Literature from Elizabethan times to 1928:

(A) E.M. Forster, the Eternal Moment

(B) Virginia Woolf, Orlando

(C) Robert Graves, Goodbye to All That

(D) David Jones, In Parenthesis

Answer: (B)

3. Match List – I with List – II according to the code given below:

List – I                                    List – II

i. John Ruskin                         1. London Labour and the London Poor

ii. Henry Mayhew                   2. The Golden Bough

iii. Sir Charles Lyell                3. Unto The Last

iv. Sir James George Frazer    4. The Principles of Geology


i           ii          iii         iv

(A)       3          2          1          4

(B)       2          1          3          4

(C)       2          3          4          1

(D)       3          1          4          2

Answer: (D)

4. Which of the following poems DOES NOT begin in the first person pronoun?

(A) Shelley’s “Adonais”

(B) Byron’s “Don Juan”

(C) Keats’s “Lamia”

(D) Coleridge’s ‘The Aeolian Harp’

Answer: (C)

5. In his Anatomy of Melancholy Robert Burton proposes the following two principal kinds:

I. Love

II. Death

III. Spiritual

IV. Religious

The correct combination according to the code is:

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) I and III are correct.

(C) I and IV are correct.

(D) II and IV are correct.

Answer: (C)

6. Listed below are some English journals widely read by professionals: Screen, Critical Quarterly, Review of English, Wasafiri. One of the above founded by C.B. Cox, and now being edited by Colin MacCabe, carries not only critical and scholarly essays in English Studies but reviews film, culture, language and contemporary political issues. Identify the journal:

(A) Wasafiri

(B) Screen

(C) Critical Quarterly

(D) Review of English Studies

Answer: (C)

7. In Marvell’s “A Dialogue between Soul and Body”, who/which of the following has the last word?

(A) Body

(B) God

(C) Soul

(D) Satan

Answer: (A)

8. In Blake’s poem “A Poison Tree” the speaker’s anger grows and becomes ________.

(A) A cherry

(B) An apple

(C) An orange

(D) A rose

Answer: (B)

9. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): For deconstructive critics how human beings read and interpret signs they receive will determine their modes of knowing and being, whether those signs come in the form of literary texts or bank statements.

Reason (R): The fact of the matter is that human beings use signs to function in the world and are always likely to do so.

In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

10. Ian McEwan’s Saturday spans one day in the life of

(A) A divorce lawyer

(B) An ageing pianist

(C) A London neurosurgeon

(D) A famous poet

Answer: (C)

11. “Open Forum” as applied to poetry, is the same as ________. It is poetry that is not written according to traditional fixed patterns. (Fill up)

(A) Blank verse

(B) Concrete poetry

(C) L = A = N = G = U = A = G = E poetry

(D) Free verse

Answer: (D)

12. The author of the book observes “I have attempted, through the medium of biography, to present some Victorian visions to the modern eye”. The four main characters in this book are Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold and General Gordon. Who is this author?

(A) Mathew Arnold

(B) Robert Browning

(C) Lytton Strachey

(D) Oscar Wilde

Answer: (C)

13. In his attack delivered on the theatre in A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, Jeremy Collier specially arraigned ______ and _______.

(A) Congreve and Vanbrugh

(B) Farquhar and Vanbrugh

(C) Wycherley and Farquhar

(D) Congreve and Etherege

Answer: (A)

14. I.A. Richards’ Practical Criticism (1929) inaugurated a new phase in the history of English critical thought. What was this book’s subtitle?

(A) Studies in Poetry

(B) A Study in Literary Judgement

(C) Essays and Studies

(D) A Theoretical Guide

Answer: (B)

15. Which of the following arrangements is in the correct chronological sequence?

(A) The Castle of Otranto – Melmoth the Wanderer – The Monk – The Mysteries of Udolpho

(B) The Castle of Otranto – The Mysteries of Udolpho – The Monk – Melmoth the Wanderer

(C) The Mysteries of Udolpho – The Castle of Otranto – The Monk – Melmoth the Wanderer

(D) Melmoth the Wanderer – The Castle of Otranto – The Mysteries of Udolpho – The Monk

Answer: (B)

16. Select from among the following plays, the one that best suits the description below:

I. Alyque Padamsee invited its author to write it.

II. The play had communalism as its theme.

III. This play was banned from the Deccan Herald Theatre Festival for dealing with a sensitive issue.

IV. The play, however, was produced by Playpen in Bangalore on July 1993. The play is _______.

(A) Dance like a Man

(B) Where there’s a Will

(C) Final Solutions

(D) The Wisest Fool on Earth

Answer: (C)

17. I have known three generations of John Smiths. The type breeds true. John Smith II and III went to the same school, university and learned profession as John Smith I. Yet John Smith I wrote pseudo-Swinburne; John Smith II wrote pseudo-Brooke; and John Smith III is now writing pseudo-Eliot. But unless John Smith can write John Smith, however unfashionable the result, why does he bother to write at all? Surely one Swinburne; one Brooke, and one Eliot are enough in any age?

(Robert Graves, “The Poet and his Public”)

1. Graves is critical of blind adulation and imitation of successful poets.

2. Graves is critical of blind conformity to standards set by Swinburne, Brooke, and Eliot.

3. Swinburne, Brooke, and Eliot represent the movements: Decadence, the Georgian, and Modernist respectively.

4. The poets in question are Algernon Charles Swinburne, Stopford Brooke, and Thomas Stearns Eliot.

(A) Only 1 and 2 are correct.

(B) Only 4 is incorrect.

(C) Only 3 and 4 are correct.

(D) Only 3 is incorrect.

Answer: (B)

18. During the colonial era, the British used to call the Indian Languages vernaculars. We do not use this word for our bhashas because:

I. we consider English to be equally vernacular.

II. verna is, literally a home-born slave.

III. Not all Indian languages are languages of the Indo-European family, and therefore not all vernacular.

IV. the natives of India were never slaves.

(A) IV

(B) II and IV


(D) I and III

Answer: (B)

19. More’s Utopia displays strong influence of

I. The Arthurian legends

II. Plato’s Republic

III. Amerigo Vespucci’s account of the travels

IV. The teachings of John Wycliffe

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) II and III are correct.

(C) II and IV are correct.

(D) I and IV are correct.

Answer: (B)

20. By ‘language transfer’ is meant

(A) Knowledge generated in the development of a learner on account of other domains of knowledge.

(B) The carryover of rules of the mother tongue syntax, phonology, or semantic system to the Second language in question.

(C) The carryover of rules of the Second language syntax, phonology, or semantic system to the mother tongue in question.

(D) The vocabulary and sentence structure transferred haphazardly during Second language acquisition from any other language accessed by the learner.

Answer: (B)

21. Which of the following descriptions is NOT true of Peter Carey’s The True History of the Kelly Gang?

(A) It is an epistolary novel.

(B) It has such characters as Edward Kelly, his mother, and his wife.

(C) It is also about the Bush and the frontier.

(D) The novel is dedicated to Edward Kelly’s father.

Answer: (D)

22. Identify the poem that opens with the lines:

I walk through the long schoolroom questioning;

A kind old nun in a white hood replies; thechildren learn to cipher and to sing …

(A) “Among the Schoolchildren”

(B) “Among School Children”

(C) “A Man Young and Old”

(D) “The Man Young and Old”

Answer: (B)

23. Which of the following statements is NOT true of Foucault’s position in History of Sexuality?

(A) Modern sexuality is produced through and as discourse.

(B) The proliferation of modern discourses of sexuality is more striking than their suppression.

(C) To write historically about sexuality involves increasingly direct, immediate knowledge or understanding of an unchanging sexual essence.

(D) Modern sexuality is intimately entangled with the historically distinctive contexts and structures now called ‘knowledge’.

Answer: (C)

24. The following is an exchange between two characters, husband and wife, in a famous play. The lines appear at the very end of an emotionally-charged sequence of the last scene:

“… I’ve stopped believing in miracles.”

“But I’ll believe. Tell me!

Transform ourselves to the point that ….?”

“That our living together could be a true marriage.”

 (She goes out down the hall.)

Which play? Name the characters.

(A) Othello. Othello, Desdemona

(B) Sure Thing. Bill, Betty

(C) A Doll’s House. Helmer, Nora

(D) Death of a Salesman. Willy, Linda

Answer: (C)

25. The following statements relate to the early history of the English language. Identify the set that gives INCORRECT statements:

1. English has borrowed words such as sky, give, law, and leg from Norse.

2. English has also borrowed some pronouns like they, their, them from Norse.

3. In grammar, Modern English is much more highly inflected than Old English.

4. After the Norman Conquest, French became the language of the court, the language of nobility and polite society, and literature.

5. Following the Norman Conquest, French virtually replaced English as the language of the people.

6. Among the French words that came into English are: study, logic, grammar, noun, etc.

(A) 1, 2, 3

(B) 3, 5

(C) 4, 5, 6

(D) 2, 4

Answer: (B)

26. Choices of linguistic forms in using a language, or how a language is actually spoken/written, especially one that differs from its prescribed grammar, is called

(A) Utterance

(B) Use

(C) Usage

(D) Deviation

Answer: (C)

27. Jamaica Kincaid’s narrative A Small Place

(A) Is all about learning Farsi and meeting young people in modern Iran.

(B) Is an essay that discusses the politics of tourism and other neo-colonial modes of foreign intervention?

(C) Isa collection of tiny narratives about gender relations and includes stories concerning the Sumerian goddess Inanna.

(D) A novella that looksunblinkingly at maritalceremonies and maternity inAntigua.

Answer: (B)

28. Identify the correctly-matched poets and their works from the following:

(A) Nissim Ezekiel-Hymns in Darkness, Kamala Das – The Sirens, R. Parthasarthy – Rough Passage, A.K. Ramanujan – The Striders

(B)Nissim Ezekiel – The Striders, Kamala Das – Rough Passage, R. Parthasarthy – Hymns in Darkness, A.K. Ramanujan – The Sirens

(C) Nissim Ezekiel – The Sirens, Kamala Das – Hymns in Darkness, R. Parthasarthy – The Striders, A.K. Ramanujan– Rough Passage

(D) Nissim Ezekiel – Rough Passage, Kamala Das – The Striders, R. Parthasarthy – The Striders, A.K. Ramanujan – Hymns in Darkness

Answer: (A)

29. William Wordsworth had a deep influence on Thomas Hardy. According to Hardy a particular poem by Wordsworth was his ‘best cure for despair’. Which is that poem?

(A) “Michael”

(B) “Tintern Abbey Revisited”

(C) “The Idiot Boy”

(D) “The Leechgatherer”

Answer: (D)

30. In Henry James’s Ambassadors, there is a character who never appears in the novel. We get to know about this significant person, however, from the other characters. Who is this character?

(A) Maria Gostrey

(B) Madame de Vionette

(C) Mrs. Newsome

(D) Mrs. Sarah Pocock

Answer: (C)

31. Why are Scott’s novels called “Waverley Novels”?

(A) His novels are all set in Waverley.

(B) The Waverley Castle has a significant role in his novels.

(C) Waverley (in his first novel of that name) is a model hero for the protagonists of Scott’s novels.

(D) Scott started his novel-writing career in his 43rd year with the novel, Waverley.

Answer: (D)

32. Which of these descriptions/ statements best suits the idea of the ‘Renaissance Man’?

I. A fop, a scoundrel, who enjoys enormous power in Renaissance courts and aristocratic families.

II. A near-mythical figure: a knight, courtier, musician, poet, scholar and statesman.

III. One who ploughs a lonely furrow and keeps away from politicking and scandals.

IV. Someone like Sir Philip Sydney best suits the ideal of the Renaissance Man.

(A) I

(B) IV

(C) I & III

(D) II & IV

Answer: (D)

33. Maxim Gorky, the Great Russian writer of fiction and drama, was in real life a man called ______.

(A) Goliardic Kreshkov

(B) Ronsardo Felixikov

(C) Malthias Serpieri

(D) Aleksei Peshkov

Answer: (D)

34. After the prediction of the oracle that he was destined to kill his father, Oedipus could have avoided patricide

I. Had he not determined in horror never to return to the only parents he knew.

II. Had he been a man of unusual self-control.

III. Had he remembered the prediction and had he been more cautious having recognized that possibly after all Polybos was not his father.

IV. Had he never struck any man who was older than himself saying at the moment of provocation ‘This insolent man is grey-haired; let him have the road’?

Find the correct combination according to the code:

(A) I, II and III are correct.

(B) I, II and IV are correct.

(C) I, III and IV are correct.

(D) II, III and IV are correct.

Answer: (D)

35. Identify the Post-Apartheid novel by Nadine Gordimer.

(A) The Conservationist

(B) The House of Gun

(C) The Lying Days

(D) Burger’s Daughter

Answer: (B)

36. The Duchess of Malfi married her steward, Antonio. For the Elizabethan audience her marriage was a triple offence. Which of the following is NOT one?

(A) She was a widow marrying a second time.

(B) She married on her own outside the Church.

(C) She married beneath her status in disregard of ‘degree’.

(D) She married against the wishes of her brothers who almost acted like her guardians.

Answer: (D)

37. Who among the following has written the essay, “The Indian Jugglers”?

(A) Charles Lamb

(B) William Hazlitt

(C) Thomas de Quincey

(D) Thomas Love Peacock

Answer: (B)

38. How would you best describe George Meredith’s Modern Love (1862)?

(A) A ballad

(B) A lyric travelogue

(C) A verse romance

(D) A sonnet sequence

Answer: (D)

39. The play was written in 1881 when its author was in Italy. This is considered to be his most remarkable intellectual effort. The softening of the brain as a result of a disease inherited from his father is the subject. Which is the play?

(A) An Enemy of the People

(B) Ghosts

(C) Rhinoceros

(D) Six Characters in Search of an Author

Answer: (B)

40. In many ways, grammatical categories remain mysterious. Whatdoes it mean to speak a language that in every sentence requires you to locate yourself in time, or specify your source of knowledge, or the shape of what you are talking about? We still don’t know. But putting the question like this suggests a clear andlimited way of interpreting the idea that different languages represent different worlds. Which of the following statements on this passage interprets it most accurately?

(A) The passage reflects the unreliability of grammatical categories of a language generally.

(B) The passage concedes that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis cannot be discounted entirely.

(C) The passage upholds the reliability of grammatical categories of a language generally.

(D) The passage suggests that the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is largely discredited today.

Answer: (B)

41. Tolstoy’s War and Peace carries a lengthy discussion of determinism and free will in ________.

(A) Its prologue

(B) An exchange between Pierre and Natasha

(C) An exchange between Nikolai Rostof and Princess Bezukhoi

(D) Its epilogue

Answer: (D)

42. Which from among the following is NOT true of Nagmandala?

(A) It does not have multiple narratives.

(B) It is open-ended.

(C) It combines conventional and subversive modes.

(D) Story is personified in the play.

Answer: (A)

43. Arrange the following literary journals chronologically:

(A) The London Magazine

the Quarterly Review

Blackwood’s Magazine

the Saturday Review


(B) The Tatler

the Saturday Review

Blackwood’s Magazine

the Quarterly Review

the London Magazine

(C) The Quarterly Review

Blackwood’s Magazine

the Tatler

the Saturday Review

the London Magazine

(D) The Tatler

the London Magazine

the Quarterly Review

Blackwood’s Magazine

the Saturday Review

Answer: (D)

44. Pick out the two relevant and correct descriptions of Caryl Churchill’s Serious Money (1987):

1. This play proposes the foundation of a monastery for the education of British gentlewomen.

2. This narrative deals with children who are sick of their “enforced idleness.”

3. This play is subtitled “City Comedy.”

4. In this play, the state of the British economy is symbolized by a takeover bid by an international cartel.

5. This narrative details the adventures of an Anglo-Indian orphan.

6. Money is the only criterion for success for the players in this play’s share-market.

(A) 1 and 6 are correct.

(B) 2 and 5 are correct.

(C) 4 and 6 are correct.

(D) 5 and 6 are correct.

Answer: (C)

45. Identify from among the following FALSE statements:

1. Eric Arthur Blair became the famous British novelist, George Orwell.

2. Orwell was conversant in Hindustani and fond of Indian food.

3. Young Eric Blair lived in Myanmar’s trading town, Katha.

4. This town gave him the model for the fictional district of Kyauktada in Burmese Days.

5. Orwell was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bihar.

6. The Orwell Commemorative Committee in Motihari has been demanding a restoration of Orwell’s birthplace as a heritage site.

7. Orwell never returned to his birth place.

8. The British journalist Ian Jack was mainly responsible for our knowledge of Orwell’s antecedents relating to Katha and Motihari.

(A) 2, 4, 8 are false.

(B) 7 and 8 are false.

(C) 3, 6 and 8 are false.

(D) All statements above are true.

Answer: (D)

46. Virginia Woolf borrowed the idea of the common reader from Dr. Johnson. To which particular work of Johnson’s does she remain indebted?

(A) The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Milton

(B) The Lives of the Most EminentEnglish Poets; the essay onGray

(C) Preface to Shakespeare

(D) The Patriot

Answer: (B)

47. J.M. Coetzee was the first writer to be awarded the Booker Prize twice. He won the prize for

(A) Life and Times of Michael K. and Disgrace

(B) Dusklands and Disgrace

(C) Foe and Elizabeth Costello

(D) Age of Iron and Disgrace

Answer: (A)

48. After the Norman Conquest England became a three-language nation for at least two centuries. The three languages were

(A) English, French and German

(B) English, Latin and German

(C) English, French and Latin

(D) English, French and Greek

Answer: (C)

49. Here are sentences labelled Assertion (A) and Reason (R):

Assertion (A): In who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? George and Martha’s blue and green-eyed son is a myth.

Reason (R): He is a creation of the couple’s imagination originating from their sense of sterility and vacuum in life.

In the light of (A) and (R), which of the following is correct?

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)

50. In the word rapidly, ‘ly’ is an adverbial suffix indicating manner while rapid is a ______, ly is a ____.

(A) Word, wordling

(B) Morpheme, morpheme-bit

(C) Free morpheme, bound-morpheme

(D) Full morpheme, half-morpheme

Answer: (C)

Question Nos. 51 to 55 is based on a poem. Read the poem carefully and pick out the most appropriate answers.

It’s Your Own Fault Of course you can play with them. There’s no harm in them. They are only words. Words alone are certain good, said someone. And someone also said unlike sticks and stones Words will never break your bones. (That is called rhyme. A rhyme is nice to play with too from time to time.) What? They’ve turned nasty? They’ve clawed you and bitten you? Dear me, there’s blood all over the place.And broken bones.They were perfectly tame when I left them. Something they ate might have disagreed with them. You mean you fed them on meaning?

No wonder then.

– D.J. Enright

51. The poet’s remark on ‘rhyme’ is _____.

(A) Put in parenthesis

(B) Put in parentheses

(C) Framed rhetorically

(D) Put in apposition

Answer: (A)

52. The poem is cast in the form of a ______.

(A) Romantic lyric

(B) Verse epistle

(C) Dramatic monologue

(D) Dialogue

Answer: (C)

53. What is the “fault” to which the speaker refers here?

(A) Playing with words

(B) Using only words

(C) Taking words too seriously

(D) Reading meanings into words

Answer: (D)

54. What tone is most appropriate for reading this poem?

(A) Evasive

(B) Plaintive

(C) Ironic

(D) Sarcastic

Answer: (C)

55. “No wonder then.” Explain.

(A) No wonder that the words here begin to mean.

(B) No wonder that you now find the words menacing.

(C) No wonder that the words find you menacing.

(D) No wonder the words still mean and are tame.

Answer: (B)

56. “Nothing odd will do long. ______ did not last long.” Dr. Johnson had this to say about one of the eighteenth century novels. Identify it from the following list:

(A) Tom Jones

(B) The Female Quixote

(C) Tristram Shandy

(D) Clarissa

Answer: (C)

57. Identify the sonnet upon sonnet by William Wordsworth:

(A) “London, 1802”

(B) “The world is too much with us…”

(C) “Friend! I know not which way…”

(D) “Nuns fret not at their convent’s narrow room…”

Answer: (D)

58. Who among the following women writers has written Novel on Yellow Paper?

(A) Elizabeth Smither

(B) Stevie Smith

(C) Zulu Sofola

(D) Gita Mehta

Answer: (B)

59. In most people, the first language / dialect acquired is ‘mother tongue’. Among the commonly used terms for mother tongue, one of the following is avoided. Identify the one term NOT applied to mother tongue:

(A) First language

(B) Prime language

(C) Native language

(D) Primary language

Answer: (B)

60. Identify the group of critical concepts that parenthetically aligns them with their respective theorists:

(A) The Carnivalesque (Jean Baudrillard), Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora (Gayatri C. Spivak), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Antonio Gramsci), The Subaltern (Mikhael Bakhtin), Metahistory (Walter Benjamin), Aura (Julia Kristeva), Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)

(B) Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora (Julia Kristeva), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Jean Baudrillard), the Subaltern (Gayatri C. Spivak) Metahistory (Hayden White), Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)

(C) Habitus (Julia Kristeva), Flaneur (Walter Benjamin), Chora (Pierre Bourdieu), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Hayden White), The Subaltern (Gayatri C. Spivak), Metahistory (Jean Baudrillard), Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Antonio Gramsci)

(D) Habitus (Pierre Bourdieu), Flaneur (Antonio Gramsci), Chora (Julia Kristeva), Simulacrum / Simulacra (Jean Baudrillard), The Subaltern (Gayatri C. Spivak), Metahistory (Hayden White), Polyphony (Mikhael Bakhtin), Hegemony (Walter Benjamin)

Answer: (B)

61. What was the mandate of the Stationer’s Company incorporated in London in 1557?

(A) To oversee the affairs of the Royal Registry.

(B) To oversee authors’ and printers’, or printer-publishers’ rights.

(C) To oversee authors’ and printers’ or printer-publishers’ use of stationery.

(D) To oversee the quality ofstationery harnessed by theRoyal Registry.

Answer: (B)

62. One of the following was described by its author as “a poem including history.” Identify the poem.

(A) Robert Lowell, Life Studies

(B) William Carlos Williams, Paterson

(C) Elizabeth Bishop, Questions of Travel

(D) Ezra Pound, the Cantos

Answer: (D)

63. Arrange the following groups of English writers in chronological order:

(A) The Metaphysical poets

The High Modernists

Transitional poets 

The Georgians

the Aesthetes

the University Wits

(B) The University Wits

the Metaphysical poets

Transitional poets

The Aesthetes

The Georgians

the High Modernists

(C) The High Modernists

the Georgians

the Aesthetes

Transitional poets

The Metaphysical poets

The University Wits

(D) The University Wits

the Metaphysical poets

The Aesthetes

Transitional poets

The Georgians

the High Modernists

Answer: (B)

64. Which Bible is the earliest English version printed with verse divisions?

(A) Tyndale’s Translation

(B) The Geneva Bible

(C) The Douay-Rheims Version

(D) King James Version

Answer: (B)

65. E.M. Forster’s Passage to India begins with a description of the city of Chandrapore. It has an old Indian part and a new part consisting of the British civil station. Which of the following descriptions of the city is not found in the text?

(A) The streets are mean, the temples ineffective.

(B) It is a city of gardens.

(C) It is a tropical pleasaunce washed by a noble river.

(D) The new civil station is not sensibly planned and not modern.

Answer: (D)

66. In which of the following books would you find the following arguments / observations? Escapist fiction lacks serious fiction’s apocalyptic experience of finality. The two versions of literary experience are qualitatively different; every novel fits one category or the other, not both. Serious fiction, however, compels our attention by representing improvements (the “world of potency”) as being achieved (a “world of act”) and by showing narrative movement “through time to an end, an end, we must sense even if we cannot know it.”

(A) Sincerity and Authenticity

(B) The Sense of an Ending: Studies in the Theory of Fiction

(C) Beyond the Apocalypse

(D) The Rhetoric of Fiction

Answer: (B)

67. Philip Larkin’s “The Whitsun Weddings”

I. describes a long train journey

II. Establishes a ‘we’ voice of collective outlook

III. Traces the disfigurement of a sunny landscape on an advertising poster

IV. Gives an account of a drug pusher

The correct combination according to the code is:

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) I and II are correct.

(C) I and IV are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Answer: (B)

68. Match the last lines of the poems with their correct titles:

List – I                                                                                    List – II

(Last lines of poems)                                                   (Titles of poems)

I. And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.                                                                                                                                                                                     1. “Death, be not proud…”

II. Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run.                                                                                                                  2. “The Great Lover”

III. One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.                                                                                          3. “Dover Beach”

IV. This one last gift I give: that after men shall know, and later lovers, far-removed, Praise you, “All these were lovely;” say, “He loved.”                                                                                                                                                                                4. “To His Coy Mistress”


I           II         III        IV

(A)       3         4          1          2

(B)       4          3          2          1

(C)       2          1          4          1

(D)       1          2          3          4

Answer: (A)

69. The Oxford Companions are handy reference volumes for teachers and students of English. Identify the one volume that has NOT yet appeared in this series:

(A) The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Literature in English

(B) The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature

(C) The Oxford Companion to American Literature

(D) The Oxford Companion to Indian Literature in English

Answer: (D)

70. While writing or printing, scholarly use prefers titles in italics. Which of the following is the correct way of writing/printing?

(A) Charles Dicken’s Tale of Two Cities

(B) Charles Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities

(C) Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities

(D) Charles Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities

Answer: (B)

Questions from 71 to 75 are based on the following passage. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option:

Somewhere, on the edge of consciousness, there is what I call a mythical norm, which each one of us within our hearts knows “that is not me”. In America, this norm is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, Christian, and financially secure. It is with this mythical norm that the trappings of power reside within the society. Those of us who stand outside that power often identify one way in which we are different, and we assume that to be the primary cause of all oppression, forgetting other distortions around difference, some of which we ourselves may be practicing. By and large within the women’s movement today, white women focus upon their oppression as women and ignore differences of race, sexual preference, class, and age. There is a pretense to homogeneity of experience covered by the word sisterhood that does not in fact exist. (Audre Lorde)

71. A mythical norm is endemic to societies:

1. Where racial myths are prevalent and widely respected and perpetuated through utterances that establish ‘we’ and ‘they’ groups.

2. Where the superiority of one’s own culture and nation no longer emphasized openly or straightforwardly.

3. Where ‘difference’ has been a preoccupation in the representation of people who are racially, ethnically, and in terms of gender and sexual preference different from an assumed majority.

4. That believes that the norm is part of their right to defend the ways of life enjoyed by a dominant group, their traditions and customs against outsiders – not because these outsiders are inferior, but because they belong to other cultures.

(A) 1 and 4 are correct.

(B) 2 and 3 are correct.

(C) Only 4 is correct.

(D) Only 3 is correct.

Answer: (B)

72. How does the author mark her difference from other writers on similar issues and underscore her radical style typographically?

1. By her use of parataxis

2. By italicizing ‘mythical norm’ and ‘sisterhood’

3. By using lowercase for proper and common nouns

4. By using phrases like ‘Those of us who stand outside…’

(A) 1 & 4 are correct.

(B) 2 is correct.

(C) 3 is correct.

(D) 2 & 3 are correct.

Answer: (X)

73. That there are levels and grades of powerlessness in societies entertaining ‘a mythical norm’ is indicated

1. By the overall tone and tenor of the passage.

2. By the suggestion that ‘a mythical norm’ is responsible for the unequal distribution of power among people.

3. By referring to ‘other distortions around difference’.

4. By referring to white women who narrow down oppression directed only at white women.

(A) 4 is correct.

(B) 1 & 2 are correct.

(C) 3 is correct.

(D) 2 is correct.

Answer: (C)

74. Why is the author dismissive about ‘sisterhood’?

1. Because it is italicised.

2. Because it does not exist in principle.

3. Because it assumes that all ‘sisters’ are alike.

4. Because it assumes that all ‘sisters’ are unique.

(A) 3 is correct

(B) 1 is correct

(C) 4 is correct

(D) 2 is correct

Answer: (A)

75. Does the author absolve all women from the ‘distortions around difference’?

1. Yes.

2. No.

3. Not sure.

4. Yes, in a qualified manner though.

(A) 1 is correct

(B) 2 is correct

(C) 3 is correct

(D) 4 is correct

Answer: (B)

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