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Research Methodology Solved Paper - I (Part 11)

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET /CSIR -NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  At the end of Eleventh Five Year Plan the total number of Deemed Universities in India was __________.

    1.  112

    2.  115

    3.  127

    4.  129

  2. The Residential Universities are the Universities having _______.

    1.  Central Campus for Imparting Education

    2.  Many Campuses for Imparting Education

    3.  Both of the above 

    4.  None of the above 

  3. When a university runs some courses in its Central Campus and some other course in its affiliating colleges, such University is called as __________.

    1.  Residential-Affiliating University

    2.  Unitary Teaching University

    3.  Affiliating University

    4.  Residential University

  4. Complex of Colleges' is called ____________.

    1.  Unitary University

    2.  Federal University

    3.  State University

    4.  Central University

  5.  At the end of Eleventh Five Year Plan the total number of Central Universities in India was ___________.

    1.  63

    2.  52

    3.  43 

    4.  23

  6. What amount has been made in the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Education Mission through ICT?

    1.  6520 crore 

    2.  5000 crore 

    3.  2514 crore 

    4.  8000 crore 

  7. The number of Agricultural Education Institutes in India till today was ______.

    1.  45

    2.  23

    3.  78

    4.  55

  8. Enlightenment thought laid the ground work for the development of ____________.

    1.  speculations

    2.  Educated Society

    3.  Religious notions

    4.  Social scientific thought

  9. The conflict between religious learning and beliefs and rationality learning and beliefs is the basic characteristic of ___________.

    1.  Educated Society

    2.  Modern era

    3.  Renaissance

    4.  speculations

  10. The work ‘Two Treatises of Government’ was written by____________.

    1.  Gandhi

    2.  Rousseau

    3.  B G Tilak

    4.  Locke

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