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Research Methodology Solved Paper - I (Part 15)

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET /CSIR -NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  The problem selected must have _______?

    1.  Novelty

    2.  Values

    3.  Facts

    4.  Speed

  2. Objectives in problem formulation means?

    1.  Techniques

    2.  Methodology

    3.  Methods

    4.  Questions to be answered

  3. Last step in problem formulation is ______?

    1.  Survey 

    2.  Discussion

    3.  Literature survey

    4.  Re Phrasing the Research problem

  4. In the formulation of the problem we need to give a ______?

    1.  Bibliography

    2.  Concepts

    3.  Index

    4.  Title

  5. Third step in problem formulation is ______?

    1.  Understanding the nature of the problem

    2.  Discussion

    3.  Statement of the problem

    4.  Survey the available literature

  6. The first step in formulating a problem is?

    1.  Gathering of Data

    2.  Survey

    3.  Measurement

    4.  Statement of the problem

  7. _________ will help in finding out a problem for research?

    1.  Guide

    2.  Professor

    3.  HOD

    4.  Tutor

  8. Second step in problem formulation is _______?

    1.  Discussions

    2.  Survey

    3.  Statement of the problem

    4.  Understanding the nature of the problem

  9. Fourth step in problem formulation is?

    1.  Statement of problem Enactment

    2.  Enactment

    3.  Develop ideas through discussion

    4.  Survey

  10. While Selecting a problem, problem which is ______ is no taken?

    1.  Overdone

    2.  Very Common

    3.  Easy one 

    4.  Rare

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