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UGC-NET Library and Information Science Mock Test - 28

In this Quiz covered for important questions from various NET Exam and Prepared for Various State Government Librarian Exams. So CBSE-NET aspirants can check their Knowledge and to get chances to success. All the best...

  1. In Five laws of Library Science "Every Book its reader" is?

    1.  Second law

    2.  First law

    3.  Third law 

    4.  None of the above

  2. The establishment of local library committee and village library committee is the obligation of which authority?

    1.  District

    2.  Taluk

    3.  Village

    4.  State

  3. Library cess contribution of Tamilnadu ?

    1.  10% on Property Tax

    2.  6% on Lands and Building

    3.  8% on Lands and Building

    4.  5% on Property Tax

  4. The Latin term liber from which the word library derived means?

    1.  Periodical

    2.  Thesis

    3.  Reference book

    4.  Book

  5. When was "Delivery of Books and Newspaper Act" passed?

    1.  1850

    2.  1956

    3.  1867

    4.  1954

  6. Books of Copyright Act, 1957 (India) amended in following year?

    1.  1957

    2.  1984

    3.  1982

    4.  1956

  7. Sea Customs act of 1962 censor and ban foreign publications in?

    1.  India

    2.  UK

    3.  USA

    4.  Australia

  8. FID was founded in the year 1895 at?

    1.  Paris

    2.  London

    3.  Hague

    4.  Brussels

  9. The term censorship is derived from the word censere of------origin.?

    1.  German

    2.  Greek

    3.  Latin

    4.  Sanskrit

  10. Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science (IATLIS) was founded in?

    1.  1928

    2.  1955

    3.  1933

    4.  1969

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