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Life Science Mock Test CSIR NET Exam - Part 7

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of CSIR-NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  A Drosophila fly with only one X chromosome (XO condition) in the absence of Y chromosome will develop as _____________.

    1.  Intersex

    2.  Meta-male

    3.  Male

    4.  Female 

  2. When a weak acid is mixed with its salt, pH of the

    solution becomes__________.

    1.  More acidic 

    2.  Neutral

    3.  Less acidic

    4.  remains same

  3. Most commonly used radioisotopes in biology


    1.  Î² rays

    2.  Positrons

    3.  Î± rays

    4.  gama rays

  4. Why have top predators (consumers at the top of the food chain), such as the cheetah and the tiger, always had smaller populations than organisms lower in the food chain?

    1.  Low birth rate

    2.  Limited energy availability

    3.  Hunted by humans

    4.  None of the above

  5. If the radius of blood vessels of a person decreases his/her blood pressure will

    1.  Becomes zero

    2.  Decrease

    3.  Remain Same

    4.  Increase

  6.  At present, the relationship between human and monkey can be stated as ____________.

    1.  Human have evolved from monkey

    2.  Relationship can not be established

    3.  They both have common ancestors

    4.  Both have very distinct phylogeny

  7. Number of individual surviving to reproductive stage is termed as _______.

    1.  Net reproduction rate

    2.  Survivourship curve

    3.  Reproductive Mortality

    4.  Fecundity

  8. Oncogene is responsible for ____________.

    1.  Malaria

    2.  Lung disease

    3.  Heart disease

    4.  Cancer

  9. Drosophila shares more its genes with sister (75%) as compare to its daughter (50%) due to________.

    1.  Kin selection

    2.  Parthenogensis

    3.  Eusocialbilty

    4.  Haploidy diploidy

  10.  Major source of green house gases are _______.

    1.  Burning of fossil fuels

    2.  Respiration

    3.  Burning of plants

    4.  Use of LPG

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