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History Mock Test UGC-NET - Part 22

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET / CSIR-NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  Harsha moved his capital from Rule to ___________.

    1.  Kamboj, Kanauj

    2.  Delhi, Deogir

    3.  Valabhi, Delhi

    4.  Thanesar, Kanauj

  2. Who was the author of Gita Gobind ?

    1.  Vidyapati

    2.  Mirabai

    3.  Surdas

    4.  Jaya Deva

  3. What was the real name of Chanakya ?

    1.  Kautilya

    2.  Bishnu Gupta

    3. Ramtanu Mishra

    4.  Vishisht

  4. Under the Government of India ___________, the British Crown assumed direct administration of India in the new British Raj.

    1.  Act of 1947

    2.  Act of 1658 

    3.  Act of 1758

    4.  Act of 1858 

  5. Mahe was a colony of __________.

    1.  Dutch

    2.  English

    3.  Germany

    4.  French

  6. Match the following 

    A. First Buddhhist Council                        1. Silappadikaram

    B. Third Buddhist Council                         2. Tripitika

    C. Second Sangam                                    3. Abhidhamma Pitak

    D. Third Sangam                                       4. Tolksppiyam

    1.  A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4

    2.  A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1

    3.  A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

    4.  A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1

  7. The Treaty of Surat was in the year ____________.

    1.  1475 

    2.  1675 

    3.  1575

    4.  1775

  8. In 1612 __________established a trading post in Gujarat.

    1.  Spain

    2.  French 

    3.  Dutch

    4.  British

  9. The fourth _______War was of short duration and decisive and ended with Tipu’s death on May 4, 1799.

    1.  Hieun Tsang

    2.  Nyzam-Mysore War

    3.  French- Mysore War

    4.  Anglo-Mysore

    5.  Maratha -Mysore war

  10. Who described Indians as "hot-tempered but honest"??

    1.  Nikitin

    2.  Megasthenes

    3.  Hieun Tsang

    4.  Fa-Hien

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