
Anthropology Mock Test UGC-NET - Part 2

This Quiz is posted with the sole aim of guiding the aspirants of UGC-NET Exam to the path of success. To sharpen the edges of your own intelligence and practice, in a structured and concrete manner to ensure you definite Success in your endeavor and will Pave your way for a successful career in Teaching (or) Research Profession . All the very best...... Knock the door of success......

  1.  Which of the following statements is true of Charles Lyell?

    1.  He published evidence in support of the theory of uniformitarianism.

    2.  He developed the theory of uniformitarianism

    3.  none of the above

    4.  both of the above

  2. DNA molecule was discovered by

    1.  M. Kimura

    2.  J. M. Lowenstein

    3.  G. Mendel

    4.  J. Watson & F. Crick

  3. Which of the following statements is true regarding the acceptance of evolution?

    1.  There no longer are any American churches preaching that there was a special and independent creation of every species and that they do not evolve.

    2.  Most scientists and the major religions in the Western World have accepted that biological evolution has occurred.

    3.  The concept of evolution is largely irrelevant to modern biology.

    4.  None of the above

  4. Adaptive biological changes occurring within the lifetime of an organism in response to environmental stress refers to ________.

    1.  adaptation

    2.  habituation

    3.  acclimation

    4.  acclimatization

  5. Which of the following statements is true about Mendel?

    1.  His discoveries concerning genetic inheritance were generally accepted by the scientific community when he published them during the mid 19th century.

    2.  He believed that genetic traits of parents will usually blend in their children.

    3. His ideas about genetics apply equally to plants and animals.

    4.  Both a & b

  6. Mother-fetus Rh blood type incompatibility problems can occur if the mother is _____ and her fetus is _____ .

    1.  Rh negative; Rh negative

    2.  Rh negative; Rh positive

    3.  Rh positive; Rh positive

    4.  Rh positive; Rh negative

  7. Mother-fetus incompatibility problems result from ________.

    1.  the mother's antibodies agglutinating the fetus' Rh positive red blood cells

    2.  the fetus' antibodies agglutinating its mother's red blood cells

    3.  the fetus' antibodies agglutinating its own red blood cells

    4.  none of the above

  8. Cephalo-Caudal growth occurs from _____________.

    1.  tail-to-head

    2.  outward to centre of body

    3.  centre of body to outward

    4.  head-to-tail

  9. A chromosomal abnormality that causes a man to have asexual to feminine body contours with large breasts; small penis, testes, and prostate gland; relatively little body hair; and sterility is _______.

    1.  Richard Speck Syndrome

    2.  XYY syndrome

    3.  Klinefelter syndrome

    4.  Night blindness

  10. Which of the following statements is true of sex chromosome abnormalities in humans?

    1.  Most are not gender specific

    2.  They cannot be diagnosed before birth

    3.  They can be diagnosed before birth

    4.  They usually have mild effects and rarely are fatal

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