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Computer Science Questions and Answers: C-Programming Part - 9

1) What is an array?

 An array is a group of data of the same data type stored in successive storage locations.

2) How are elements of an array accessed?

Elements of an array are accessed using subscripts.

3) What is a subscript?

A subscript or an index is a positive integer value that identifies the storage position of an element in the array.

4) Which is the smallest subscript?


5) How many subscripts does a one and two dimensional array have?

One dimensional array has one subscript and a two dimensional array has two subscripts( row and a column subscript).

6) Write the syntax for declaring a one dimensional array.

Syntax: datatype arrayname [size]

7) Write the syntax for declaring a two dimensional array.

Syntax: datatype arrayname [row size] [column size]

8) What do you mean by initializing an array?

Initializing of an array means storing data in to an array at the design time. 

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