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TNPSC Modern World History Part - 5

71. Sun Yat-sen was born in a village near _______ in 1866.
a) Kiangsi b) Hong Kong c) Hungary d) Canton

72. At the age of 13, Sun-yat-sen was sent to _______ to join his elder brother who had
started a successful business overseas.
a) Taiwan b) Hong Kong c) Hungary d) Hawaii

73. Hsing-chung hui was formed by _______ 
a) Yuan Shih-k'ai b) Li Hung-chang c) Kuang-hsu d) Sun Yat-sen

74. Wuhan Uprising was in October _______ 
a) 1811 b) 1821 c) 1901 d) 1911

75.Immediately after the Wuhan Uprising in October,1911 in a last attempt to save itself, the Manchu court recalled _______ who had been forced to retire since 1908.
a) Yuan Shih-k'ai b) Lloyd George
c) Theodore Roosevelt d) Sun Yat-sen

76. The end of the Ch'ing dynasty was in February _______ 
a) 1812 b) 1832 c) 1843 d) 1912

77.On February 12, 1912, under _______ .pressure, the Manchu court announced its abdication.
a) Mao’s b) Chiang Kai-shek’s c) Sun Yat-sen’s d) Yuan's

78.During 1894-95, the Sino-Japanese War took place, resulting in the victory of _______ over China.
a) Spain b) China c) Russia d) Japan

79.In _______ the Russian Revolution transformed the ancient Tsarist autocracy into a Constitutional Monarchy. 
a) 1805 b) 1875 c) 1892 d) 1905

80.The "young Turks" under the leadership of _______ the father of modern Turkey, carried out a revolution in the Ottoman Empire in 1908-1909.
a) Mustapha Kemal Ataturk Pasha b) Theodore Roosevelt c) Lloyd George d)William III

81. Who was the father of modern Turkey?
a) Mustapha Kemal Ataturk Pasha b) Lloyd George c) Theodore Roosevelt d) James I

82.In 1911,  _______ seized the Ottoman provinces of Tripoli and Cyrenaica.
a) Italy b) Austria c) Hungary d) Russia

83. First World War, which started in the year _______ 
a) 1904 b) 1912 c) 1914 d) 1918

84.The German Kaiser _______ declared that Germany was determined to become a world power and this would arouse rivalry with Britain.
a) Lloyd George b) William II c) Theodore Roosevelt d) Elizabeth I

85. Owing to the Franco-Prussian War of _______ France lost Alsace and Lorraine to Prussia.
a) 1870 b) 1873 c) 1878 d) 1896

86. In 1882 _______ joined the Dual Alliance and thus brought into existence the Triple Alliance. 
a) Italy b) Japan c) Czechoslovakia d) Hungary

87.In 1904,  _______ entered into a defensive alliance with England known as the ‘Entente
a) France b) Czechoslovakia c) Hungary d) China

88.In 1907,  _______ joined the ‘Entente Cordiale’, thus bringing into existence the Triple Entente, which pitted itself against the Triple Alliance.
a) Russia b) Romania c) Turkey d) Czechoslovakia d) Germany

89.The murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of  _______ and his wife, on June 28, 1914, by a fanatical Serbian student in Sarajevo (Bosnia) was the spark that set the World War off.
a) Austria b) Czechoslovakia c) Hungary d) China

90. The murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, on June 28, _______ by a fanatical Serbian student in Sarajevo (Bosnia) was the spark that set the World War off.
a) 1814 b) 1884 c) 1914 d) 1918

91.With the news of the murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Austria decided to crush  _______ with the support of Germany.
a) Yugoslavia b) Serbia c) Czechoslovakia d) Hungary

92 _______ was signed in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany on March 1918.
a)Austria b) Russia c) Yugoslavia d) Czechoslovakia

93. The U.S.A. declared war against Germany on April 6 _______ 
a) 1907 b) 1917 c) 1927 d) 1937

94. The Fourteen Points was announced by President Woodrow Wilson of _______ 
a) U.S.A. b) France c) England d) Italy

95. Clemenceau was the Prime Minister of _______ 
a) France b) Austria c) Hungary d) Yugoslavia

96. By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany surrendered the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine and the coal mines of the Saar basin to _______ 
a) France b) Austria c) Yugoslavia d) Czechoslovakia

97. By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany surrendered Eupen and Malmedy to _______ 
a) Belgium b) Austria c) Hungary d) Yugoslavia

98. By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany surrendered Memel to _______ 
a) Austria b) Lithuania c) Yugoslavia d) Czechoslovakia

99. By the Treaty of Versailles, Germany surrendered Northern Schleswig to _______ 
a) Austria b) Denmark c) Hungary d) Yugoslavia

100. The Treaty of St. Germaine was imposed on _______ on September 10, 1919.
a) China b) Hungary c) Austria d) Russia

Answer Keys
71.d 72.d 73.d 74.d 75.a  76.d 77.d 78.d 79.d 80.a 81.a 82.a 83.c 84.b 85.a 86.a 87.a 88.a 89.a 90.c
91.b 92.b 93.b 94.a 95.a 96.a 97.a 98.b 99.b 100.c 

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