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TNPSC Modern World History Part - 3

31.  _______ became the capital of the united Italian kingdom.
a) Berlin b) Paris c) Washington DC d) Rome

32. The Holy Roman Emperor had been chosen from the _______ family of the Austrians.a) Hapsburg b) Manchus c) Bourbon d) Stuart

33. One of the significant developments that have changed the course of history was the unification of Germany under the leadership of _______ 
a) Britain b) Italy c) America d) Prussia

34. Paradoxically, it was _______ who took the first step towards German unity.
a) Louis XV b) Charles Albert c) Victor Emmanuel II d) Napoleon

35. After overrunning the various German states and defeating the combined armies of Austria and Russia at _______ , Napoleon formed a political union of German states called the “Confederation of the Rhine.”
a) Austerlitz b) Portsmouth c) Malaysia d) Hong Kong

36. After overrunning the various German states and defeating the combined armies of Austria and Russia at Austerlitz, _______ .formed a political union of German states called the “Confederation of the Rhine.”
a) Hitler b) Charles Albert c) Louis XV d) Napoleon

37.The next step towards Germany unity was taken in the direction of commerce. Led by _______ , the German states entered into a Zoleverin or Customized Union to avoid the tariff duties levied by each member of the Confederation on another.
a) Prussia b) Russia c) Poland d) Newfoundland

38. _______ the prime minister of Germany who unified Germany with his policy of “Blood and Iron.”
a) Otto Von Bismarck b) Von Moltke
c) Victor Emmanuel II d) Queen Isabella

39. The two Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein were inhabited largely by the Germans, but ruled by the King of _______ 
a) Austria b) Italy c) Rome d) Denmark

40. _______ was compelled to accept the Peace Treaty of Prague, by which she agreed to withdraw from the German Confederation and recognize any reconstruction of
Germany led by Prussia.
a) Austria b) Denmark c) Russia d) Rhineland

41.In 1868, a revolution in Spain deposed _______ 
a) Queen Isabella b) Victor Emmanuel II c) Theodore Roosevelt d) Philip II

42. In 1868, a revolution in Spain deposed Queen Isabella and the Spaniards offered the crown to Leopold William I of _______ 
a) Prussia b) Italy c) Portugal d) Ghana

43. The finishing touch to the unification of Germany was given in 1871 by the proclamation of _______ as the Emperor of Germany in the famous “Hall of
Mirrors” at Versailles.
a) Kaiser William I b) Nicholas II c) Theodore Roosevelt d) Josephine

44. The finishing touch to the unification of Germany was given in 1871 by the proclamation of Kaiser William I as the Emperor of Germany in the famous “Hall of Mirrors” at _______ 
a) Versailles b) Portsmouth c) Morocco d) Shimonoseki

45.The Meiji Restoration was basically a revolution that restored imperial rule to Japan in _______ 
a) 1837 b) 1848 c) 1867 d) 1900

46. The Meiji Restoration was basically a revolution that restored imperial rule to  _______ in 1867.
a) Japan b) China c) Korea d) Egypt

47. The word " _______ " means "enlightened rule" and the goal was to combine "western advancements" with the traditional, "eastern" values.
a) Meiji b) Tudor c) Bourbon d) Hannover

48. The Russo-Japanese War (1904–05) was fought by Russia and Japan over their interests in _______ .(particularly Manchuria) and Korea.
a) China b) Japan c) Turkey d) Russia

49. Theodore Roosevelt was the _______ President
a) South Africa b) U.S.A c) Philippines d) India

50. The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed on September 5, _______ .
a) 1805 b) 1895 c) 1905 d) 1915

Answer Keys
31.d 32.a 33.d 34.d 35.a 36.d 37.a 38.a 39.d 40.a 41.a 42.a 43.a 44.a 45.c 46.a 47.a 48.a 49.b 50.c

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