181.In _______ Trotsky was deported from Russia.
a) 1819 b) 1829 c) 1879 d) 1929
182. In 1940, Trotsky was assassinated in _______
a) Brazil b) Spain c) Greece d) Mexico
183. _______ thought that rapid industrialization and collectivization of agriculture would transform Russia into a rich and strong socialist state.
a) Stalin b) Trotsky c) Mussolini d) Peter the Great
184. _______ Made use of the State Planning Commission (Gosplan) to make a survey of the country’s economic resources.
a)Benito Mussolini b) Stalin c) Trotsky d) Lenin
185. _______ Denounced the ‘Jewish’ Communism in ‘My Struggle’, and pointed out that he
would attack Russia.
a)Hitler b) Benito Mussolini c) Trotsky d) Lenin
186. Italian dictatorship was initiated by _______
a) Hitler b) Trotsky c) Lenin d) Benito Mussolini
187. _______ developed the concept of the ‘Corporate State.’
a) Lenin b) Trotsky c) Mussolini d) Hitler
188. In 1923 _______ secured the island of Corfu (that was in Greece).
a) Mussolini b) Trotsky c) Lenin d) Peter the Great
189. In October _______ Italy and Germany formed a close alliance known as the Berlin- Rome Axis.
a) 1916 b) 1926 c) 1927 d) 1936
190. In October 1936, Italy and _______ formed a close alliance known as the Berlin-Rome Axis
a) Greece b) Spain c) Germany d) Moscow
191. In _______ Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact against Russia.
a) 1935 b) 1937 c) 1939 d) 1945
192. Mussolini entered World War II on June 10 _______
a) 1930 b) 1940 c) 1942 d) 1947
193. Adolf Hitler, an _______ by birth, joined the German army during World War I.
a) Austrian b) British c) French d) Italian
194. Reichstag was the _______ Parliament
a) Italian b) British c) French d) German
195. On June 30, 1934 _______ massacred thousands of socialists for treason, for which the day came to be known as ’Bloody Saturday.’
a) Adolf Hitler b) Trotsky c) Mussolini d) Lenin
196. On October 14, 1933 _______ gave notice of withdrawal from the League of Nations and the Disarmament Conference.
a) France b) Spain c) Britain d) Germany
197.On March 19, 1935 _______ violated Part V of the Treaty of Versailles by re-introducing military conscription.
a) Germany b) Spain c) Britain d) France
198.On March 7, 1936 _______ dispatched troops to remilitarize the Rhineland.
a) Peter the Great b) Mussolini c) Lenin d) Hitler
199.To expand German territory and power _______ followed a policy of naked aggression.
a) Lenin b) Miguel Primo de Rivera c) Hitler d) Peter the Great
200. With the help of _______ Hitler annexed Austria on March 11, 1938.
a) Italy b) Spain c) Britain d) France
Answer Keys
181.d 182.d 183.a 184.b 185.a 186.d 187.c 188.a 189.d 190.c
191.b 192.b 193.a 194.d 195.a 196.d 197.a 198.d 199.c 200.a