1. The unification of Italy is an outstanding achievement in the _________ century history of Europe.
a) 17th
b) 18th
c) 19th
d) 20th
2. The _________ Revolution of 1789 produced in Italians, a sense of nationalism.
a) French
b) American
c) Vietnam
d) Indian
3. _________ gave the first impulse to Italian unification.
a) Napoleon
b) Metternich
c) Mussolini
d) Hitler
4. _________ drove away the Austrians and the Bourbons at Sadova.
a) Napoleon
b) Cavour
c) Louie Philip
d) Metternich
5. Early in the 19th century, national feeling in _________ was stirred by revolutionary secret societies known as Carbonari
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) Spain
d) Britain
6. The Carbonari wanted to overthrow foreign rule imposed by the Vienna settlement and unify _________
a) Italy
b) Germany
c) France
d) America
7. The Carbonari wanted to overthrow foreign rule imposed by the _________ settlement and unify Italy. The movement was known as Risorgimento.
a) Vienna
b) Paris
c) Boston
d) German
8. The Carbonari wanted to overthrow foreign rule imposed by the Vienna settlement and unify Italy. The movement was known as Risorgimento. But _________ intervened and crushed all movements.
a) Mazzini
b) Napoleon
c) Hitler
d) Prince Metternich
9. In July, 1830, when a revolution in France placed _________ on the throne and established a constitutional monarch.
a) Louie Philip
b) Mazzini
c)Peter the Great
d)Louis XIV
10. In July _________ Joseph Mazzini wanted to expel the foreign government from Italy, end the temporal authority of the Pope over the Papal States, and unit the whole of Italy under a Republican government.
a) 1748
b) 1778
c) 1839
d) 1848
11. In July, 1848 _________ wanted to expel the foreign government from Italy, end the temporal authority of the Pope over the Papal States, and unit the whole of Italy under a Republican government.
a) Garibaldi
b) Count Cavour
c) Joseph Mazzini
d) Louie Philip
12. To carry out his ideals, _________ established, in 1831, a movement known as “Young Italy.”
a) Garibaldi
b) Joseph Mazzini
c) Cavour
d) Charles Albert
13. The “Young Italy” of _________ lit the flames of patriotism throughout Italy and helped the cause of Italian unification.
a) Joseph Mazzini
b) Charles Albert
c) Garibaldi
d) Louie Philip
14. The Austrian army crushed the revolt at Custozza near _________
a) Venice
b) Portsmouth
c) Algeria
d) Malaysia
15. Mazzini roused the people of the Papal States against the _________
a) Victor Emmanuel II
b) Charles Albert
c) Garibaldi
d) Pope
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