HomeOnline QuizTNPSC General Studies Online Mock Test TNPSC General Studies Online Mock Test TNPSC Master 1/08/2017 0 In this Quiz covered for important questions from various Competitive Exam. So TNPSC aspirants should check their Knowledge and to get chances to success upcoming Exams. All the best... The asteroid belt lies between the orbits of ? Earth and Venus Jupiter and Venus Mars and Jupiter Jupiter and Saturn Where is located the Head Quarters of the International Court of Justice? Paris New Delhi Washington The Hague By which constitutional amedment bill, the voating age was reduced from 21 years to 18 years? 61st Amendment 74th Amendment 51st Amendment 72nd Amendment Which among the following is not a Fundemental Right now? Right to Freedom Right to Constitutional Remedies Right to Equality Right to Property The Constituent Assembly was presided over by? Jawaharlal Nehru Dr.K.M.Munshi Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Dr.Rajendra Prasad When did Vikram era start? 19 B.C 58 B.C 78 A.D 73. A.D Who was the First Governor General of Free India? Mountbatten C.Rajendra Prasad C.Rajagopalachari None of these The Poverty line has been defined in the? 3rd Five Year Plan 2nd Five Year Plan 4th Five Year Plan 5th Five Year Plan Twelfth Five Year Plan was launched in? 2007 2011 2012 2010 The measurement of poverty line is based on the criteria of? Level of Education Family Members Nature of Employment Caloric Consumption Tags Mock Test Online Quiz Newer Older
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