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TNPSC GK Model Questions Indian Constitution / Polity 61-70

63.Which act separated Burma and Aden from India?
a) Indian Councils Act 1909
b) Government of India Act 1919
c) Government of India Act 1935
d) Indian Independence act 1947
Answer: Government of India Act 1935

64.Which act was accepted as the provisional constitution of India,after Independence?
a) Indian Councils Act 1909
b) Government of India act 1919
c) Government of India Act 1935
d) Indian Independence act 1947
Answer: Government of India Act 1935

65 Quit –India movement was in the year,
a) 1945 
b) 1942 
c) 1941 
d) 1946
Answer: b

66) Elections to the Constituent Assembly was held in the year,
a) 1945
b) 1942 
c) 1941 
d) 1946
Answer: d

67) .Who saluted Gandhi as’ Mahatma ‘?
a) Bala Gangadar Tilak 
b) Raveendra Nath Tagore 
c) Gopala Krishna Gokhale
d) Lala Lajpat Rai
Answer: b

68) Which was considered as the basis of Indian Independence Act of 1947?
a) Mount batten Plan 
b) Cripps proposal 
c) Simon commission report 
d) Nehru report.
Answer: a

69) Who was the first deputy Prime Minister of India ?
a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel 
b) Nehru 
c) B R Ambedkar 
d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Answer: a

70) Who was the first Governor General of Independent India ?
a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel 
b) Mount Batten 
c) C Rajagopal Achari 
d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Answer: b

71) In which case Supreme Court declared that the Preamble is the integral part of the
a) Kesavananda Bhrati case 
b) Nenaka Gandhi case 
c) A K .Gopalan case 
d) Kerala Education Bill case
Answer: a

72) Fundamental Rights are incorporated in which part of the Constitution?
a) Part III 
b) Part II 
c) Part IV 
d) Part IX
Answer: a

73) Directive Principles of State Policy incorporated in which part of the Constitution ?
a) Part III 
b) Part II 
c) Part IV 
d) Part IX
Answer: c

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