81) Article 17deals with
a) Abolition of Titiles
b) Abolition Untouchability
c) Equality of Participation
d) Equality of Expression
Answer: b
82) Abolition of Untouchability deals with
a) Art. 17
b)Art. 32
c) Art.14
d) Art. 18
Answer: a
83) Article 18 deals with
a) Abolition of Titiles
b) Abolition Untouchability
c) Equality of Participation
d) Equality of Expression
Answer: a
84) Which is the most decorative award given by govt. of India
a) Padmasree
b) Padma Bhusion
c) Bhrath Ratna
d) Padma Vibushion
Answer: c
85) ________ is the most fundamental of Fundamental Rights
a) Personal Liberty
b) Right to equality
c) Minority rights
d) Religious rights
Answer: a
86) Which article was known as ‘seven freedoms’ in our constitution
a) Art. 17
b) Art. 32
c) Art.19
d) Art. 18
Answer: c
87) Freedom of Expression deals with
a) Art. 17
b) Art. 32
c) Art.19
d) Art. 18
Answer: c
88)Right to education incorporated in
a) Art. 17
b) Art. 32
c) Art.19
d) Art. 21A
Answer: d
89) which amendment incorporated Right to Education to the Constitution?
a) 86th
c) 44th
d) 74th
Answer: a
90) Which article provides protection against arrest and detention
a) Art. 22
b)Art. 32
c) Art.19
d) Art. 21A
Answer: a