Tamil Nadu slips from 12th to 18th rank in ease of doing Business: Tamil Nadu has slipped to the 18th rank in the state-wise `Ease of Doing Business' rankings released by the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP) of the Union ministry of commerce and industry on Monday . The state, which stood 12th in the rankings last year, has fallen behind even Bihar that is far less industrialized.Tamil Nadu got a score of 62.8% in the latest rankings, much lower than top-ranked neighbour Andhra Pradesh that scored 98.78% and Karnataka, 88.39%.
The state has been ranked outside the top-5 in key reform as following areas
Construction permit enablers,
obtaining electricity connection
availability of land.
TN continues to be under the category of states, which have been classified as `acceleration required'. However, it has done better than Delhi, Kerala, Goa, the North-Eastern states and Jammu & Kashmir.
A report titled -As sessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms' was released in September 2015 capturing the findings after taking the stock of reforms implemented by states between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015.
While only seven states had implemented over 50% of the reform points last year with no state crossing the 75% mark, 17 states crossed the 50% implementation mark this year and 16 states scored over 75%. DIPP has also launched a portal to track realtime rankings of states on the basis of number of reforms undertaken by them as identified over time
The Rank List State Wise
Andhra Pradesh - 1st Rank - Score - 98.78
Telangana - 1st Rank - Score - 98.78
Gujarat - 2nd Rank - Score - 98.21
Chattisgarh - 3rd Rank - Score - 97.32
Madhya Pradesh - 4th Rank - Score - 97.01
Haryana - 5th Rank - Score - 96.95
Tamil Nadu - 18th Rank - Score - 62.8
Source: The Times of India
Courtesy: The Times of India
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