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TNPSC Previous Questions Degree Standard.

11. Which one of the following fundamental rights is guaranteed only to the citizens and not to foreigners?
(A) Equality before law and equal protection of Law
(B) Freedom of speech and expression
(C) Right to life and personal liberty
(D) Right to freedom of religion
Answer: B

12. The Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Attorney General of India
(C) President
(D) Governor
Answer: C

13. Who among the following takes the decision whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not?
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(B) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(C) President
(D) Prime Minister
Answer: A

14. The election of the President is mentioned in
(A) Article 52
(B) Article 54
(B) Article 53
(D) Article 53(1)
Answer: B

15. Applied Nutrition Programme in India was started in the Third Five Year Plan with the assistance of ______
(A) UNO ·
Answer: B

16. Who was the First Social Reformer who advocated the abolition of 'Sati'?
(A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Thilak
(D) Vinoba
Answer: A

17. Which of these state group is visible for wide inter-state disparities in the poverty ratios?
(A) Bihar, Orissa, Madhya P~adesh
(B) Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
(C) Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat
(D) Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat
Answer: A

18. Which type of unemployment is common in Indian agriculture?
(A) Structural unemployment
(B) Seasonal unemployment
(C) Cyclical unemployment
(D) Technical unemployment
Answer: B

19. The cause of unemployment in India is not due to
(A) population explosion
(B) inadequate employment planning
(C) rapid development of industry
(D) poor manpower planning
Answer: C

20. National Income in India is estimated by
(A) Planning Commission
(B) Finance Commission
(C) Indian Statistical Institute
(D) Central Statistical Organisation
Answer: D

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