1. Who said this magical slogan of 'Jaihind'?
a. Nehru
b. Bagath Singh
c. Gandhiji
d. Nethaji
2. Jhansi attacked British in Merrut. That was the beginning of ____
a. Sepoy Mutiny
b. Sepoy Struggle
c. Sepoy Group
d. Satyagraha
3. Who made khadi or homespun cloth , the official dress of the corporation?
a. Kabar Khan
b. Nethaji
c. Bagath Singh
d. Gandhiji
4. In which year Nelson Mandela got the Nobel Peace Prize?
a. 1994
b. 2005
c. 1995
d. 1996
5. United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 18th July of every year as _____
a. U.N Day
b. Population Day
c. Mandela Day
d. World Peace Day
6. Who organised the Indian National Army (INA)?
a. Clement Atle
b. Nehru
c. Lal Bahadur Shastri
d. Subas Chandra Bose
7. Gandhi -Irwin Pact was signed in
a. 5th March 1931
b. 5th March 1932
c. 5th March 1930
d. 6th March 1930
8. Who gave the title ' Mahatma ' to 'Gandhiji'?
a. Motilal Nehru
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. Subas Chandra Bose
9. Which Congress Session Nehru get chances to met Gandhiji?
a. Chennai
b. Lucknow
c. Karachi
d. Bombay
10. Panchashila was founded by_____
a. Motilal Nehru
b. Jawaharlal Nehru
c. Rabindranath Tagore
d. Subas Chandra Bose
1. d. Nethaji
2. a. Sepoy Mutiny
3. b. Nethaji
4. a. 1994
5. c. Mandela Day
6. d. Subas Chandra Bose
7. a. 5th March 1931
8. c. Rabindranath Tagore
9. b. Lucknow
10. b. Jawaharlal Nehru