1. Which authority in the Parliament has the right to adjourn the House?
(A) Speaker of Lok Sabha and Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(B) President
(C) Parliamentary Affairs Minister
(D) Prime Minister
Answer: A
2. Who has the power to present adjournment motion in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?
(A) Minister
(B) Deputy Speaker
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Member of the said House
Answer: D
3. In the Parliament, every Bill has to pass through which stages of Reading before it becomes act?
(A) First Reading
(B) Second Reading
(C) Third Reading
(D) All the above
Answer: D
4. When a Bill is passed by the Parliament and the President, what is the status of the name?
(A) Law
(B) Bill approved
(C) Bill exercised for administration
(D) Government procedure
Answer: A
5. Which two houses, can have a joint sitting?
(A) Legislative Assembly and Parliament
(B) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(C) Council of State and Legislative Council
(D) None of the above
Answer: B
6. When does the President assent the Bill?
(A) Lok Sabha passes the Bill
(B) Rajya Sabha passes the Bill
(C) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha both passed the Bill
(D) None of the above
Answer: C
7. In India, when does the financial year commence?
(A) First April
(B) Second April
(C) First March
(f) Fifteenth March
Answer: A
8. On the subject of budget, demands for grant are arranged in which way?
(A) Prime Minister
(B) Finance Minister
(C) Ministry wise
(D) All the above
Answer: C
9. In how many parts, the Budget is presented in Lok Sabha?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) Four
Answer: B
10. How are the parts of the Budget known as____?
(A) General Budget
(B) Railway Budget
(C) A & B
(D) None of the above
Answer: C